Monopoly for the 89
Posted by Michael on 25 December 2004, 03:36 GMT
This week, Mike Elgen updated his version of Monopoly for the 89. Monoply has been under development for the last 1.5 years according to the author, and it is a near clone of the classic board game. It is 89 Titanium compatible and can be the replacement should you not find Monopoly under your Christmas tree. Hopefully this turns out better than in the past.
Public notice: Everyone in the western hemisphere who celebrates Christmas must visit at least once tomorrow morning or your nerd level will drop 15%. That is all.
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Re: Re: Re: Monoply for the 89
(Web Page)
Yes-that is EXACTLY what is buggy on mine! Except I recompiled mine for the V200. (But I still tried it on VTI and it was buggy for the 89)
I may be wrong, but I think that the no trading with the AI is not a bug; it's implemented into the code.
I think that the problem with the community chest is that there was supposed to be another property there, because the "real" community chest iis one square away (by real I mean the one where you receive cards)
Also, on some Community Chest cards, it says some weird crap; I think that this should be changed.
Oh, yes. You CAN trade with the AI. But one time I tried to trade with player 1 (I was player 2), and it said "Does player 0 agree to trade?"; I think that the number was accidently decremented; so if you play with the AI, it says "Does player 1 agree to trade?" but it really means "Does player 2 agree to trade?", and by default, the AI says no.
This also makes sense because I believe that the author stated that he did not yet make the AI check that the trade is profitable (One can get Boardwalk for $1 without this) and to prevent such an unprofitable trade, he made the AI always choose "NO".
Unfortunately, this may make a game unfinishable, because with no houses (each player owns one property in each color group), the game just goes on as each player gains more and more money. This happened to me, and I was quite annoyed, and I fortfeited the game. This should be improved.
Phew, that was long!
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25 December 2004, 23:53 GMT
Re: Monopoly for the 89
I celebrate Christmas, the JEWISH WAY!!
Which just so happens to involve movies and chinese food...
And since i dont celebrate chrismas and i did visit your site, and i dont really celebrate Christmas, does my nerd percentage RISE??
(crossing fingers...)
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26 December 2004, 13:21 GMT
Re: Monopoly for the 89
Greg Miller
(Web Page)
On the subject of legality, is there any reason why SMQ is "Space Monkey Quest" and the monkey colletcs banana's? Does anyone know if Nintendo contacted the author?
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27 December 2004, 01:06 GMT
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