| Name | Size | Date | Rating | Description |
| (Parent Dir) | folder | | Up to TI-92 Plus Assembly Media |
 | dracula.zip | 1046k | 07-12-14 | | Dracula - by Bram Stoker This is the classic gothic novel Dracula by Bram Stoker, converted for use with the TI-89 and TI-92/V200 TICT EBook reader. The text is from Project Gutenberg and is public domain. This the 1897 edition with a high-quality title image included. There are a total of 14 parts (14 x 64KB). |
 | pi_digits.zip | 276k | 06-12-10 | | 500,000 Worthless Digits of Pi! This is half of a million useless digits of the best irrational and transcedental number, pi! It is split up into 8 parts, it was too big to put into a single ebook. |
 | gauss_ebook.zip | 4k | 06-12-10 | | A Biography on Johann Carl Friedrich Gauss This is a biography on Gauss that I wrote for a project in school. |
 | biblia92p.zip | 1959k | 05-02-11 | | Biblia (potugues br) Bible in portuguese -> eBook. (Bíblia em português formato eBook. Todos os livros possem separação por capítulos) |
 | study9xy.zip | 109k | 04-11-20 | | A Study in Scarlet The first Sherlock Holmes novel |
 | cristo92.zip | 1135k | 04-02-17 | | Cristo The Count of Monte Cristo, unabriged version |
 | newsletter92p.zip | 27k | 03-08-03 | | ticalc.org Newsletter - August 2003 This is the August 2003 edition of the ticalc.org newsletter, as well as the archive of past eBook newsletters. |
 | crsanta68k.zip | 4k | 03-05-19 | | Crazy Santa This was just packaged for the TI-89, TI-92+, and V200. It's a story by Joseph Griffin, converted to TI ebook format by me. |
 | nerds92p.zip | 17k | 03-04-09 | | [eBook] - "Why Nerds are Unpopular" This is an essay by Paul Graham explaining why we nerds are unpopular. I have read it several times, and so much of it rings true for me. |
 | phantom.zip | 428k | 03-04-04 | | The Phantom of the Opera The Phantom of the Opera by Gaston Leroux in TICT eBook format. (Source text obtained from the archives of Project Gutenburg- http://promo.net/pg) |
 | manifiesto92p.zip | 34k | 03-03-30 | | Manifiesto comunista Manifiesto comunista en español, escrito por Karl Marx |
 | silasmarner.zip | 174k | 03-03-23 | | Silas Marner - by George Eliot . |
 | plato_protagoras.zip | 60k | 03-03-23 | | Plato's Protagoras One of the most famous of Plato's dialouges, Protagoras features philosopher Socrates discussing with the Sophist Protagoras virtue, its nature, and how it may be obtained. |
 | pofgp92p.zip | 64k | 03-03-10 | | Pearl of Great Price The Pearl of Great Price from the Standard Works of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Check readme for more info. |
 | 5semanas.zip | 201k | 03-03-09 | | 5 Semanas en Globo Obra del autor francés Julio Verne en español. |
 | dc92p.zip | 263k | 03-03-05 | | Doctrine & Covenants The Doctrine & Covenants of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. Please send me any comments you may have. |
 | suntzu.zip | 60k | 02-11-11 | | e-Book: Sun Tzu's The Art of War Ancient text on military warfare |
 | walmart.zip | 8k | 02-10-25 | | 50 things at Wal-Mart Something to do at Wal-Mart if you're bored. Just don't come to me if you're caught. |
 | scripturemastery.zip | 40k | 02-10-25 | | Scripture Mastery Now for eBook. |
 | news.zip | 8k | 02-10-25 | | Church News Clippings Something I received in an e-mail. |
 | wilhelm_tell_de.zip | 170k | 02-09-27 | | Wilhelm Tell (german) that's wilhelm tell from schiller, downloaded from Project Gutenberg |
 | wilhelm_tell_en.zip | 182k | 02-09-27 | | Wilhelm Tell (english) that's wilhelm tell from schiller, downloaded from Project Gutenberg |
