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Snoboard 2000


Ranked as 454 on our all-time top downloads list with 27802 downloads.
Ranked as 8122 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 1 downloads.

Filename snoboard.zip (Download)
Title Snoboard 2000
Description First snowboarding game for the TI-89. Written in C, this program is a fun way to experience virtual snowboarding.
Author TurboSoft (turbosoft@gmx.net)
Category TI-89 Assembly Games (Kernel)
File Size 21,437 bytes
File Date and Time Fri Dec 31 21:35:02 1999
Documentation Included? Yes
Source Code Included? No



Review by  Joe Stegner
Reviewed on 2004-11-22
Attention span: 8/10 Nice options and different courses.
Controls: 8/10 Choppy screen messes you up.
Implementation: 6/10 A tad too big and too slow.
Overall: 8/10 Nice, interesting game for a calc.

Boy, this game has been growing up right before our very eyes. I remember the first beta of it: just you going on a course for about 20 seconds. Now look at it. All grown up with different race modes and many great options.

This game does have some nice playabiltiy. Basically, you're snowboarding (duh) down different courses (which you can choose too, spiffy). You can choose between what kind of snowboard you use, too. It has practice, tournament, and single race modes. You also get to perform many different tricks during a race, although it isn't stated whether or not this does anything for you in terms of a race. You do get points, though.

There are a few problems with this game, though. For one, it takes about 40k (including the two libraries needed). It is also a tad choppy in terms of animation. I don't know whether these have to do with the fact that it was programmed in C or not, but I'm guessing it could be. You do get to speed up the game to 130%, but it still is very choppy. It isn't choppy enough for you not to enjoy it though, as it is a nice game to play, with nice modes and different things that give it a gusto around it.

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Archive Contents
Name Size
snoboard.89g   42965
readme.doc   10240

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