Noshell Released
Posted by Michael on 21 June 2007, 21:56 GMT
Brandon Wilson has released a revolutionary new flash shell for the 83+ series called Noshell (pronounced nosh-ell). Simply stated, Noshell runs anything. Regardless of whether a program is ASM or BASIC, archived or in RAM, for MirageOS or for ION, Noshell will execute anything from the homescreen in the conventional prgmNAME syntax. Furthermore, it optionally allows for writeback, ensuring that high scores in games are saved.
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Re: Noshell Released
(Web Page)
I see this has the full MirageOS tasker included. Was this disassembled from MirageOS, or is this from the official source?
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22 June 2007, 03:53 GMT
Captain CrunchyOs?
(Web Page)
Does it support CrunchyOs?
P.S. The following is the complete absence of any signature whatsoever.
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22 June 2007, 06:31 GMT
Re: Noshell Released
Anthony Loven
(Web Page)
Oh snap. Nice one, Brandon - but can your Noshell make a TI 83+ work as a flux capacitor?? AHAHAHA I thought so.
Seriously, good work on this!
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22 June 2007, 12:23 GMT
Re: Noshell Released
Jon Sturm
Nice Job Branndon but you need to fix that issue with hook chaining with omnicalc and xLIb. I know that I doesn't happen on all calcs but it still needs to be fixed. but this still kicks. Btw why dose this get featured but not DOOR CS6? Hmm, does BrandonW have inside "connections"?
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22 June 2007, 12:51 GMT
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