TI-85 Emulator for the Nintendo DS
Posted by Michael on 23 April 2005, 04:43 GMT
A fellow by the name of David Rorex has ported "an old DOS TI calculator emulator to the [Nintendo] DS," according to his project page. Information is currently very sparse, as it is not a completed work. There are a few major problems as well: He doesn't cite the name of the emulator he is using, he makes the cardinal sin of packaging a 85 ROM with the emulator, and his port is apparently still buggy. However, those of you with a Nintendo DS can try this by downloading the binary and loading it on a GBA flash cart. Meanwhile, I'm still trying to get over the fact that people don't mean Detached Solutions when they say "DS".
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Re: TI-85 Emulator for the Nintendo DS
(Web Page)
To run Nintendo DS software, you need more than just a GBA Flash cartridge. You need a passme.
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23 April 2005, 04:58 GMT
Re: TI-85 Emulator for the Nintendo DS
Shawn Zhang
*grunt* why would have a DS when the PSP is clearly superior?
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23 April 2005, 17:02 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: TI-85 Emulator for the Nintendo DS
(Web Page)
the gba /sp had a switch that was pressed down when you enter
a gb/gbs cartridge that identified it's type,
so the gba games don’t touch the switch with means it's a gba game,
(switch is a black square in game slot, very small and hard to see)
for proof of this hold down the switch (with a pen or pencil) then turn on game boy.
in the ds the switch is fixed (dose not go down)
and since the gb/gbc cartridge cant push down the button
it won’t go down all the way,
even if you mod the cartridge, cutting a slot in the bottom, (the game will fit perfectly) but the ds
wouldn’t recognize it, and say "no cartages"
or something like that.
And the cartridge won’t push down the button in the GBA so you wouldn’t be able to use it on a GBA/SP unless you use something to replace the slot you made in the cartridge (tape works 2-layers)
Man I have too much time on my hands.
(I found this out my self, did not steal it from a web page,
just if anyone asks)
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2 November 2006, 22:24 GMT
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