| Name | Size | Date | Rating | Description |
| (Parent Dir) | folder | | Up to TI-89 Assembly Files |
| kernel | folder | | TI-89 Assembly Sound Programs (Kernel) |
| polysnd | folder | | TI-89 Assembly Sound Variables (PolySnd) |
 | jsseffec.zip | 41k | 20-05-20 |  | Just some small effects Just some small effects is a scene demo consisting of small effects accompanied by 2-channel beeper sound. |
 | tivibe.zip | 269k | 06-04-22 |  | TI-Vibe Music Player TI-Vibe is a music player for TI-68k calculators. It outputs to the I/O port what will probably be the best sound you will be able to hear on these 12Mhz devices (7 bits, mono, ~22khz). |
 | polysnd2v2472.zip | 895k | 04-11-20 |  | PolySnd v2.0 PolySnd v2.0 able to play of the sound in background task in stereophony with grayscales. It is possible to play a simple frequency, series of frequencies with durations to create sound effects, data MIDI with musics into mono or stereophony or of the WAV 1 bit in 8192 Hz. PolySnd v2.0 are a library of programming just like extgraph but adapted for the audio programming in plays or player... Moreover it consumes little resources CPU and it is possible to use grayscales with... |
 | pplayer.zip | 221k | 04-11-11 |  | PolySnd Player PolySnd Player is a advance player in grayscale for play MIDI file in mono or stereo. PolySnd Player get a lot informations of the file in progress... Its possible to make MIDI file for PolySnd Player with PolySnd MIDI Converter. |
 | tapion68k.zip | 41k | 03-05-29 |  | Tapion Flute Theme (DBZ Movie 13) This was made with Midi68k, istudio, and TIGCC. I put all the part together and modified the code to work. Hope you enjoy the full screen B/W picture. The TI-86 version was made in a similar fashion, but w/ Assembly Studio 8X v4.0 and Wav2DB. |
 | keyboard68k.zip | 5k | 03-05-24 |  | Electronic Keyboard This just plays the sound at the frequency of the key value. ie, if ESC = 264 (which it does) then the frequency is 264. Press [+] to quit. |
 | midi68k_ex.zip | 70k | 02-07-23 |  | Midi68k v0.55 Examples This is the set of examples that comes with Midi68k, a DOS/console program that converts MIDI files to source files for use with TIGCC. To get it, see the DOS Programs folder. This package includes 5 different kinds of music, including game, classical, and music created by me. Version v0.55 adds support for VTI's sound, you can listen even without the calc and headphones. Enjoy! |
 | tiwinamp89.zip | 331k | 02-02-25 |  | TI-Winamp v0.9 New in 0.9: now it should work properly for all cables. Control winamp from your TI-89 or TI-92. Other calcs can be supported also if you know how to program for Z80 or any other processor. Visit http://www.geocities.com/tiprojects for more info |
 | keyboard.zip | 1k | 01-06-05 |  | Xtremefx Keyboard this program creates an audio keyboard out of the bottom right 4x7 area of keys |
 | bosakb.zip | 2k | 01-06-01 |  | BOSA Keyboard This program turns the [.] through [ESC] keys into a keyboard for use if BOSA is installed. Also, there is a random beep option, that, to quote the Slikker, "Sounds like the part on 'Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory' where they send the chocolate bar through the TV." It is written in basic, but uses BOSA, which is ASM. |
 | chmassnd.zip | 3k | 00-12-26 |  | Christmas songs 4 Christmas songs ! Mon beau sapin - Jingle bells - Leise rieselt der Schnee - Petit papa Noël |
 | michelle.zip | 1k | 00-12-17 |  | Michelle, ma belle.. The Beatles on your Ti89 by GLR. |
 | snd.zip | 28k | 00-11-07 |  | 60 Sounds & Melodies Approximately 60 sounds and melodies. |
 | bosa.zip | 3k | 00-09-23 |  | BOSA - Basic Output Sound Algorithm v1.0 BOSA is an ASM program written in C which can be passed a frequency and a duration, and it will create that frequency at that duration upon execution. can be used from basic with ease for title screens, music, etc. requires a kernel (DOORS) to run and an external speaker / headphone device to hear the sound. |
 | explode.zip | 17k | 00-09-23 |  | Explosion Sound of an explosion that was converted with wav2asm. I cannot guarentee that this will work. |
 | sndlib.zip | 1k | 00-03-16 |  | sndlib2 a new version of sndlib which allows the use of grayscales with sound |
 | hark.zip | 1k | 00-02-15 |  | Hark the Harold Angels Sing That great song. |
 | ff.zip | 2k | 99-07-02 |  | Final Fantasy Intro Music FF theme and FFVII intro music. |
 | jingle.zip | 1k | 99-02-03 |  | Jingle Bells |
 | enter.zip | 1k | 98-11-21 |  | Entertainer |
 | cromat.zip | 1k | 98-11-21 |  | Chromatic Scale |