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Noshell v1.2


Ranked as 471 on our all-time top downloads list with 27233 downloads.
Ranked as 2401 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 6 downloads.
Ranked as 252 on our top rated list with a weighted average of 8.26.

Filename noshell.zip (Download)
Title Noshell v1.2
Description Noshell is a TI-83/84 Plus Flash application which installs a parser hook that allows you to run all programs (BASIC, assembly, Ion, and MirageOS, whether in RAM or archived) as if they were BASIC, right from the PRGM menu. Neither "Asm(" nor any other shell is required to run them. It also supports optional program writeback and chaining with other parser hooks, such as xLIB.
Author Brandon Wilson (brandonlw@gmail.com)
Category TI-83/84 Plus Flash Shells
File Size 78,022 bytes
File Date and Time Thu Jun 21 21:29:38 2007
Documentation Included? Yes
Source Code Included? Yes



Review by  Tyler Stank
Reviewed on 2009-03-05
I have downloaded this program and once had it on my calculator, but I don't anymore. Not that it's not functional, just that I don't need it.

The few reasons for which I say this are that I back up my calculator at least once a month, so I'm not worried about using RAM; I don't mind typing Asm( before assembly programs; and I found that programs run only about half as fast if they are archived (I wrote a program to test this, but I don't remember what the numbers were, something like 40 or 60 versus 100 executions of a While loop with an increment operation per second).

Still, I would rate this program highly, just not useful for me (who wishes to squeeze no less than as much speed as possible out of my calculator).

See 5 more reviews


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Archive Contents
Name Size
noshell.8xk   22179
readme.txt   2124
src/equates.inc   201
src/header.asm   5409
src/hook.asm   17001
src/ion.asm   5703
src/mirageos.asm   45696
src/noshell.asm   12230
src/noshell.zws   2711
src/settings.inc   301
src/ti83plus.inc   127222
src/util.asm   10240
src/noshell.sym   12070

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