Star Wars; Space Shoot Out
Posted by Michael on 4 January 2004, 17:27 GMT
Two space games for the 89 have been released: The first is Star Wars by Vincent Corfdir. It's a shoot-em-up featuring the X-Wing and Snow Speeder craft from the movie, and runs on the 92+ and Voyage 200 as well.
Secondly, Greg Miller has released Space Shoot Out, requiring a kernel such as PreOS. Each of the six levels is played with a story regarding your mission, then the goal is to defeat the enemies and the boss. In comparison to the popular game Phoenix, Space Shoot Out has the shop available during play for upgrades at nearly any time.
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Re: Star Wars; Space Shoot Out
Michael McElroy
(Web Page)
Both of these look quite nice. Unfortunately I have access to neither my link nor a copy of VTI (with a working rom), so I can't try either one at the moment. Nevertheless, good work, gentlemen!
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4 January 2004, 17:47 GMT
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