Tetris Attack ported to TI-86
Posted by Kirk on 11 June 1999, 20:53 GMT
Aaron Curtis has ported Tetris Attack to the TI-86. The game was originally written by Brandon Sterner, and it is a TCPA game. Incidentally, the game just won the 82 and 83 Program of the Month awards for the month of May.
The comments below are written by ticalc.org visitors. Their views are not necessarily those of ticalc.org, and ticalc.org takes no responsibility for their content.
Re: Tetris Attack ported to TI-86
Well, it's about time! I've been wanting to play this to see what it's all about.
11 June 1999, 21:19 GMT

Tetris Attack could still be a good game
It is you. A good programmer could create a program on, for example, a TI-83 that is much quicker, more functional, and better organized than a similar program on the TI-86 (I'm not saying this would be easy, but we all have seen some very, err, not-so-good programs for the TI-86).
I haven't played this game yet, but it sounds pretty good. If the programmer was experienced, it could be a good game even on the TI-86...
13 June 1999, 05:27 GMT
Re: I have doom for the Ti89 in assembly
Release it. A lot of people won't care if it takes up the entire memory of the calc just to see what it can really do. I won't. You'll get a lot of positive feedback (if it's as good as you describe) if you do release it.
By the way, this is way off topic, but...
I'm working on an RPG game on my 89, and (the plans so far) it uses an 8x10 grid-space screen. Your character is one
grid space, etc. similar to Zelda. I'm writing it in BASIC, 'cause I don't know assembly yet, and I'm coming to a problem
It takes about 2.5 seconds to draw a screen. I really don't want it to have to take that long in the final version. So I'm
wondering if someone (if it's possible) would help me out and write a program that distributes pictures on the screen
based on numbers in a matrix, only in ASM. Could I use this ASM program to just draw the screens, and then play the rest
of the game in BASIC?
Please respond if you're willing to help. If you do, I'll be sure to credit you fully in the final version of the game :)
Thanks in advance!!
15 June 1999, 00:01 GMT
Re: I have doom for the Ti89 in assembly
WHATEVER!!! please dont come here and sell us out with your lies.. if its just a raycasting engine with some levels you made and parallaxing sky backgrounds and even floors or ceilings, it couldnt be any more than 15k, else you are a terrible programmer. AND, if you are stating its the fool version of DOOM, then you are fulla CHIT! you couldnt possibly fit that in under 100k. Last thing, you came outta the blue, most programmers know all the others, and you are saying you just made doom on the calc in asm, no one just pops up outta the dust with doom on a calc, especially in asm. WHERE DID YOU LEARN big guy? Anyway, we all gotta just use some common sense people, remember, if it sounds to good, IT IS!
15 June 1999, 08:58 GMT

Re: Re: I have doom for the Ti89 in assembly
>if its just
a raycasting engine with some levels you made and parallaxing sky
backgrounds and even floors or ceilings, it couldnt be any more than 15k
Don't forget enemies, weapons, items, graphical animations, etc.
>AND, if you are stating its the fool version of
DOOM, then you are fulla CHIT!
Nowhere does he state that it's the _full_ version (I believe that's the word you were trying to spell when you wrote "fool") of Doom; it may include only a few levels.
>Last thing, you came outta the blue, most programmers know all the others,
and you are saying you just made doom on the calc in asm, no one just pops
up outta the dust with doom on a calc, especially in asm
Why not? Are you saying that if somebody knows ASM, they HAVE to identify themselves at ticalc.org? I'm sure there are many skilled assembly programmers that we don't even know about who make their own ASM games.
If he IS full of B.S...then oh well. Life goes on. In short, don't make accusations if they're unfounded.
15 June 1999, 22:00 GMT
Re: Tetris Attack ported to TI-86
This is a bit off topic, however, where can I find the cheapest graphlink (that'll work on a mac, perhaps even USB if possible). Sorry about this.
11 June 1999, 22:31 GMT
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