TI-85 Emulator for the DS
Posted by Michael on 21 October 2006, 04:07 GMT
Last year we reported on a TI-85 emulator for the Nintendo DS. David Rorex has now released a new version, which is completely rewritten and superior to its predecessor. You can find it at his blog. A "flashcart" is required.
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Hi from me
David Rorex
(Web Page)
In order to use this on your DS, you need to buy some things. http://dev-scene.com/NDS_Welcome has a quick overview
A good place to buy is: http://natrium42.com/shop/ (I've talked to natrium online before, he seems pretty trustworthy :P)
You need one from category 1 (to boot the DS), and one from category 2 (to store your files for playing on the DS). Pick a device depending on the type of memory cards you want to use (CF, SD, miniSD, or microSD). Personally I've had better luck with the 'Supercard' series.
If you want to see other stuff to download to play on your DS, check out: http://dev-scene.com/NDS_HomebrewCatalog (I help out with this site on the side)
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21 October 2006, 09:33 GMT
Re: TI-85 Emulator for the DS
Lol... thats wierd that ticalc would post that...
i have a ti-92plus emulator on my psp right now.
only no touch screen.
i never tried homebrew on my ds because you need to buy too many things for it. An SD card adapter and a card that makes it play the homebrew are expensive. like 60-80 for both.
but psp homebrew, just hook up to the Computer, download some stuff, send it to psp(it uses the same mini usb thing as the calcs do), and play.
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21 October 2006, 10:20 GMT

Re: Re: TI-85 Emulator for the DS
David Rorex
(Web Page)
Nope, since DS does not have internal storage like the TIs, there's not really anything homebrew can damage. It's remotely possible a crashing app could corrupt your SD or CF card, but they can always be reformatted.
If you are paranoid, you can install FlashMe (has other benefits as well), which includes a safety feature, which allows you to restore your firmware, in case it gets corrupted.
(Firmware corruption can never happen by accident, or by crashing. It can only happen if someone specifically codes a program to do it. There is only one such program known, and it is very rare and unlikely you will ever see it. Just so you know, it's a trojan app which claims to show you inappropriate material.)
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21 October 2006, 23:00 GMT
Re: TI-85 Emulator for the DS
Matt M
I thought ticalc.org had died. There hasn't been news in...forever...
Now that that's off my chest, WHEN WILL THERE BE ONE I CAN USE??? I could really use a emulator for 83/84/89 on my palm Z22!
(or for that matter, a 83/84 emulator om my 89).
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21 October 2006, 21:04 GMT
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