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  • Introduction
  • Most downloaded authors of all time
  • Most downloaded authors the past seven days

    This page contains the toplists of the authors that have contributed to the archives of ticalc.org. Please note that sometimes these figures can be misleading, since a file is counted more than once if it appears in more than one of our archives. Thus, a program that works on three calculators, and is located in the approppriate directories for all three calculators, will count as three separate programs.

    If you find that a program has been credited to the wrong author, or any other such problems, please send a mail to filearchive@ticalc.org, and we'll correct it as soon as possible.


    Most downloaded authors for the past seven days
    Position Downloads Name
    1 1169 Kerm Martian
    2 1127 Jeremy Lane
    3 1011 Anders Tiberg
    4 995 Patrick Davidson
    5 861 Sam Heald
    6 825 Ahmed El-Helw
    7 808 Nishad Phadke
    8 742 Morgan Davies
    9 725 Romain Liévin
    10 720 Joe Wingbermuehle
    11 707 William White
    12 681 Bengt Werstén
    13 592 Joe Erdeky
    13 592 Daniel Bergman
    15 575 Jimmy Mårdell
    16 557 Shih-En, a.k.a. Polygram
    17 544 Jefa
    18 487 Dave Jaklitsch
    19 486 David Stinemetze
    20 477 Rolf Puetter
    21 470 Rusty Wagner
    22 420 Michael Lloyd
    22 420 David Ellsworth
    24 419 Dan Englender
    25 406 Lionel Debroux


    Most downloaded authors of all time
    Position Downloads Name
    1 2945132 Patrick Davidson
    2 2675843 Sam Heald
    3 2637952 Rusty Wagner
    4 2263458 Kerm Martian
    5 1968487 Joe Wingbermuehle
    6 1941743 Ahmed El-Helw
    7 1872752 Dan Englender
    8 1846657 Thomas Nussbaumer
    9 1779199 Jason Kovacs
    10 1702457 Romain Liévin
    11 1617207 Jimmy Mårdell
    12 1514993 Morgan Davies
    13 1118744 Anders Tiberg
    14 1106291 Lionel Debroux
    15 1089162 William White
    16 908036 Dave Jaklitsch
    17 874118 Jeremy Lane
    18 871387 Xavier Vassor
    19 868586 Paolo Silingardi
    20 843430 Marcos Lopez
    21 828339 Nick Johnston
    22 764018 Michael Lloyd
    23 753130 Bill Nagel
    24 717171 Brandon Sterner
    25 696664 Harper Maddox

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