| Name | Size | Date | Rating | Description |
| (Parent Dir) | folder | | Up to TI-89 BASIC Science Programs |
 | backcons.zip | 3k | 04-02-03 |  | backCons Function backCons(_constant) represents backgrounds for all pre-defined constants in the TI-89 and for fine-structure constant _alpha (with greek letter alpha). Background of the constant can be "measured" or a formula involving other constants. |
 | basiun.zip | 2k | 04-02-03 |  | baSIun BaSIun(_unit) is a function which represents composed SI units with basic SI units. Mechanical SI units are represented with _kg, _m and _s. Electromagnetic SI units are represented with _m, _s, _A, _V and _ohm. |
 | bytes68k.zip | 3k | 03-05-05 |  | Bytes Helper You use this like a function. Type in 'bytes(', then how many units, a comma, then y from 1024^y for bytes (0), kilo (1), mega (2), giga (3), or tera (4). The answer will be shown in a popup window. Here's an example, for 3 gigabytes: 'bytes(3,3)'. Email me any comments. Made for the TI-89, TI-92, TI-92+, and Voyage 200. |
 | cfkconv.zip | 1k | 00-11-24 |  | CFK Converter v1.1 A program that converts between Celsius, Fahrenheit and Kelvin |
 | cmu89.zip | 1k | 00-05-01 |  | Computer Memory Units Adds computer memory units to your calc |
 | computer.zip | 2k | 04-01-24 |  | Hard Drive Formatted Capacity Computer This is a utility to compute the formatted capacity of a computer hard drive given the manufacturer's stated capacity. It can also perform the inverse conversion - that is, given the formatted capacity, find the manufacturer's stated capacity. Reuploaded because of a problem where TI Connect for Windows couldn't read the program file - now fixed. |
 | cons.zip | 11k | 05-11-26 |  | Fundamental Constants Program Cons() represents 29 fundamental scientific and mathematical constants with abbreviations, names, values and formulas. Seven of these constants are not built in TI-89. These constants can be copied in variables. |
 | converterv1.2.zip | 3k | 03-11-03 |  | Converter v1.2 Use for OS v2.06 It includes all of the following units: Volume: Cubic meter Cubic decimeter Cubic centimeter Cubic millimeter Hectoliter Liter Deciliter Centiliter Milliliter Microliter Barrel Gallon Quart Pint Acre Foot Gill Ounce Bushel Peck Cubic yard Cubic foot Cubic inch Area: Square megameter Square kilometer Square hectometer Square decameter Square meter Square decimeter Square centimeter Square millimeter Square micrometer Square nanometer Square Picometer Square inch Square foot Square yard Square mile Square nautical mile Square acre Distance: Megameter Kilometer Hectometer Decameter Meter Decimeter Centimeter Millimeter Micrometer Nanometer Picometer Inch Foot Yard Mile Nautical mile Acre Time: Second Minute Hour Day Week Year Century Millennium Pressure: Pascal Millibar Kilopascal Bar Inch of mercury Cm of mercury Mm of mercury Inch of water Cm of water Ft of water Psf Psi Standard atmosphere Torr Temperature: Celsius Fahrenheit Calvin |
 | converter.zip | 3k | 03-10-06 |  | Unit converter It includes all of the following units: Volume: Cubic meter Cubic decimeter Cubic centimeter Cubic millimeter Hectoliter Liter Deciliter Centiliter Milliliter Microliter Barrel Gallon Quart Pint Acre Foot Gill Ounce Bushel Peck Cubic yard Cubic foot Cubic inch Area: Square megameter Square kilometer Square hectometer Square decameter Square meter Square decimeter Square centimeter Square millimeter Square micrometer Square nanometer Square Picometer Square inch Square foot Square yard Square mile Square nautical mile Square acre Distance: Megameter Kilometer Hectometer Decameter Meter Decimeter Centimeter Millimeter Micrometer Nanometer Picometer Inch Foot Yard Mile Nautical mile Acre Time: Second Minute Hour Day Week Year Century Millennium Pressure: Pascal Millibar Kilopascal Bar Inch of mercury Cm of mercury Mm of mercury Inch of water Cm of water Ft of water Psf Psi Standard atmosphere Torr Temperature: Celsius Fahrenheit Calvin |
 | convertnautstat.zip | 1k | 05-10-08 |  | Convert Between Statute and Nautical Miles The .zip file contains two functions that convert between statute and nautical miles. It's pretty self-explanatory, but you can check out the ReadMe. |
