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(Parent Dir)folder Up to TI-89 BASIC Games (Role-playing)
aday.zip3k01-06-01File is not ratedA Day At School
RPG game Where you have to save the students from the EVIL PRINCIPLE!!
adnd.zip14k01-03-14File is not ratedAD&D
This is a RPG that is strongly based on the AD&D rules. It has multiple races, classes, spells, items, monsters, etc. I have not finished it, and I probably will not, so anyone that wants to can try. Just be sure to give me some credit.
agentx.zip1k01-01-22File is not ratedAgent X
Want to be like bond well try this a game like commlink but only your a secert agent man and fullfil your mission.John Griffith
albu89.zip12k05-05-01File is not ratedAlbuquerque 89
This is a hysterical RPG based on the song "Albuquerque" by Weird Al Yankovic. Its even funnier if you know the song but you don't have to to get a kick out of it. The basic plot is that you are a man that decides one day to move to Albuquerque, where he spends the rest of his life. He does a lot of funny things (and a lot of funny thins happen to him). We hope you enjoy this game. We certainly did, and we made it!
biohazard.zip2k07-09-04File is not ratedBioHazard
Its BioHazard! A Text-Based RPG Like You've Never Seen!!!
bugs.zip6k04-02-17File is not ratedBugs
Bugs is a text-based game where you have an army of bugs to infect other people's computers. Nobody will attack your computer until you lose an attack against them. Then they will know you have been attacking them and they will attack you. You get spiders, which burrow in computers and slowly get you money. You can upgrade your security and progduction and save your game!
cowtip.zip2k05-05-23File is not ratedCow-tipping v1.1
This is a simple game meant to help along new TI-BASIC programmers with the fundamentals. Its EXTREMELY simple, and not meant to be a game you play for hours on end... However, it's still rather fun, so enjoy! P.S. I left in a few harmless bugs on purpose.
darkmagi31.zip16k03-08-22File is not ratedDark Magi v3.1
Improved RPG: smaller size, easier to play, and and completely debugged! I always wanted a good graphics adventure game, so I made one. 50 hours of work= 37 Monster classes, 45 Weapons, 9 10x16 worlds... Check it out!
divinity.zip13k04-01-03File is not ratedDivinity v 0.80 bêta
Divinity était au départ un God-game (type Populous ou Black & White) textuel. Aujourd’hui il s’agit de quelques épreuves (en développement…) mettant à rude épreuve vos neurones. Il s’agit de faire travailler tout votre cerveau : mathématique, physique, culture générale, mémoire, logique, etc. Certains trouverons peut-être que c’est trop dur, mais c’est le but premier : réussir des épreuves assez « hard » pour être le nouveau Zeus. C'est du niveau 1ère S poussée je dirais. Attention, certaines épreuves ne nécessites que de la logique ou de la mémoire : tout le monde peut essayer ! Ainsi, je défis quiconque de réussir toutes les épreuves , à l’aide de tout ce que vous voulez ; sans tricher bien sûr ! Interdiction donc de visionner le code source.
excalibur.zip3k98-09-18File is not ratedQuest for Excalibur Beta
A role playing game.
frntier89.zip22k00-02-29File is not ratedFrontier 89 v2.0
An awesome flight-simulation/trading game for the 89, based on the original Frontier and Frontier 2 for the TI-83. It's very user friendly, and fun. There are 23 unique ships to fly, with different speeds, hull capacity, and more, and many weapons and upgrades for battle. You can trade goods to 7 different systems, with about 40 total starports. Each system has its own exports and imports.
frowning31.zip16k03-08-22File is not ratedThe Frowning
Modification of Dark Magi v3.1. This RPG is violence free with tons of humor. You play a Jester battling the minions of sadness. huge world with variety in a relatively small package.
game.zip1k16-09-16File is not ratedGame inspired by DBZ
I Don't know what to call this game other than Inspired by DBZ, Its a game where you train skills and Battle, Its mostly unfinished but the training is MOSTLY done, battling is unfinished.
govcrack.zip2k01-01-22File is not ratedGoverment Cracker v12.0
A game sorta like commlink it just tells you if you crack a goverment file or not(its all pretend)
gta89.zip14k04-03-08File is not ratedGTA 89
A game that resembles GTA, BeerHunt, and DrugWars.
hacker.zip3k00-12-17File is not ratedHack Quest 89 v2.4
Hack computers and drink Jolt.
hack.zip45k04-08-10File is not ratedHACK
A cracking game based on the Uplink game, by Ambrosia Software. Bêta-version.
hallway.zip7k07-06-09File is not ratedAt The End of the Hallway v1.4
At the End of the Hallway is a text based adventure with Dialog boxes and Toolbars for the TI-89 Titanium. The story is as follows...You are trapped in a house. The house is made up of six rooms branching off of a central hallway. A seventh room lies at the end of the hallway. The door is locked, but strange sounds can be heard behind it. You have a backpack with only a spoon in it. Find a way out of the house and beware of the door At The End Of The Hallway...