 | budosho.zip | 202k | 02-09-05 | | Budoshoshinshu: The Code of the Warrior A timeless guide to an honourable and peaceful life - written by Daidoji Yuzan. |
 | fiverings.zip | 94k | 02-09-05 | | A Book of Five Rings An accumulation of experiences of a swordsman said to have battled in over 60 duels - told by Miyamoto Musashi. |
 | hagakure.zip | 183k | 02-09-05 | | The Hagakure (The Book of the Samurai) The Hagakure: The Book of the Samurai by Yamamoto Tsunetomo - a classic blend of Zen and Confucianism. |
 | beyondgne.zip | 346k | 02-09-05 | | Beyond Good and Evil Another famous book written by Frederich Nietzsche. |
 | mars92p.zip | 917k | 02-08-03 | | The Barsoom Trilogy by: Edgar Rice Burroughs. A story of a man who finds himself on Mars and the adventures that he goes through there. |
 | cyrano92p.zip | 96k | 02-05-11 | | [eBook] - "Cyrano de Bergerac" (English Translation) This is an eBook of "Cyrano de Bergerac", a play by Edmond Rostand. This is the English translation, NOT the original French. I had to read this for my high school English class, so I turned it into an eBook. The play has been separated into five different parts, each containing one act of the play. Enjoy! |
 | beowulf.zip | 145k | 02-04-15 | | eBook - Beowulf I'm sure it's what everyone has been waiting for... not. Oh well, it's BEOWULF!!! Enjoy! (Note: The screenshot is the Old English version... I'll upload that later). |
 | fromearthtomoon92p.zip | 416k | 02-04-08 | | From the Earth to the Moon Novel by Jules Verne |
 | 800leaguesonamazon92p.zip | 415k | 02-04-08 | | 800 Leagues on the Amazon Novel by Jules Verne |
 | twelfthnight92p.zip | 94k | 02-04-05 | | Twelfth Night Work by William Shakespeare |
 | tamingoftheshrew92p.zip | 112k | 02-04-05 | | The Taming of the Shrew Work by William Shakespeare |
 | blackarrow92p.zip | 353k | 02-04-05 | | The Black Arrow Work by Robert Louis Stevenson |
 | hansbrinker92p.zip | 403k | 02-04-05 | | Hans Brinker Work by Mary Mapes Dodge |
 | constitution92p.zip | 28k | 02-04-05 | | United States Constitution Constitution of the United States of America |
 | asyoulikeit92p.zip | 101k | 02-04-05 | | As You Like It Work by William Shakespeare |
 | allswellthatendswell92p.zip | 111k | 02-04-05 | | All's Well That Ends Well Work by William Shakespeare |
 | antigone92p.zip | 26k | 02-04-02 | | [eBook] - "Antigone" This is an eBook text of Sophocles' famous play "Antigone". You'll probably read this in high school (I did...) so it could be quite useful. Enjoy! |
 | ram92p.zip | 12k | 02-04-02 | | [eBook] - "Rime of the Ancient Mariner" This is an eBook of Samuel Taylor Coleridge's poem "The Rime of the Ancient Mariner". I had to read it over spring break, so I turned it into an eBook. (I'm much more likely to be carrying my calculator around than a book. Sad, huh?) |
 | oedipus92p.zip | 31k | 02-04-02 | | [eBook] - "Oedipus Rex" This is an eBook text of Sophocles' famous play "Oedipus Rex". You'll probably read this in high school (I did...) so it could be quite useful. Enjoy! |
 | bugjargal.zip | 452k | 02-03-11 | | Bug Jargal Voici en intégral l'un des tout premiers romans de Victor Hugo |
 | hamlet_vf.zip | 278k | 02-03-11 | | Hamlet VF Voici Hamlet de Shakespeare en français |
 | catherine.zip | 494k | 02-03-11 | | Catherine: A Story by William Thackeray This is an ebook compatible with the TICT eBook Reader. It is of the book "Catherine: A Story" by William Thackeray. |
 | kinglear.zip | 259k | 02-03-10 | | King Lear by William Shakespeare This is an ebook of King Lear, a play by William Shakespeare. For use with the TICT Ebook Reader. |
