File Invitation System Announced
Posted by Michael on 1 April 2005, 05:46 GMT
We will be moving within the next month to an invitation-only system for all BASIC programs in our archives. This will involve several stages. All BASIC programs will be removed from our archives. Backups will be kept and will be available upon request for authors who don't have a copy of their work. Now don't panic about your quadratic solvers just yet - you will be able to upload your programs back into our archives. The difference is that from now on an invitation code will be required to do so.
Each author in our archives will be given invitation codes, one per each ASM program. The assembly authors can then select BASIC programs to approve from a list of pending potential files. When an author is out of codes, that's it. This will accomplish two things: The number of BASIC programs and assembly programs will be at most a 1:1 ratio. This should clean up the quality of our BASIC programs and ensure only the innovative and well-written programs are in our archives. Second, we hope this will increase the number of program reviews as authors will be inspecting all of the BASIC programs closely. In the case of older programs where the original authors may no longer be active, we will be manually reviewing those programs and will put them into the approval queue as needed.
Before we finalize this drastic change, we are soliciting comments about the idea. Please post in this news article with any suggestions. In the interim, BASIC programmers can e-mail to request that when we purge the archives, their programs be automatically placed in a potential queue to be re-added. Please put, and only put the file id of your program in the subject line (one per e-mail). The content of the body does not matter. You can find the id of your files by the number in the URL of their file information pages (e.g. "12345.html").
I understand that many BASIC programmers are going to have misgivings about this, but please try to keep an open mind and realize that in the long run, our archives will be more relevant to visitors.
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Re: File Invitation System Announced
OH MY GOD! I am planning to release a 30,000 line program on It is written in TI-68k basic.
It includes totally unique programming concepts like expr within solve, and total equations so 3D figures can be calculated with a minimum of information. Unfortunately it is incomplete right now...
I also hate ASM math programs. They suck. All of them. The math stuff is far easier to do in BASIC than in ASM or C, and when done very well, TI-BASIC (68k basic anyway) is much better than either of these languages, although with a lack of speed. Seems to me that this idea will discourage BASIC programmers, even very good ones.
Let me be as clear as possible. If this is done to, I will leave and not come back. So will most other people interested in math. Admittedly, we don't need quadratic equation solvers, but there are some really good programs out there. This idea will destroy the entire site. I am serious.
Of course, if this idea is only applied to TI-83/83+/84/84+ BASIC programs, that's fine since those programs suck. However, TI-68k basic math programs should and must be left alone.
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1 April 2005, 19:04 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: File Invitation System Announced
(Web Page)
You just said the same thing he did yet argued his point. That doesn't make sense. IMO, if it's not BASIC programming, it's not BASIC. It's using the BASIC editor, yes, but it's just a bunch of garbage which isn't even remotely close to BASIC. Using your logic, if I opened JCreator and typed "asdlfkjsdlfkj" into the file and saved it, I'd be programming in Java just because I was in an Java IDE environment, right? That's obviously false, just as false as saying typing cheat notes into your calculator is BASIC, just because it's in a programming environment. It won't run, it's not even close to valid BASIC programming, therefore it is not BASIC.
That's why you should get a TI-89. You can make actual text files on your calculator. :-P
... And this is a completely pointless thread.
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2 April 2005, 01:09 GMT

Re: Re: File Invitation System Announced
(Web Page)
All I have to say to that is... "wow."
>> TI-BASIC (68k basic anyway) is much better than either of these languages, although with a lack of speed
That statement right there is just funny. Speed is _everything_. Do you want to type in an expression and wait a minute for it to calculate? With today's technology, even a few seconds of processing will make the average person very impatient.
Secondly, I don't see how you can hate ASM math programs. They can do so much more "if coded properly" (your same arguement for BASIC). Remember that BASIC is run through an interpreter (run by *gasp* ASM), so essentially, it's being run by ASM, only indirectly, which sucks because of how slow it is.
Third, you must have tried many of the ASM math programs. Have you seen Cabamap? (Though technically it's "flash") It's very powerful. You try programming that in BASIC.
Oh, and ASM takes up less space.
>> Of course, if this idea is only applied to TI-83/83+/84/84+ BASIC programs, that's fine since those programs suck.
But because you program in BASIC for ANOTHER calculator, that makes its BASIC language okay, right?
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2 April 2005, 01:21 GMT
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