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Quest for Excalibur Beta


Ranked as 2508 on our all-time top downloads list with 9898 downloads.
Ranked as 19357 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 2 downloads.

Filename excalibur.zip (Download)
Title Quest for Excalibur Beta
Description A role playing game.
Author Tom Wilson (MenacerTW@aol.com)
Category TI-89 BASIC Games (Role-playing/Text Adventure)
File Size 3,272 bytes
File Date and Time Fri Sep 18 18:48:59 1998
Documentation Included? Yes



Review by  Ben Kimmett
Reviewed on 2007-02-05
"Quest for Excalibur" is a simple RPG, focused mostly on fighting monsters. I think it is a good game, but could use more to it, as well as some more implementations of things.

Gameplay: 7/10

The game was a nice little game that goes Fight. Spend your gold. Fight. Spend your gold. etc. Get challenged by the Great Dragon. Fight the Great Dragon. And, because the dragon has 125 HP and you have 10.... Get Creamed. This, while not making for the best RPG in the world, gave something to keep me from being bored... At least at first. (See Replayability)

Graphics: N/A

This game is text-based and has no graphics.

Speed: 10/10

Again, this game is text-based and has none of the speed issues that graphical programs can have.

Replayability: 3/10

This game is mostly about battling monsters, and you don't have control over the battle: You just select "Fight" from the menu, then you're told either that "You beat your opponent into a puny pulp of nothing" or "You have been defeated, Your enemy spares you, allowing you to live a life of shame". And after a while, battling monsters that don't have anything but a name and HP number gets B-O-R-I-N-G!

Style: 3/10

The game wasn't too stylish. The descriptions of places and enemies were as you might expect for a small BASIC RPG: basic. However, the addition of the "Great Dragon" at the end was a nice stylish touch.

Ease of Use: 10/10

The game was VERY easy to use, since it was made out of TI-BASIC menus. All I ever had to use were the arrow keys and Enter.

Gut Intuition: 8/10

When, I started the program, I wasn't sure what to expect. It turned out to be a nice little RPG, with lots of monster battles (and not much else). While the game was good, I had a few things I just HAVE to ask. Such as, what does Wisdom DO anyway? Or, how do you defeat the great dragon, as there's no way to actually increase your HP? (I also think that the great dragon should challenge you AND THEN you should have time to go prepare at the healer, etc.) And, where are the spells mentioned on the intro screen? All in all, though, I think this is a nice little RPG that will entertain you for a little while.

FINAL SCORE: 6.666667/10

If I had to say what could be done to make this game better, I would say

1) Add more variety. Some suggestions would be: Spells, more bosses, fighting that you can actually control (a turn-based battle system, in short), a way to increase your HP.

2)Keep on programming!

Other than that, you've got nothing to worry about!

See 1 more reviews


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Archive Contents
Name Size
ExcaliburBETA.txt   523
EXCALIBR.89P   7313

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