Void Pack v1.0
Ranked as 305 on our all-time top downloads list with 35177 downloads. Ranked as 3258 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 4 downloads. Ranked as 679 on our top rated list with a weighted average of 5.49.
Review by
John Smith
Reviewed on
Void Pack does what it says, but it's not very much. You can find other versions of these games that are just as good or better. Fall down freezes after a while, and the other two games simply are not very fun. If you really want these games, I'd recommend searching for the individual games. |
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Archive Contents
voidpack/falldata.asm | 614 |
voidpack/FDOWN.83G | 1227 |
voidpack/fdown.asm | 8853 |
voidpack/KNIGHT.83P | 616 |
voidpack/KNIGHT.TXT | 3674 |
voidpack/Knight.z80 | 13317 |
voidpack/knightdata.asm | 771 |
voidpack/readme.txt | 2409 |
voidpack/rogue.asm | 6686 |
voidpack/roguecollision.asm | 1432 |
voidpack/roguedata.asm | 2127 |
voidpack/rogueenemy.asm | 1789 |
voidpack/rogueintro.asm | 1707 |
voidpack/roguemap.asm | 2027 |
voidpack/selector.asm | 2512 |
voidpack/splashscreen.pcx | 3617 |
voidpack/subboat.asm | 1039 |
voidpack/subdata.asm | 1916 |
voidpack/SUBHUNT.83P | 2122 |
voidpack/subhunt.8xp | 2124 |
voidpack/subhunt.doc | 45056 |
voidpack/subhunt.z80 | 24905 |
voidpack/ti83plus.inc | 268870 |
voidpack/utility.asm | 10424 |
voidpack/voidpack.asm | 6283 |
voidpack/voidpack.hex | 12731 |
voidpack/voidpack.ld | 4859 |
voidpack/voidpack.lst | 808135 |
voidpack/voidpack.map | 2715 |
voidpack/voidpack.o | 6497 |
voidpack/voidpack.zws | 2673 |
voidpack/vpfall.asm | 4272 |
voidpack/vpfallmain.asm | 2095 |
voidpack/vpknightdraw.asm | 3371 |
voidpack/vpknightmain.asm | 4978 |
voidpack/vproguemain.asm | 4997 |
voidpack/vpsubmain.asm | 375 |
voidpack/oldselector.txt | 1200 |
voidpack/untitled | 9237 |
voidpack/voidpack.8xk | 11209 |
voidpack/vpgraphics.asm | 7899 |
voidpack/Wappsign Log.html | 870 |