 | laughol92p.zip | 28k | 02-03-03 | | Laugh out laud ! This is an Ebook with some jokes and funny stories.This eBook is compatible with the eBook reader version 1.50+ |
 | ltnbiblent.zip | 428k | 02-01-15 | | The Vulgate: The New Testament in Latin This is the New Testament as translated into Latin by St. Jerome. |
 | aeneid92.zip | 287k | 01-12-22 | | The Aeneid - by Vergil - 19 BC - ti92+ ebook This is all twelve books of Vergil's Aeneid translated into English and compiled for TI92+ eBook Reader. |
 | ebkolivertwist92.zip | 413k | 01-12-16 | | Oliver Twist e-book The famous Charle Dickens's novel in 7 files... |
 | tess.zip | 412k | 01-07-11 | | Tess of the D'Urbervilles This is the new version of the Tess of the D'Urbervilles (by Thomas Hardy) eBook. The file size is smaller, has documentation and the actual eBook has been corrected in its mistakes. Enjoy! |
 | crome.zip | 160k | 01-07-11 | | Crome Yellow Crome Yellow by Aldous Huxley. |
 | parlost92.zip | 852k | 01-06-15 | | John Milton's Paradise Lost John Milton's Paradise Lost -- for 68k! Compatible with TICT ebook reader v1.50 and above |
 | aenid.zip | 1082k | 01-06-15 | | Virgil's Aenid Virgil's Aenid -- for 68k! Compatible with TICT ebook reader v1.50 and above |
 | werther.zip | 115k | 01-06-12 | | TICT eBook: Die Leiden des jungen Werther (GERMAN/DEUTSCH) [TICT eBook Series 2001 - Deutsche Kollektion] Johann Wolfgang von Goethe: Die Leiden des jungen Werther [GERMAN/DEUTSCH] (compatible with TICT eBook Reader 1.50 or above) |
 | kafka1.zip | 54k | 01-06-12 | | TICT eBook: Franz Kafka - Die Verwandlung (GERMAN/DEUTSCH) [TICT eBook Series 2001 - Deutsche Kollektion] Franz Kafka: Die Verwandlung [GERMAN/DEUTSCH] (compatible with TICT eBook Reader 1.50 or above) |
 | trakl.zip | 32k | 01-06-12 | | TICT eBook: Georg Trakl - Gedichte (GERMAN/DEUTSCH) [TICT eBook Series 2001 - Deutsche Kollektion] Georg Trakl: Gedichte [GERMAN/DEUTSCH] (compatible with TICT eBook Reader 1.50 or above) |
 | wahl.zip | 239k | 01-06-12 | | TICT eBook: Die Wahlverwandtschaften (GERMAN/DEUTSCH) [TICT eBook Series 2001 - Deutsche Kollektion] Johann Wolfgang von Goethe: Die Wahlverwandtschaften [GERMAN/DEUTSCH] (compatible with TICT eBook Reader 1.50 or above) |
 | odyssey.zip | 1119k | 01-06-08 | | Homer's Odyssey Homer's Odyssey -- for 68k. Compatible with TICT Ebook Reader 1.50 and above. |
 | iliad.zip | 1275k | 01-06-08 | | The Iliad Homer's Iliad -- for 68k! Comatible with TICT ebook reader 1.50 and above. |
 | contract_social.zip | 206k | 01-06-06 | | Du Contrat Social, Jean-Jacques Rousseau Du contract social (1762), de Jean-Jacques Rousseau |
 | pi250002.zip | 41k | 01-06-01 | | PI 25,000 The first 25,000 digits of pi, here in an e-book. |
 | netgear.zip | 850k | 01-04-18 | | Linux Networking Guide (german) OpenBook Networking Guide taken from www.oreilly.de and converted to E-Book format. Have a lot of fun! |
 | rj.zip | 270k | 01-04-15 | | Romeo and Juliet THIS EBOOK IS COPYRIGHTED. READ THE DOCUMENTATION. Romeo and Juliet, by William Shakespear. |
 | witch.zip | 349k | 01-02-23 | | The Witch And Other Stories A collection of stories written by the Russian author Anton Chekhov |
 | lndtim92.zip | 93k | 01-02-19 | | The Land That Time Forgot an ebook, original text written by Edgar Rice Burroughs |
 | carol.zip | 145k | 01-02-19 | | eBook: A Christmas Carol A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens. Made with TICT's eBook generator. |
 | caesar.zip | 118k | 01-02-19 | | TICT eBook: Julius Caesar Julius Caesar by William Shakespeare. Made with TIGCC Tools Suite v0.95's ebook creator. |
