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uView 1.0


Ranked as 1189 on our all-time top downloads list with 15190 downloads.
Ranked as 2955 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 3 downloads.
Ranked as 631 on our top rated list with a weighted average of 6.48.

Filename uview.zip (Download)
Title uView 1.0
Description uView is a text viewer that's similar to TextRider and uses the same basic syntax, but it features greatly enhanced compression, rock-solid stability, an integrated browser to quickly find texts, and a powerful search engine that allows you to search for a specific phrase by looking *inside* all your text files, even compressed ones!
Author Paul Froissart (paul.froissart@libertysurf.fr)
Category TI-89 Assembly Misc. Programs
File Size 111,375 bytes
File Date and Time Thu Dec 18 23:54:11 2003
Documentation Included? Yes
Source Code Included? No



Review by  Nishad Phadke
Reviewed on 2010-12-26
Speed: 9.5

User friendliness: 10

Bugs: none

Tested on a TI-89 OS 2.09 HW 2.00.

This is a fast, excellent, useful, and safe program.

Main reasons I downloaded it: small font capability. When you use the built-in text editor, the font is quite large and you find yourself scrolling around a lot. With uView, you can just add "#1" to the beginning of the text file and you instantly read a lot more text on the screen at once.

Aside from that, the program has lots of other formatting features, such as tabs and underlines, that make it useful and thought out. I definitely recommend this program if you frequently use text files.


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Archive Contents
Name Size
uView.html   10562
uview_e.89z   7959
uview_f.89z   7983
Unpacked/uview_e_upk.89z   10765
Unpacked/uview_f_upk.89z   10801
Unpacked/uview_e_upk.9xz   10959
Unpacked/uview_f_upk.9xz   10995
Unpacked/uview_f_upk.v2z   10995
Unpacked/uview_e_upk.v2z   10959
uview_f.9xz   8041
uview_e.9xz   8027
uview_f.v2z   8041
uview_e.v2z   8027
XPak.zip   28059

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