File Rating System
Posted by Magnus on 14 March 2004, 18:25 GMT
The first part of our shiny new file rating system has been finished. This is the part that will collect the rating of the community, and store it in our database. We do not yet create any reports based on the ratings information, but will eventually. As usual, you can only rate each file once.
So, please go ahead and rate a lot of files. That way the initial rankings will contain valid data once they go up. To rate a file, bring up its file information page, and select your vote.
Update (Joey): We didn't forget about Pi Day, but no one around here could come up with enough material for an article. I guess you could go read mine from last year, or even better, Andy's article from four years ago. Happy Pi Day.
Update (Magnus): The forms now show which end of the scale means good and which means bad.
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Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: File Rating System
16...he had 144 which is 12^2 and I had 169 which is 13^2...unfortunately, I haven't had ANY time to memorize more digits of PI, and, have actually gone DOWN to below 100 digits! NOOOOOO!!!! I did remember to recite them at 1:59:26 Mountain time though...I kept telling my family:
Me: Seven more minutes...
Brother: Til what?
Me: Just wait and see...6 min and 37 sec!
Brother: Til what?!
Me: I told you to jsut wait.
<3 minutes later>
Me: 3 MINUTES!!!!
Brother: JUST TELL ME!!!
Me: Just wait another 2 minutes and 30 seconds...
Brother: This better not be stupid...when is it, at 2:00?
Me: No, it's at 1:59 and 26 seconds...
Brother: *gives Jake a puzzled look* Huh? Is someone coming over?
Me: Yeah, I just happen to know that one of my friends is coming over at exactly 1:59 and 26 seconds.
Brother: Oh, so thats a no...
<30 seconds until PI second>
*Jake starts to count down>
<30 seconds later>
Me: 3.1415926535...!!!
Brother: You, my friend, are a nerd...
Me: Thanks!
Reply to this comment
15 March 2004, 19:27 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: File Rating System
(Web Page)
It was more than that, but I just estimated it to "over 160." Though it's not really much. I would have done a lot more, had I not been so busy the two weeks before pi day (the USAMTS round 4 problems were due on pi day as well). I was going to bring a paper with 500-some digits of pi on it for my spring break trip, but I forgot it at home :'(
At our school, there was a contest, for whoever could write down 100 digits of pi, they'd get their name in a drawing for a pie. The bad thing was, everybody cheated and copied them down off the internet, so I doubt I won. :-\ I proved to her that I had mine memorized, though :)
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16 March 2004, 00:34 GMT
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