 | ebk_germ.zip | 468k | 01-01-18 | | eBook-Germinal Germinal de Zola au format eBook |
 | lacure.zip | 285k | 01-01-14 | | eBook-La Curée La Curée d'Emile Zola (french) au format eBook |
 | bible.zip | 1896k | 00-12-24 | | (eBook) The Bible It is the King James version. |
 | venice.zip | 53k | 00-12-10 | | Ebook--The Merchant of Venice Shakespeare's The Merchant of Venice |
 | thebes.zip | 26k | 00-12-10 | | Ebook--Seven Against Thebes Seven Against Thebes by Aeschylus |
 | othello.zip | 71k | 00-12-10 | | Ebook--Othello Shakespeare's Othello |
 | macbeth.zip | 49k | 00-12-10 | | Ebook--Macbeth Shakespeare's Macbeth |
 | clouds.zip | 35k | 00-12-10 | | Ebook--The Clouds The Clouds by Aristophanes |
 | orestes.zip | 96k | 00-12-10 | | Ebook--Oresteian Trilogy Agamemnon, The Choephori, and The Eumenides for Ebook |
 | jvuc.zip | 117k | 00-12-10 | | Underground City Jules Verne's Underground City, compatible with TICT ebook reader v1.56 |
 | civil.zip | 46k | 00-12-10 | | ebook: Civil Disobedience The essay on Civil Disobedience writen by Thoreau after his night in jail. |
 | wap_part2.zip | 790k | 00-12-10 | | ebook - War and Peace, by Leo Tolstoy. Part 2 of 2 If you like the clasic books, here is a must. This ebook was made with EbkSplit and TICT Tools Suite in 7 minutes!. |
 | wap_part1.zip | 697k | 00-12-10 | | ebook - War and Peace, by Leo Tolstoy. Part 1 of 2 If you like the clasic books, here is a must. This ebook was made with EbkSplit and TICT Tools Suite in 7 minutes!. |
 | pym.zip | 181k | 00-12-10 | | ebook - The Adventures of Arthur Gordon Pym Also called Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym. Adventures in the south seas... |
 | warpeace.zip | 1487k | 00-12-10 | | ebook - War and Peace by Leo Tolstoy. Now you can enjoy this great book in the Ti92+. Of course it wont fit the whole ebook, but you can download several files at the time. Use it with Tict ebook reader. it was made in 7 minutes with EbkSplit and TIGCC Tools Suite. |
 | casey.zip | 8k | 00-11-26 | | eBook - Casey at the Bat This is a TICT eBook file of the excellent poem by Ernest Thayer, "Casey at the Bat." Requires the TICT eBook reader. |
 | hackers.zip | 42k | 00-11-07 | | (eBook) "Hackers, Heroes of the Computer Revolution" by Levy This is an eBook called "Hackers, Heroes of the Computer Revolution" by Steven Levy. Only the first two chapters are included. It is readable with the TICT eBook reader 1.5 or higher. (Note: This is a COPYRIGHTED eBook! Please read hackers.txt for usage information!) |
 | persu.zip | 209k | 00-11-07 | | (eBook) Persuasion by Austen This is an eBook called "Persuasion" by Jane Austen. It is readable with the TICT eBook reader 1.5 or higher. |
 | nabby.zip | 203k | 00-11-07 | | (eBook) Northanger Abbey by Austen This is an eBook called "Northanger Abbey" by Jane Austen. It is readable with the TICT eBook reader 1.5 or higher. |
 | moon.zip | 254k | 00-11-07 | | (eBook) From the Earth to the Moon by Verne This is an eBook called "From the Earth to the Moon" by Jules Verne. It is readable with the TICT eBook Reader 1.5 or higher. |
 | huckfinn.zip | 73k | 00-11-04 | | (eBook) HUCKLEBERRY FINN Mark Twain's HUCKLEBERRY FINN for eBook. |
 | magcart.zip | 10k | 00-10-26 | | (eBook) Magna Carta The Magna Carta for eBook |
 | devdic.zip | 193k | 00-10-20 | | (eBook) Devils Dictionary Ambrose Bierce's Devils Dictionary for eBook. |
 | davecop.zip | 829k | 00-10-20 | | (eBook) David Copperfield Charles Dicken's David Copperfield for eBook. |
 | smcrate.zip | 10k | 00-10-10 | | (eBook) Smaller Catechism Smaller Catechism for eBook |
