Ahmed El-Helw Ports Many Popular Games to 83 Plus
Posted by Nick on 2 October 1999, 00:50 GMT
Ahmed El-Helw has recently released many exciting ports of popular games to the TI-83 Plus. These function under the Ion shell and can be also used on the normal TI-83 (under Ion, of course). They are (in no particular order) Baseball '99, Squarez, Sokoban and the classic ZTetris. For more information, head over to Ahmed's site here. Update (Nick): Ahmed has fixed a widely known bug in the recently released port of ZTetris. Keep in mind that this copy will work on both the 83 and the 83 Plus as long as Ion is installed. Update (Nick): Ahmed has fixed another bug in the port. You can grab the fixed version here. This copy should be working fine. Also, note that Ahmed will not be doing any further ports of games due to the massive amounts of flames he received in the past week. For more information, please go to Ahmed's website here.
The comments below are written by ticalc.org visitors. Their views are not necessarily those of ticalc.org, and ticalc.org takes no responsibility for their content.
Re: Ahmed El-Helw Ports Many Popular Games to 83 Plus
Tim Chao
I tried the games under my ti-83 (not plus) and they didn't work, not even with ion
2 October 1999, 04:12 GMT
Re: Ahmed El-Helw Ports Many Popular Games to 83 Plus
B Smith
tetris works fine for me except for the speed it starts out at is unusually high for level 1 in tetris and the score after 1 line is about 3500 so thats a tad off but besides that its cool.(I have TI-83+ 1.12 too doubt it matters at all)
2 October 1999, 06:44 GMT
Re: Ahmed El-Helw Ports Many Popular Games to 83 Plus
Sam Heald
(Web Page)
Ok, ok. I think its obvious that the 83+ version of Ztetris doesn't work. All of the 83+ users affected should stop sending me hate mail. I had nothing to do with the port. The same goes for all of the people who tried to send the .83p version of an ION game to their 83+, and it didn't work (SubHunt).
As a consequence of all this hatemail, no more ION ports of any project with which I am affiliated will be made. No emails sent to me reqarding the 83+ will be answered. However, as common courtesy, I have looked into the Ztetris 83+ source and found the problem. It was fairly obvious, and it had nothing to do with the display routine. Ahmed should fix it soon.
2 October 1999, 14:53 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Ahmed El-Helw Ports Many Popular Games to 83 Plus
(Web Page)
Hey! Neither am I! I know it's a new calc, and bugs still need to be worked out and programs fixed! Most of us are smart enough to expect that b4 we bought our x month old calcs. Please do not stop porting to the 83+!! It would be a real shame! All the flame you are getting is comming from those Freshmen and Sophomores who don't know zilch about an TI let alone their newest one! Just ignore them! TO ALL OF YOU NEWBIES OUT THERE, GIVE THESE PROGRAMERS A BREAK. THEY ARE SPENDING THEIR FREE TIME TO GIVE YOU A LITTLE BIT OF ENJOYMENT. DON'T FLAME THEM BECAUSE THEY MADE A MISTAKE, THEY ARE DOING YOU A SERVICE, AND UNTILL YOU CAN PROGRAM THAT LITTLE COUNTING MACHINE YOU BOUGHT AS GOOD AS THEM, SHUDDUP ABOUTIT!!!!!!!!!
my brother's '83+ crashed (turned off then cleared RAM) twice b4 it started working, not sure if it is working now yet but it seems to be.
all you hafta do is create a backup group of all your programs in a group file (read the manual, that's what it's there for!) (2nd + MEM + 8 create new, all, BCKUP or something like that) then when your RAM gets cleared at school or sumthin' just restore the backup geniuses!
2 October 1999, 19:56 GMT
Idiots Flock to +'s
The results of my month long research are in, and yes, it's official: all of the idiots in American high schools are drawn to the mystical powers of the +. Let them not purchase a calculator useful past Algebra 2, nay! Let them purchase the TI-83+, for the + undoubtedly means better, does it not? And what is this silly book they have included, a manual? Bah! No self respecting user would crack open such a useless item! Let them instead flock to the help channels. When that becomes tiresome, let them not seek to learn something of value, but forsooth! let them program useless utilities and clones of programs already availiable, then let them distribute them and hail their own creations as the greatest thing since sliced bread! For, yae, this is the way of the TI-83+ user.
Levine "Score: 0 - Flamebait" [last name]
2 October 1999, 18:45 GMT

Re: Idiots Flock to +'s
Whew! Controversy abound! Let me clarify (for those of you not gramaticially inclined)
I do not own an 83, or an 83+. I never have. But I have used both, and I find no advantage whatsoever of either over any other higher-level TI calculator. Price is not a factor, as far as I'm concerned... the 83, 83+, 85 and 86 are all well within $30 of each other if you're willing to hunt around. I am fully aware of the large amount of time and money teachers have put into this particular model, and I do not agree with it at all. As many people here have stated, it is useless past mid-level math. And I don't see how the 'ease of use' argument stands up... there is about a 3 minute learning curve when going from the 83[+] to either the 85 or 86 (2 of which are spent learning to adapt to the highly more efficent function-key based menu system), and perhaps 10 minutes from there to the 89.
The reason I posted this is because I am _very_ tired of answering the exact same questions in an unnamed help channel over... and over... and over. I'd predict that out of all the questions asked, 80-85% of them have to do with someone who lacks the mental capacity to look up one of the most basic features of the 83+ in the manual.
I would normally apologise at the end of a post like this, but I have nothing to apologise for.
4 October 1999, 22:48 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Idiots Flock to +'s
I doubt anybody will read this, but...
I recently got an 83+. I got it not because i think it's the best out there because of the plus. I got it because I didn't need anything better, and in Alg II even. I admit, there are better TIs, but it was all I needed. But to make a long story short, the new 86 has been released out here(developer's version, basically an 86+) and the 86 went on sale for the same price as my 83+, so i traded it in. Sure, there's better, but do you need it? Remember a few years back when you couldn't USE a calculator? Got by then, huh?
11 January 2000, 05:03 GMT
Re: Ahmed El-Helw Ports Many Popular Games to 83 Plus
Travis Skare
(Web Page)
The new programs don't work for the regular 83 - I can get every other program requiring ION to work, but none of these. Maybe it's a problem with the compiler.
No rush replying, especially since it looks like I can play SOS ZTetris against ION ZTetris for the 83+. (?)
Dang, and I really wanted to use that calendar, too ^_^
2 October 1999, 22:44 GMT
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