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Ranked as 506 on our all-time top downloads list with 25880 downloads.
Ranked as 27407 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 1 downloads.
Ranked as 294 on our top rated list with a weighted average of 8.18.

Filename monoply.zip (Download)
Title Monoply
Description A revolutionary new game featuring cutting-edge technologies including SmartStart, a Battery Saving Structure, and Advanced Graphics. The gameplay is very simple and easy to use and graphics add to the overall appeal. This game is very similar to Monopoly with only a few changes. I have spent the last 1.5 YEARS on it and hope you enjoy!
Author Mike Elgen (angelboy@foxvalley.net)
Category TI-89 Assembly Games (Board)
File Size 195,595 bytes
File Date and Time Tue Dec 21 04:38:52 2004
Documentation Included? Yes
Source Code Included? Yes



Review by  Andy v
Reviewed on 2007-09-07
This is a pretty cool program. It has awesome graphics and works pretty much exactly like the board game, without the hassle of sorting paper money. The only two things that I don't like are 1. The AI players go way to fast to see what they're doing, and 2. There is a save feature, and an autosave feature, but you can't load a saved game.

See 2 more reviews


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Archive Contents
Name Size
ReadMe.txt   4066
AI/Property Statistics.xls   57344
BASIC Version/MONOBRD.89I   865
BASIC Version/monopce.89p   5163
BASIC Version/MONOPLY.89P   8917
BASIC Version/monoply.astart.89p   591
BASIC Version/monoply.monoai.89p   144
BASIC Version/monoply.monoply.89p   6297
BASIC Version/monoply.pieces.89p   5057
BASIC Version/monoply.prop.89f   1363
BASIC Version/ReadMe.txt   179
Smart Start/Smart Start.89z   2003
Smart Start/SmartStart.c   8440
Smart Start/SmartStart.tpr   1168
Smart Start/SS Readme.txt   1666
Smart Start/ttunpack.h   6327
Source/AI.h   17926
Source/Board.h   6102
Source/English.h   8599
Source/functions.h   5412
Source/License.txt   18341
Source/monoply.c   87495
Source/monoply.tpr   1276
SS/bigboard_a.GIF   69691
SS/MONOPLY0001.gif   1531
SS/MONOPLY0002.gif   2868
SS/MONOPLY0003.gif   1766
SS/MONOPLY0004.gif   1722
SS/MONOPLY0005.gif   1639
SS/MONOPLY0006.gif   1528
SS/MONOPLY0007.gif   1628
SS/MONOPLY0008.bmp   5662
monoply.89y   28421
monoply.89z   2007
monoply-Titanium.89z   1827

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