 | lgcrate.zip | 36k | 00-10-10 | | (eBook) Larger Catechism Larger Catechism for eBook |
 | phpman.zip | 122k | 00-10-09 | | PHP Manual in eBOOK The PHP Manual from php.net converted into eBook format for the 89 and 92. Hooray! Thanks to }InFuZeD{ for the idea. |
 | westmin.zip | 36k | 00-10-09 | | (eBook) Westminster Confession of Faith The Westminster Confession of Faith for eBook. |
 | pandp.zip | 286k | 00-10-07 | | (eBook) Pride and Prejudice Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice for eBook. |
 | sense.zip | 276k | 00-10-05 | | (eBook) Sense and Sensibility Jane Austen's Sense and Sensibility for eBook. |
 | decoind.zip | 5k | 00-10-05 | | (eBook) Declaration of Independance The Declaration of Independance for eBook. |
 | consti.zip | 17k | 00-10-05 | | (Ebook) Constitution The Constitution of the United States of America and the Amendments for eBook. |
 | ebk_80d.zip | 180k | 00-09-22 | | TICT eBook: Around the World in 80 Days [TICT eBook Series 2000] Jules Verne: Around the World in 80 Days (compatible with TICT eBook Reader 1.50 or above) |
 | ebk_poe4.zip | 55k | 00-09-17 | | TICT eBook: E.A.Poe - Vol. 04 [TICT eBook Series 2000] Edgar Allan Poe: Vol. IV (compatible with TICT eBook Reader 1.50 or above) contained stories: LANDOR'S COTTAGE/WILLIAM WILSON/THE TELL-TALE HEART/BERENICE/ELEONORA |
 | ebk_poe3.zip | 55k | 00-09-17 | | TICT eBook: E.A.Poe - Vol. 03 [TICT eBook Series 2000] Edgar Allan Poe: Vol. III (compatible with TICT eBook Reader 1.50 or above) contained stories: THE PURLOINED LETTER/A DESCENT INTO THE MAELSTROEM/VON KEMPELEN AND HIS DISCOVERY/MESMERIC REVELATION |
 | ebk_poe2.zip | 64k | 00-09-17 | | TICT eBook: E.A.Poe - Vol. 02 [TICT eBook Series 2000] Edgar Allan Poe: Vol. II (compatible with TICT eBook Reader 1.50 or above) contained stories: THE ISLAND OF THE FAY/THE ASSIGNATION/THE PIT AND THE PENDULUM/THE PREMATURE BURIAL/THE DOMAIN OF ARNHEIM |
 | ebk_poe1.zip | 62k | 00-09-17 | | TICT eBook: E.A.Poe - Vol. 01 [TICT eBook Series 2000] Edgar Allan Poe: Vol. I (compatible with TICT eBook Reader 1.50 or above) contained stories: THE FACTS IN THE CASE OF M. VALDEMAR/THE BLACK CAT/THE FALL OF THE HOUSE OF USHER/SILENCE -- A FABLE/THE MASQUE OF THE RED DEATH/THE CASK OF AMONTILLADO/THE IMP OF THE PERVERSE |
 | ebk_grex.zip | 467k | 00-09-05 | | TICT eBook: Great Expectations [TICT eBook Series 2000] Charles Dickens: Great Expectations (compatible with TICT eBook Reader 1.50 or above) |
 | ebk_fau2.zip | 153k | 00-09-05 | | TICT eBook: Faust II (GERMAN) [TICT eBook Series 2000] Johann Wolfgang von Goethe: Faust - Der Tragoedie zweiter Teil [!!GERMAN!!](compatible with TICT eBook Reader 1.50 or above) |
 | ebk_fau1.zip | 100k | 00-09-05 | | TICT eBook: Faust I (GERMAN) [TICT eBook Series 2000] Johann Wolfgang von Goethe: Faust - Der Tragoedie erster Teil [!!GERMAN!!](compatible with TICT eBook Reader 1.50 or above) |
 | ebk_sh12.zip | 27k | 00-09-05 | | TICT eBook: Sh.Holmes Adv12 [TICT eBook Series 2000] Arthur C.Doyle: The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes - Adventure XII. THE ADVENTURE OF THE COPPER BEECHES (compatible with TICT eBook Reader 1.50 or above) |
 | ebk_sh11.zip | 26k | 00-09-05 | | TICT eBook: Sh.Holmes Adv11 [TICT eBook Series 2000] Arthur C.Doyle: The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes - Adventure XI. THE ADVENTURE OF THE BERYL CORONET (compatible with TICT eBook Reader 1.50 or above) |
 | ebk_sh10.zip | 24k | 00-09-05 | | TICT eBook: Sh.Holmes Adv10 [TICT eBook Series 2000] Arthur C.Doyle: The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes - Adventure X. THE ADVENTURE OF THE NOBLE BACHELOR (compatible with TICT eBook Reader 1.50 or above) |