 | convert.zip | 1k | 02-03-16 |  | English-SI Converter v1.2 Not only does this program convert English to SI and vice versa, but also converts English to English and SI to SI. It converts units of length and units of temperature (Kelvin, Celsius, and Fahrenheit). This program has no known bugs or flaws, if you find one, please email me at bandit0888@icqmail.com. |
 | data.zip | 5k | 07-10-11 |  | Data Conversion This program converts data up and down the scale. For example, this program tells you that 64 MB is 65536 KB, not 64000 KB like you may think. It can convert from bytes up to petabytes, and you can go up and down the scale. The program is small and easy to use. Have fun converting I guess. |
 | dbm.zip | 81k | 08-02-17 |  | dBm Calculator dBm Dezibel power calculator- dBm to gain factor and vice versa. Easy to install and use. You can stop the programm anytime using the escape key. Comes comlete with c source code, from J.Daldosch, its one of 2 useful progies, dBm and dB. |
 | db.zip | 78k | 08-02-17 |  | dB Calculator dB Dezibel calculator- dB to gain factor and vice versa. Easy to install and use. You can stop the programm anytime using the escape key. Comes comlete with c source code, from J.Daldosch |
 | length89.zip | 1k | 02-04-11 |  | Ye Olde English Length Units links, chains, furlongs, and leagues |
 | metric_45.zip | 1k | 07-12-23 |  | Metric Adds unit conversion capabilities for standard SI, and also SI for for dealing with bits. And also IEC standard prefixes which are for bits also... |
 | metric89.zip | 2k | 03-03-09 |  | Metric Metric is a program for the TI-89 where you can convert from one metric prefix into another. For example, you could convert milligrams into dekagrams. |
 | metricadjust.zip | 2k | 07-03-31 |  | Metric Adjust This program converts really big numbers into shorter numbers expressed with metric prefixes. Example: 8,000,000 becomes 8_mega. |
 | metric.zip | 1k | 03-03-25 |  | Metric Teach your calc all thouse pesky metric prefixes, use them in conversions and calculations. |
 | mitools.zip | 1k | 03-03-08 |  | Mile Tools There are three programs that can find miles, mph, and hours, when you have the correct information. This program automaticly converts years, days, hours, and minutes. |
 | physanal.zip | 17k | 05-11-19 |  | Physical analogies Physanal() is a program which presents symbols, units and equations for 12 general quantities in different physical systems. From these presentations some general analogies between these systems and their quantities can be found. There are seven preselected systems: electric, magnetic, rotation, linear motion, surface motion, hydraulic/accoustic and thermal system. Different units for current and for potential can be entered and in this way other looks on these systems can be selected. A comprehensive table of physical symbols, quantities and units is included. |
 | physicsconstants.zip | 10k | 11-03-17 |  | Physics Constants Contains a wide variety of universal constants for astronomers (mass, radius, and distance from the sun of all 9 planets and the sun. view the ReadMe for information on how to use it. |
 | prefixv085.zip | 1k | 01-12-16 |  | SI Prefix Converter v0.85 This simple, compact BASIC function will convert between SI prefixes. Easily change 623 mm to km, without having to remember the conversion scales! All prefixes built in! Bug fixed from v0.8 . |
 | prefix.zip | 1k | 01-12-16 |  | SI Prefix Converter v0.8 This simple, compact BASIC function will convert between SI prefixes. Easily change 623 mm to km, without having to remember the conversion scales! All prefixes built in! |
 | referenc.zip | 740k | 07-03-22 |  | Referenc, Eng. References Referencias de Ingeniería- [ENGLISH] REFERENC gathers information about the International System Units, physical constants, a general units converter and information of the codes of protection IP (International Protection) and IK. Finally, a series of programs for measures, including a calibrator and errors in measurement. [ESPAÑOL] REFERENC cuenta con información de unidades del Sistema Internacional (SI), constantes físicas fundamentales, un conversor general de unidades e información de los códigos de protección IP (International Protection) e IK. Por último, una serie de programas para medidas, como lo es una rutina educativa sobre el uso del calibrador Pie de Rey y ecuaciones de error en la medida. |
