Flash Drives on a Calculator
Posted by Michael on 12 September 2006, 04:43 GMT
As the result of a group effort between myself, Brandon Wilson, and Dan Englender, we have released msd8x v0.94, which allows the use of ordinary USB flash drives with a TI-84 Plus. Brandon has been laboring all summer long on finishing the driver and GUI to be acceptable for public usage, and thanks to his dedication and adding of nifty features it is at last at the stage for a general release. Information on downloading and running msd8x can be found at the WikiTI calculator wiki.
With the appropriate cable, you can browse, modify, and copy (in both directions) files between a flash drive and the 84+'s RAM and/or archive. msd8x also supports the running of ION and MirageOS programs directly from a flash drive.
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Re: Flash Drives on a Calculator
Andy Janata
(Web Page)
Michael, I don't know which one of these I'm more surpised by: The fact that you got the WikiTI link wrong (it's wikiti.denglend.net, not msd8x.denglend.net), or the fact that nobody has pointed it out yet.
Also, see my "Web Page" link for more information.
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13 September 2006, 15:51 GMT
Re: Flash Drives on a Calculator
WOW!! This is a LOT of comments for such a short period of time.
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14 September 2006, 22:26 GMT
Re: Flash Drives on a Calculator
As mentioned so many times above, thank you thank you thank you!!!
And I did not originally have a female > male USB-A cable so I successfully spliced a male-female USB and the USB-A end of the USB-B > USB-A cable (the calc to calc one) together. So thanks to Dan Englender especially Re: the USB controller interface.
It's the first time I've ever spliced cables and yes it did take me more than an hour and a half; but hey thats $10 saved, right?
One gig on an 84+ SE is so not overkill. I think i've already used 18KB.
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15 September 2006, 02:02 GMT
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