More New Features: Featured Programs
Posted by Nick on 30 October 1999, 00:35 GMT
We have yet another exciting feature at! Every time our archiving staff comes across a program of merit, it's added to's Featured Programs. Every month, the featured program list will become the nomination list for the Program of the Month (POTM) and that month's POTM winners will be voted on by our users from the list. Featured programs also have a new color for the fileinfo icon ( ). As you can probably see in the recent updates list, six programs have been selected by us to be the first featured programs. This month, POTM will be selected the old way, but starting at the end of next month, the POTM will be determined by the method mentioned above. This ensures that no program will be accidentally selected twice for POTM, and it also ensures that TI-BASIC programs will be better represented. If you feel that we missed a program, or you have any questions or comments regarding the featured programs, please email
The comments below are written by visitors. Their views are not necessarily those of, and takes no responsibility for their content.
Re: More New Features: Featured Programs
(Web Page)
Boy, ticalc just gets better and better, I love it. First comment :)
30 October 1999, 00:42 GMT
Re: More New Features: Featured Programs
Patrick Wilson
(Web Page)
I like pie.
Interpret it as you wish.
30 October 1999, 00:44 GMT
Re: More New Features: Featured Programs
Adam Berlinsky-Schine
(Web Page)
Great, this gives people a whole new reason to whine at Prepare for a whole slew of "Why didn't my TI-81 BASIC Guessing game get a 'featured program'?!?!?!"
30 October 1999, 00:54 GMT
Re: More New Features: Featured Programs
I have a suggestion for another update: on news items with over 100 comments on them, there shoulc be a few pages for comments with about 50 comments per page, so that the page doesn't take forever to load, especialy for people who just want to read the entire news item.
30 October 1999, 01:30 GMT

Re: Re: More New Features: Featured Programs
(Web Page)
Yeah, it's definitely messy when an article gets so many comments. However, only 17 of about 350 articles (i.e. 5%) that have been posted since we opened commenting actually have 100 or more comments.
We're looking into some possible changes, though, and assuming we keep commenting at all, a very likely change would be a Slashdot-like rating system to let you display only comments above a certain threshold. This would keep pages smaller since "demoted" comments (a significant percentage, I predict) would be hidden by default, and this might avoid the size problem in most cases. Then again, maybe not.
Doing multiple pages is tricky since, in theory, there could be a hundred replies to a single comment, and splitting it up would interrupt the flow of discussion. If we just displayed subjects it would be easier, but most people don't bother to type a subject.
Still, if you've got some ideas for this, please send us some mail. But please keep in mind that we won't make any changes until after the unmoderated period is over, and even then coding and testing will take some time.
30 October 1999, 02:22 GMT
Re: More New Features: Featured Programs
(Web Page)
I don't know if this will work, only time will tell. I still think the POTM should be the same as before but with a basic and asm slot for each calculator. If you keep a list of what programs have won for what calculator it will be so very easy to remove past winners...
Kind of off-topic: update the awards page. It was last updated June/July...
30 October 1999, 02:03 GMT
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