Ahmed El-Helw Ports Many Popular Games to 83 Plus
Posted by Nick on 2 October 1999, 00:50 GMT
Ahmed El-Helw has recently released many exciting ports of popular games to the TI-83 Plus. These function under the Ion shell and can be also used on the normal TI-83 (under Ion, of course). They are (in no particular order) Baseball '99, Squarez, Sokoban and the classic ZTetris. For more information, head over to Ahmed's site here. Update (Nick): Ahmed has fixed a widely known bug in the recently released port of ZTetris. Keep in mind that this copy will work on both the 83 and the 83 Plus as long as Ion is installed. Update (Nick): Ahmed has fixed another bug in the port. You can grab the fixed version here. This copy should be working fine. Also, note that Ahmed will not be doing any further ports of games due to the massive amounts of flames he received in the past week. For more information, please go to Ahmed's website here.
The comments below are written by ticalc.org visitors. Their views are not necessarily those of ticalc.org, and ticalc.org takes no responsibility for their content.
Re: Ahmed El-Helw Ports Many Popular Games to 83 Plus
Joel Seligstein
(Web Page)
Great! I've been waiting!! Great job Ahmed!!!! BTW: that firs post was completely unnecessary.
2 October 1999, 01:03 GMT
ZTetris for ION Problems
Ahmed El-Helw
(Web Page)
Hey Guys,
It's been brought to my attention that ZTetris is having some problems under ION... first of all, there is a bug in Joe's FastCopy routine in ION, and he is working on fixing that. However, I will look into the source to see if I can find any other bugs that may cause crashing, and if you find any specific bugs [ex. it always crashes when you do this], please let me know. I already know it crashes randomally at times, and I am working on fixing that. Thanks.
2 October 1999, 01:59 GMT
Re: ZTetris for ION Problems
Yeah, no kidding, my TI-83 + is all screwed up now, when i turn it on, it turns back off (the screen flashes on then off) and all i did while playing ZTetris was hit [c l e a r]! now the whole thing is screwed up, it wont turn back on or anything, i had version 1.03 and yea, i think the version matters. i have e-mail texas instruments, and i am hoping they can help me fix this, but if any of you have any suggestions, please e-mail me at ralf_born@earthlink.net
2 October 1999, 04:07 GMT
Matt O'Connor
ztetris erased my ram!, the first time it did it completly caught me offguard and i went around the room yelling explicatives, at least i had most of the stuff archived. it happend after i completed 2 lines then the screen went blank then the screen came back on saying my ram was erased, which it was. i didnt know it was ztetris but i decided to play it again after i put ion back on my 83+, and the same exact thing happen. i have bios 1.12 dont know if that matters or not
2 October 1999, 02:36 GMT
Re: Ahmed El-Helw Ports Many Popular Games to 83 Plus
Rackford Smith
(Web Page)
Allright!!! I just got an 83+, and I already had all of the assembly games for it. Now there's all these good ones.
I'm not putting Ion down or anything, but it would be better if it were like ase on the 86, where it lists both Basic and Assembly programs.
2 October 1999, 02:38 GMT
Re: Ahmed El-Helw Ports Many Popular Games to 83 Plus
Laszlo Windhoffer
(Web Page)
I found one big problem w/ tetris. When I'm playing the game, and press Quit(Mode), there is an error:undefined and everything gets screwed up after that.
2 October 1999, 03:16 GMT
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