 | ebk_sh09.zip | 23k | 00-09-05 | | TICT eBook: Sh.Holmes Adv09 [TICT eBook Series 2000] Arthur C.Doyle: The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes - Adventure IX. THE ADVENTURE OF THE ENGINEER'S THUMB (compatible with TICT eBook Reader 1.50 or above) |
 | ebk_sh08.zip | 27k | 00-09-05 | | TICT eBook: Sh.Holmes Adv08 [TICT eBook Series 2000] Arthur C.Doyle: The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes - Adventure VIII. THE ADVENTURE OF THE SPECKLED BAND (compatible with TICT eBook Reader 1.50 or above) |
 | ebk_sh07.zip | 23k | 00-09-05 | | TICT eBook: Sh.Holmes Adv07 [TICT eBook Series 2000] Arthur C.Doyle: The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes - Adventure VII. THE ADVENTURE OF THE BLUE CARBUNCLE (compatible with TICT eBook Reader 1.50 or above) |
 | ebk_yank.zip | 325k | 00-09-02 | | TICT eBook: Yankee [TICT eBook Series 2000] Mark Twain: A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court (compatible with TICT eBook Reader 1.50 or above) |
 | ebk_dori.zip | 200k | 00-08-29 | | TICT eBook: Dorian Gray [TICT eBook Series 2000] Oscar Wilde: The Picture of Dorian Gray (compatible with TICT eBook Reader 1.50 or above) |
 | ebk_sh06.zip | 27k | 00-08-28 | | TICT eBook: Sh.Holmes Adv06 [TICT eBook Series 2000] Arthur C. Doyle: The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes - Adventure VI. THE MAN WITH THE TWISTED LIP (compatible with TICT eBook Reader 1.50 or above) |
 | ebk_sh05.zip | 22k | 00-08-28 | | TICT eBook: Sh.Holmes Adv05 [TICT eBook Series 2000] Arthur C. Doyle: The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes - Adventure V. THE FIVE ORANGE PIPS (compatible with TICT eBook Reader 1.50 or above) |
 | ebk_msfr.zip | 202k | 00-08-28 | | TICT eBook: Frankenstein [TICT eBook Series 2000] Mary Wollestonecraft Shelley: Frankenstein, or, the Modern Prometheus (compatible with TICT eBook Reader 1.50 or above) |
 | ebk_wow.zip | 187k | 00-08-25 | | TICT eBook: The War of the Worlds [TICT eBook Series 2000] H.G.Wells: The War of the Worlds - Bonus: Original Broadcast Transcription (compatible with TICT eBook Reader 1.50 or above) |
 | eb_wsh01.zip | 47k | 00-08-24 | | TICT eBook: A Midsommer Nights Dreame [TICT eBook Series 2000] W.Shakespeare: A Midsommer Nights Dreame (compatible with TICT eBook Reader 1.50 or above) |
 | ebk_sh04.zip | 27k | 00-08-23 | | TICT eBook: Sh.Holmes Adv04 [TICT eBook Series 2000] Arthur C. Doyle: The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes - Adventure IV. THE BOSCOMBE VALLEY MYSTERY (compatible with TICT eBook Reader 1.50 or above) |
 | ebk_sh03.zip | 21k | 00-08-23 | | TICT eBook: Sh.Holmes Adv03 [TICT eBook Series 2000] Arthur C. Doyle: The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes - Adventure III. A CASE OF IDENTITY (compatible with TICT eBook Reader 1.50 or above) |
 | ebk_sh02.zip | 26k | 00-08-23 | | TICT eBook: Sh.Holmes Adv02 [TICT eBook Series 2000] Arthur C. Doyle: The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes - Adventure II. THE RED-HEADED LEAGUE (compatible with TICT eBook Reader 1.50 or above) |
 | ebk_sh01.zip | 25k | 00-08-23 | | TICT eBook: Sh.Holmes Adv01 [TICT eBook Series 2000] Arthur C. Doyle: The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes - Adventure I. A SCANDAL IN BOHEMIA (compatible with TICT eBook Reader 1.50 or above) |
 | ebk_alce.zip | 65k | 00-08-23 | | TICT eBook: Alice's Adventures [TICT eBook Series 2000] Lewis Caroll: Alice's Adventures in Wonderland (update to be compatible with TICT eBook Reader 1.50 or above) |