TCPA and Block Dude, Laser Mayhem, Solytare
Posted by Nick on 18 October 1999, 23:34 GMT
TCPA, purveyor of fine calculator software for the past, uh, some amount of time, has released yet more exciting programs this week. Laser Mayhem v1.1 has been released for the 83 and 83 Plus under - surprise surprise - Ion. This game, as shown in the screenshot, is an elaborate puzzle game involving a myriad(!) of tricks and surprises. Solytare v2.11, ported to the 83 by TCPA, is an assembly-coded solitaire game. It is not available for the 83 Plus due to Ahmed's decision that it only be made for the 83, according to the readme. Block Dude v1.0 is the exciting puzzle game recently made for the 83 and 83 Plus. It is ported to the 82 and 86. In this game, you have to assemble blocks in a way such that you reach an exit door. Thanks to TCPA for all their great contributions to the TI community so far, and let's hope they keep coming out with such high-quality in the programs in the future.
The comments below are written by visitors. Their views are not necessarily those of, and takes no responsibility for their content.
Re: TCPA and Block Dude, Laser Mayhem, Solytare
will mortsen
Laser mayhem is awesome. keep up the good work.
(heheh first comment)
18 October 1999, 23:40 GMT
Re: TCPA and Block Dude, Laser Mayhem, Solytare
Bryan Rabeler
(Web Page)
Both Sam Heald and Ahmed El-Helw have decided that none of their games will be ported to the TI-83 Plus, ever. The reason given, on the TCPA page, was that TI-83 Plus owners were constantly harrassing them and complaining about bugs in games. Way to go guys. I deeply regret that its come this far.
(And yes, I am finally back after revoked my posting abilities for one week. Actually, it turned out to be 11 days. Reason they cited: "abuse".)
19 October 1999, 00:41 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: TCPA and Block Dude, Laser Mayhem, Solytare
(Web Page)
Well, we allow plenty of comments we don't "like," but usually not the ones that insult us.
As an example, a constructive expression of opinion might say, "In my opinion, only keeps the comments they like. I feel this way because x, y, and z." On the contrary, an unsubstantiated insult goes more like this: "They only keep the ones they like." The person who posts something of the latter form is not being fair, no matter what you say. How could he know this to be true in every case? He can't, since he's not in charge of keeping or not keeping comments. He's usually not me, or one of our other staff members, so he can't really know what our intents are. He can observe and form an opinion about them, or quote things we've said, but doesn't really _know_. It's also pretty obvious that not every single last comment that we like is kept and not every single last comment we don't like is removed. Failing to address these massive chunks of an issue and presenting one's personal opinion as fact (and without evidence) is a rather disrespectful thing to do. One might say we don't "like" that.
However, anyone can come right out and post a comment that starts out with " is a terrible site and all of the staff members are incompetent" and we won't touch it, but it's got to be a level-headed comment, include a bit of evidence, not make use of sweeping generalizations, and at least acknowledge that there are other ways of looking at it.
Good: criticism that gives examples everybody can judge and encourages improvement
Bad: criticism for the sake of being obnoxious, or unsupported claims that present the author's word as ultimate, indisputable fact
19 October 1999, 05:03 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: TCPA and Block Dude, Laser Mayhem, Solytare
See, now you are thinking too strictly on an obvious borad staement. What Bryan meant by saying "Yeah, they want members of the TI community to post comments to news - yet they only keep the ones they like. " was that a lot of the time, many posts get deleted for no reason, yet some, obviously bad are kept. His statement is an exageration. Kinda of like saying "Boy, I must have ate an entire Cow" or "Man, thought so hard my brain cracked!". Do you get it?
19 October 1999, 06:07 GMT
Re: TCPA and Block Dude, Laser Mayhem, Solytare
(Web Page)
UHHHHH!!!! Sometimes I want to kill people who cause this type of thing to happen. Go ahead everyone who I am refering to go ahead and email me, flame me what ever. I am tired of lazy bum ass owners of calculators, espically you idiot 83+ owners (refering to the flamers, you know who you are) who don't know how hard it is to port. I would not be surprised if all porters and game makers stop producing programs for the ti83+.
19 October 1999, 01:02 GMT
Re: Re: TCPA and Block Dude, Laser Mayhem, Solytare
I'm an 83+ owner. I don't think it's fair that people refer to us as whole. I'm fully aware at how hard is to port, and to even make games. (Even though I have no experince making any sort of program for a calculator..well except little math formula programs, and just a simple knowleage of VisualB, and Basic).
I would never even request a programmer to "hurry" up and post, because hell their doing it for fun mostly. I don't think it's fair that programmers are making decisions not to make stuff for TI-83+ based on what a few rude, pushy morons said. I'm not sure of the percentage...but I think that the precentage of TI-83, and TI-83+ users, who even know this site exsists is extrememlly small (I know lots of people that just get their stuff from other calculators). I thinks it just doesn't make sense to base a decision like that on what some morons say. THERE'S A LOT OF NICE, NORMAL TI-83+ users!
19 October 1999, 03:22 GMT
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