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Encrypted Organizer v2.0


Ranked as 26418 on our all-time top downloads list with 2255 downloads.
Ranked as 6123 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 3 downloads.

Filename organize2.zip (Download)
Title Encrypted Organizer v2.0
Description Encrypted Organizer 2.0 is a fully featured address and contact book that incorportates on the fly encryption of its contents to keep prying eyes away. Features G-Crypt encryption for much better security than other TI encryption routines while maintaining fast speed and low overhead. New features include faster algorithms for encryption, encryption on the fly, interface upgrades, and much more....
Author Garrett Rowe (garrettrowe@yahoo.com)
Category TI-92 BASIC Educational Programs
File Size 27,816 bytes
File Date and Time Tue Apr 4 20:14:45 2000
Documentation Included? Yes



Review by  Alex Ponebshek
Reviewed on 2008-06-13
Alex's Crypto Security Audit

Warning: this review covers only security, and is not concerned with interface, usability, and other issues.

Algorithm Security:

The program encrypts each character by rotating it by a corresponding character in the password (starting over from the beginning of the password when it gets to the end). It also obfuscates each character by probabilistically turning it into two characters, but this process is trivially reversible, and adds nothing to security. An attacker could easily retrieve the key if he knows part of the message, and could use linguistic analysis to easily crack the key if the message is longer than the key or a key is used multiple times.

Key Security:

The key is used in a very simple way, with the effect that if the key has low entropy (as most passwords do), it introduces severe weaknesses that could allow an attacker to guess at the key and message.


This program uses local variables for sensitive data and cleans up after itself well, leaving no traces that would compromise it's security.


Not recommended. While this program employs an algorithm that is good for one-time-pad encryption, it does not employ it in a secure way. An attacker who gains access to your data vault could retrieve it's contents and your key with ease.


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Archive Contents
Name Size
LOGON.BMP   4286
MAIN.BMP   4286
ORGANIZE.9XP   17136
Encrypted Organizer.doc   325632

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