heroesquest.zip24k04-05-21File is not ratedHeroesQuest
Heoest Quest is an Rpg game, my first game on ti 89. im no good drawer so some graphics were borrowed from other games. Thnx to X-Blades' programmer. BTW Heroes Quest 2 is being programmed with lots of new features
jones.zip45k10-03-08File is not ratedJones In The Fast Lane v1.89.14
This is the TI version of the old Sierra game. In Jones, you start as a living-being with nothing but your brains and, luckily, a few cloths. From here you will have to look for a job to pay for your food / expenses. But you will also need to study if you ever want to get out of that work-to-pay-my-food cycle. Ultimately, you'll need a kickass job to pay for all the things in this simplified life. It's a very simple concept: At the beginning of the game you determine what your goals are, the higher your goals, the longer the game. After that each person has a number of hours a week to spend on Education, Working, Relaxation and Walking from place to place.
kbdprgm5.zip5k04-12-09File is not ratedUltimate RPG
Great word based rpg. many different characters and endless posibilities for character advancement.
kchs.zip4k99-12-29File is not ratedThe KCHS Punisher
Blow up ruthless teacher clones bent on world domination.
liferpg.zip10k05-09-04File is not ratedLife RPG
A role playing game that simulates an average life. This text based game has multiple features, including high scores and file saving! See the ReadMe for more details.
magic.zip19k00-11-09File is not ratedMagician
Become the World's Greatest Magician. Sort of a text-RPG by Illusions 2000. Perform, practice, and hire assistants to get money to buy new tricks. Other magicians challenge you, and you have to defeat them with one of your tricks. Version 1.0.
main.pokemark.zip9k03-03-12File is not ratedPokemon Market
This is my first BASIC game and I developed it to getting comments on how to make it better. It has my email on there so if you like it email me or if you think there something I can change to make it better tell me.
market.zip2k02-05-13File is not ratedBlack Market 89 v2.0
A drug wars clone in which you must buy and sell items on the black market for a week and make $1 million. Be sure to put all three files in a directory titled "market" on your calculator or it will not work. Also do not archive the file "markeths" or the high scores will not work. Have fun, the game is addicting.
masterhacker1.0.zip3k04-05-03File is not ratedMaster Hacker v1.0
This is a 1.0 version of what I hope to make into an rpg based on hacking. Please download and comment!
monster.zip2k04-11-11File is not ratedMonster
Text-Based game made to be challenging and take a long time to beat. Features a Save/Load option. Adapted from Monster Rancher.
nerdwars89.zip3k02-05-11File is not ratedNerdWars v1.0
A Drugwars clone in which you go to different nerd hangouts and sell nerd goods, like pocket protectors and yogurt. This game is written by a proud nerd for nerds everywhere!
nhl89.zip3k02-10-25File is not ratedNHL 89 v. 1.00
A trading game like dope wars or Black market. READ README! This is my first program.
past.zip1k07-03-31File is not ratedPast
The First of Three in a Trilogy of Text-Based adventure games.
pgra.zip6k00-03-26File is not ratedPitch Gray
A clone of the movie "Pitch Black" (This is my first program it is not very good. I give permission to anyone to make this game better.)
prohacker.zip15k03-05-27File is not ratedPro Hacker 1.05
In this game, you are a hacker. To win money, you have to find servers passwords to transfer money on your account. With buying upgrades, you can hack more and more dangerous servers and even download and sell files.
psg.zip5k01-02-25File is not ratedPSG
It's a very easy game (in french), you're Luis, the coach of the PSG and you must help the club to win matchs the next season, so you must lose the last match of this season in order to the club go down in D2.
rpgpalo.zip39k11-10-10File is not ratedRPG Palo
RPG Palo is a text-based RPG modeled on XGen Studio's StickRPG. This is update 2.2.004.
sclcrzy.zip12k03-03-20File is not ratedSchool Crazy
This is an early release of an interactive story about school characters of your choice. Not many features now, but has better-than-average graphics. See screenshots.
slaythedragon.zip2k06-01-18File is not ratedSlay the Dragon
A simple text game from Nechtan Productions in which you must save a village from the evil dragon. Added a few things and fixed a few bugs.
starcraft.zip1k00-05-16File is not ratedStar Craft 89
Starcraft in BASIC. I am working on a C version of it - it will be out by summer.
time.zip12k00-09-07File is not ratedTime Warriors: The Elemental Princes v1.1
This version fixes all of the bugs in the game and has a readme file.
timon.zip1k02-08-03File is not ratedTImon
Create your own monster and raise them however you want! So far, it only has the ability to train. When it's completed, you will be able to fight in single player, and on a link cable.
ultimatehacker.zip53k04-09-20File is not ratedULTIMATE Hacker 2.27
You are a hacker and you have been recruited by a big company, Omega Corporation. It lends you a gateway and offers you hacking missions. The missions are all different: Change social security numbers, destroy servers, copy files, do a money transfers.... Your goal is to get the best Omega grade and become the best agent before 50 days.
viking.zip5k03-08-30File is not ratedViking gamer
This is a Viking scenario game where you use your head to battle berserks, buy ships and fight with many weapons. A classic for someone who is interested in strategy games for the TI-89.
wargames.zip4k99-06-06File is not ratedGlobal Thermal-Nuclear Warfare
The simple game of global thermal-nuclear war.
warrior.zip8k00-09-02File is not ratedTime Warrior: The Elemental Princes
In This game you travel through time to fight evil and protect humanity from destruction.

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