Tinux by Olivier Borowski
Posted by Nick on 23 October 1999, 20:37 GMT
Aaron Chernosky provided me with a link to a page carrying a shell that I (and it seems like everyone else) never knew existed before (though it was apparently updated in August): Tinux. As you can see from the screenshot, it looks pretty neat; this assembly shell for the 86 has a lot of great features. This program was created by Olivier Borowski, and sadly, the entire program (source, text and everything else) is in French. English port, anyone? :) Completely Unrelated Update (Nick): Today, we once again broke the weekly request record with 1,638,602 page requests for the week of October 17. The previous record was set last week, October 10, with 1,623,549 requests - about 15,000 less. Yay.
The comments below are written by ticalc.org visitors. Their views are not necessarily those of ticalc.org, and ticalc.org takes no responsibility for their content.
Re: Tinux by Olivier Borowski
I translated the french and it sounds ok.
23 October 1999, 20:42 GMT
Re: Tinux by Olivier Borowski
(Web Page)
Seems good, although I don't know French it's not too hard to figure out what everything does. Very lagre though.
23 October 1999, 21:16 GMT
Re: Tinux by Olivier Borowski
(Web Page)
To do online translations, (Netscape only) drag the Web Page link into your toolbar. It will translate the active page.
To translate text, follow the link, but replace the URL with some text.
(yes, it's the same as the lame babelfish)
23 October 1999, 21:49 GMT
Re: Tinux by Olivier Borowski
Its a nice shell, but it is just too damn big! (>12k with everything)
23 October 1999, 22:09 GMT
Re: Tinux by Olivier Borowski
(Web Page)
I saw this shell about a month ago, and played around with it. I too was disappointed that it was in French. I went to babelfish.altavista.com, and started translating the french asm source. But, when I tried to compile it, all the include files had weird characters as file names and it kept giving me errors. So I stopped. Looks pretty good though.
23 October 1999, 22:10 GMT
Re: Tinux by Olivier Borowski
(Web Page)
Bad: Unstable, large, in french
Good:ABSOLUTELY FREAKIN AWESOME Graphics (Love the penguin background) resizable and windows, smoothe scrolling, configurable,an actual file sustem, no more program grouping, it has nested folders and file copy/paste. This is truely amazing. If someone would port it to english and fix some of the MANY bugs, it would be better than anything out for even the 68k calcs!!!
23 October 1999, 22:58 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Tinux by Olivier Borowski
(Web Page)
Heh, you're right that this thing is obscenely huge, however, I'd like to point out that this shell, when installed, does *not* take up 80% of the 86's ram, it takes up roughly 21k out of the 96k of ram that is available to the user. And that obviously turns out to be only 20% (heh, "ONLY" you say, yes it is big, but not 80%). Get your numbers right ;). As for the 89's archive. Yes, I muct admit, the archive ownz all the other non-flash rom calcs, however, let's hope TI will come out with an 86+ with a even larger archive than the 89 ;)
Other things I would like to point out about Tinux. The multitasking that the author claims Tinux has is only when you have programs optimized for Tinux. This means that the program muct have a windowed interface similar to the program explorer (translated directly from french "Folders") and the configuration window. AFAIK there can only be 5 optimized programs running at the same time but I very seriously doubt the stability of this system, there has to be a check to make sure there is enough ram to have them open. 'Tis difficult but deffinately possible.
Now, for something all you non-francophones, it's quite hard to understand what anything does because the program is entirely in french. Welp buddy, either learn french or get someone to port it. Now, I think that this program will get a very warm responce from the 86 users (it certainly has gotten one from me) and finding someone who knows french and is good at assembly to port it into an english version should not be too hard.
24 October 1999, 22:19 GMT
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