 | sdig.zip | 1k | 98-10-06 |  | Significant Digits v1.0 This program will calculate the number of significant digits in a number. Useful in science classes like chemistry and physics. |
 | setcust2.zip | 1k | 05-10-21 |  | Custom Units Here is a program I made when those units not in the built-in Units programs were missing. For example, in the Acceleration category, they didn't add units like (_m/(_s²)) or a Pressure unit named kilopascal (_kPa). Feel free to modify the program in any way you like. If you have problems, comments, or bugs, e-mail me. Enjoy P.S. I don't know how to change the picture file from BMP format to GIF format, so I apologize for that! By the way, I deleted the "L.A." part because that's part of a class I'm taking throughout the semester, but if you want it, e-mail me for those of you taking Linear Algebra class; however you don't need it if you're not taking the class. |
 | siunits.zip | 5k | 05-11-19 |  | SI units Program SIunits() represents all 27 SI units with names, abbreviations and units. |
 | t89v1.5.zip | 2k | 04-10-10 |  | T89 MULTICONVERTER v1.5 T89 MULTICONVERTER Version 1.5 I mainly suppose that i had to make this program since to convert temperatures from one unit to multiple others and pressures wouldn't be nice using the calc built-in translator. The program is far simple! Just copy t89.89p, pres.89p, temp.89p, ene.89p, vesp.89p to your calc and then launch t89() select an option and enjoy! I hope my next upgrade will be done for the humidity tables Andres Valencia M valenceicq@hotmail.com |
 | t89.zip | 1k | 04-09-27 |  | T89 MULTICONVERTER Do you want to know what it does??? IT CONVERTS PRESSURE AND TEMPERATURE IN MULTI UNITS, for a bigger reference, download it and use it. |
 | temp2000.zip | 1k | 01-05-16 |  | Temp2000 This is a temperature converter for the 89. It converts between kelvin, celsius, and fahrenheit. And, as an added bonus, it actually works! |
 | temp89.zip | 2k | 00-04-07 |  | Temperature Converter 89 Converts temperatures from kelvin, fahrenheit, or celsius to kelvin, fahrenheit, or celsius. It is much faster than the temperature converter already on the TI-89. It is very easy to use. |
 | tempconv2.zip | 12k | 02-06-19 |  | Tempconv -v.1- Tempconv is an easy to use temperature conversion program that can be used anywhere a temperature conversion is needed. Internally, the program fully uses the tmpCnv() function that is built in to the TI-89. Therefore Tempconv can save lots of space without loosing the ability to give an accurate conversion. |
 | tempconv.zip | 1k | 02-04-15 |  | Temperature Conversion Two functions which convert between Celsius and Fahrenheit. f2c(x) returns the Celsius value of a Fahrenheit temperature. c2f(x) returns the Fahrenheit value of a Celsius temperature. Example: f2c(32) returns 0, and c2f(100) returns 212 (freezing & boiling points of water, respectively). |
 | tgm.zip | 1k | 05-08-16 |  | TGM Units A measurement system designed by Tom Pendlebury. |
 | ti89nist.zip | 9k | 04-01-02 |  | TI89 NIST Physical Constants v1.0 TI89NIST installs over 70 of the NIST physical constants on your TI-89, all with std. and rel. std. uncertainties, and appropriate units (over 200 variables in all). It includes universal, E-M, atomic, particle, physico-chemical and adopted values. 'viewcons' is a nifty, optional, menu-driven application which allows the user to find the variable name for a constant, given its description or standard symbol. |
 | troy.zip | 1k | 02-04-11 |  | Troy Mass Units .89e files for Troy pounds, ounces, and drams |
 | unit_converter.zip | 2k | 07-12-30 |  | Unit converter This is a really cool program that converts many different units of measure. Just run the program and go to the main menu. Then, click on any of the different sections and a list of all the conversions will come up. Click on one of them and it will ask you for a value. Type in the certain value and it will convert it into a different unit. |
 | units.zip | 20k | 00-09-24 |  | Units Barre d'unités très pratique |
 | utility89.zip | 1k | 99-02-28 |  | Significant Digits v2.1 Contain 2 program in it. One is use to help you calculator the of Sign. Digit, and other is all the formula in Physics |