100000th News Post!
Posted by Michael on 24 December 2003, 18:31 GMT
This news article marks the 100,000th post in our news database. The actual number is less, because of deleted comments. Thank you to all the authors and users who have made us able to reach this milestone! As you know, Magnus has recently been working on improvements to our system, and we hope to have an even better news system in the future. What programs get to be featured in the one-tenth of a million news article, you ask? XPak 1.0 and uView 1.0 have been released by Paul Froissart. XPak is a file compressor for the 89/92+/V200 that works like ZipLib, is almost as powerful as TTPack, and several times faster. uView is a companion text editor. Basicbuilder by Martin Warmer is a Windows program to convert your BASIC programs into flash applications for the TI-83 Plus. This seems perfect for personal use, packaging games so that they can be run from flash and avoiding the pain of constantly ungrouping them. Please don't release a million number guessing game apps, however. Oh, and right now - Merry Christmas to those of you in Australia.
The comments below are written by ticalc.org visitors. Their views are not necessarily those of ticalc.org, and ticalc.org takes no responsibility for their content.
Re: 100000th News Post!
(Web Page)
Hi, I'm working on a TI83+ ASM shell that also uses Pucrunch compression. It will be released soon.
24 December 2003, 20:16 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: 100000th News Post!
(Web Page)
I just completed a pucrunch decompression ASM shell (beta version, get it at the URL link of this post, source is included) It uses a modified version of pucrunch that outputs a header compatible with the stock GB uncruncher, and outputs a raw binary by default (no C64 crap). The uncruncher was modified to allow decompression with source data accross different rom pages.
The shell never unarchives any programs, it decompresses them from Flash straight to RAM. I use a method that blindly allocates bytes at usermem, then decompresses the program. The program runs just like any Ion program, self modifying, writing to itself, etc. When the program unloads, save data is copied from the program to an appvar. The shell automaticly creates, loads, and saves appvars as needed. It uses addresses specified in the header of the program. Check the readme for more details.
I was thinking adapting the shell to support flash games inside the app itself. I was also thinking about basic suppport, but then threw out the idea since basic programs often need subs. Then I saw your program.
Joltima and Dying Eyes compress REALLY well by the way. At least a third is shaved off each.
24 December 2003, 23:00 GMT
Re: 100000th News Post!
Jiaqi Wu
My old english teacher would be annoyed if he read this article because he is a comma freak. I personaly think there should be some in the 100000 too because it took me a few seconds to count how many 0's there were.
You should know, just in case, that I'm just joking around and not being really serious here.
25 December 2003, 00:36 GMT
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