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Last updated Friday, 4 April 2003
Total downloads 52,591
Most popular file  Agenda v1.2 with 4,428 downloads.

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tool.zip19k03-04-04File is not ratedTOOL v3.0 !!!
TOOL v3.0 (c) 2001 2002 2003 by Adrian Baader (adba) ==================================================== Das Programm TOOL ist eine eigene Toolbar (das heisst ein eigenes Menu) in dem viel nützliche Befehle zusammengefasst sind. Es besteht aus einem einzigen Installationsprogramm (Tool). Bei der Installation werden jedeoch ein paar sehr nützliche Programme installiert: Matedit(x): Lösen von linearen Gleichungsystemen und vieles mehr. x = Anzahl Variablen Analyse(f): Macht eine Kurvendiskusion von der Kurve f mit der Variablen x zum ableiten, usw... Berechnet automatisch den richtigen Zoom für den Graphen! adbaLOG(): Eine eigene Programmiersprache die auf dem TI Basic aufbaut. Sie ist nicht linear wie eine herkömliche Programmiersprache sondern 2-dimenasional also Matrix artige Design art. Ermöglicht das kopilieren von schnellsten Basic Programmen! Debugmodus und Runmodus zum Testen der Programme. Snake(x): Kleines Spiel Snake zur auflockerung in einer mühsamen Stunde. x = Grösse der Schlange und somit auch Geschwindigkeit. xxx(x): Passwortschutz. x = Passwort help(): Hilfefunktion bei der die meisten Programme erklährt sind. usw. Falls Probleme auftreten oder verbesserungsmöglichkeiten auftauchen schriebt an: adba@bluewin.ch oder auf der Seite www.adba.ch.vu ins Gästebuch ================================================================================ Viel Spass und viel Erfolg in den zukünftigen Prüfungen mit TOOL!
agendafr.zip196k03-03-09File is not ratedAgenda Fr
A program to store your informations (name,address,...) of your friends and anybody else. Use Flib. French (eventually English or Spanish -> see Readme).
agenda.zip14k00-08-03File is not ratedAgenda v1.2
A datebook with English, French, and German versions.
planner92.zip3k00-04-29File is not ratedCalc-Planner 92
A monthly planner. You can create new months, scroll through them, and add important info.
organize2.zip27k00-04-04File is not ratedEncrypted Organizer v2.0
Encrypted Organizer 2.0 is a fully featured address and contact book that incorportates on the fly encryption of its contents to keep prying eyes away. Features G-Crypt encryption for much better security than other TI encryption routines while maintaining fast speed and low overhead. New features include faster algorithms for encryption, encryption on the fly, interface upgrades, and much more....
organizr.zip2k99-11-10File is not ratedOrganizer
A personal organizer with working calendar
grades2.zip4k99-05-29File is not ratedAdvanced Grade Manager
A program that stores and calculates grades for multiple classes.
gpa92.zip1k98-09-18File is not ratedGPA Calculator v2.4
An easy to use program for calculating your GPA. Features weighting and password protection.
schedule.zip4k98-07-30File is not ratedSchedule v2.4
Daily organizer program.
gb.zip4k98-07-26File is not ratedGrade Book Plus Beta
Keeps track of grades for nine classes. Includes support for backups and a "Keep the A" feature.
planner.zip3k97-10-04File is not ratedPlanner v1.0
Planner for a specific month.
organize.zip5k97-10-04File is not ratedOrganize Build 11
A personal organizer program. Features addresses, daily schedule, and upcoming events.
todo.zip1k97-09-17File is not ratedTo Do v1.1
Keeps track of what you need to do throughout the week.
grades.zip1k97-08-05File is not ratedGrade Averager
Keeps track of all your grades. Calculates your percent average and letter grade.
spantest.zip7k97-07-24File is not ratedSpanish Tester v1.0
Spanish database that will quiz you on the words in the database.
vocab.zip1k97-07-24File is not ratedVocabulary List v1.0
Keeps a vocabulary list and then provides a quiz over the words.
agradet.zip1k97-07-24File is not ratedA+ Grade Tracker v1.0
Program that keeps track of your grades, many features including weighted grades, point system, and GPA tracker.
hwtrak.zip3k97-07-24File is not ratedHomework Trakker+ v3.0
An assignment book program for the TI-92.
grade.zip3k97-07-23File is not ratedGrade Tracker v2.92
Keeps track of all your grades in a specific class, and as many classes as you want.

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