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Last updated Thursday, 6 July 2006
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Most popular file  Algebra II Programs v1.0 with 9,805 downloads.

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(Parent Dir)folder Up to TI-86 BASIC Math Programs
agmath.zip5k00-03-02File is not ratedAG Math v2.5
Math program that includes 21 features from Algebra to Geometry to Pre Calculus. All features have been updated in this version.
alg2.zip13k99-10-02File is not ratedAlgebra II Programs v1.0
Covers second semester Algebra II (H) with functions from Quadratic Formula to Trig Functions (sin cos tan). Does all the work for you. Just plug in numbers and it gives you the answer and the base formula it took to solve it.
allfrm86.zip1k97-11-20File is not ratedAllForm for the TI-86
Use to find roots, vertex, equation of line, midpt., distance, slope, and solve triangles. All done as easily as possible.
alpha.zip2k01-02-07File is not ratedAlpha
Wasup people. More features and stuff like that. There is a SLOPE, a X program, a Factor program, the Pythageran Therom, The Line of best fit With the equ, Acute Obtuce..? program, and last but not least my master piece The Mean Median program with the Q's and the range! All in one!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
cas86.zip27k00-08-22File is not ratedCAS86
Advanced Mathematics Software capable of symbolic and exact computations; speed increase over v2.1
enosv.zip4k00-03-15File is not ratedEnos 86 Mk.3
Enos is a collection of abstract but usefull programs to aid you and speed up things.
equstr.zip2k00-10-26File is not ratedEquation Library
stores equations from the equation solver for later use, Inspired from HP 48G, and versions exist for ti89 and ti85
ezmath.zip2k99-11-05File is not ratedE-Z Math 86
A very helpful and e-z to use math program with MANY (at least seven) features/options, such as volume, area, surface area of MANY (at least 8 each) figures, slope, midpoint, distance finder, and other stuff good for cheating on math tests. :-)
formula2.zip1k98-03-04File is not ratedFormulas 86 v1.2
formulas3.zip5k02-05-27File is not ratedUsefull Formulas v1.2.17
A set of 17 usefull formuals derived form Algebra 2 and Triganalysis
formulas.zip1k97-09-25File is not ratedFormulas
frontend.zip1k00-08-24File is not ratedfrontend
Updated frontend for CAS86; minor bug fixed
funbox.zip3k97-08-16File is not ratedMath Fun Box v0.2
Many useful math tools, AURORA Compatible
iic.zip1k99-06-09File is not ratedSATII MATH IIC Formulas
Formulas for the Math IIC SATII.
infinity.zip2k98-11-15File is not ratedInfinity Toolbox v1.25
Algebra and Pre Cal Tool Box
info86.zip3k99-02-26File is not ratedInfo v1.03
Alg2 Trig and Calculus formulas, thms, etc.
math01.zip1k97-09-25File is not ratedMath v86.01
math102.zip5k01-12-16File is not ratedMathMaxx
A collection of math functions for math students of all levels. A Must-see!
math22.zip1k03-07-25File is not ratedMath package
Does some statistical anaysis (mean, median, mode, stdev), and converts decimals to fractions.
math2.zip8k99-11-18File is not ratedMath 86
An awesome math program that covers a lot of stuff.
math3.zip5k02-04-05File is not ratedMath
Nice Math program. Wide variety of Math is covered, not everything for each type though.
math86.zip16k00-05-26File is not ratedMath 86 Suite
A suite of applications that increase productivity in the school environment. PREVIEW RELEASE THAT ALL YOU LITTLE PUNKS HAVE TO BETA TEST!!! YEA!!! It contains a planner, a math program with a fully customizable user interface, a project manager/planner, and other tools to manage a life at school. Anyway, I won't be formal 'cause this is just a beta.
mathcalc.zip35k05-03-02File is not ratedMath-Calc v.6.5
Perfect for Algebra 2, Geometry, and Chemistry 1. Contains slope and intercepts, a vertex solver, an equation finder and solver, a simplified square roots finder, a synthetic polynomial divider, a section that will give you the t-chart and graph of a parabola, a section that will solve a system of linear equalations in two or three variables, A triangle solver, A distance finder, a midpoint finder, a section that will find the volume and surface area af a cone, cylinder, pyrimid, rectangular prism, sphere; and finally, a section that will convert between grams, moles, and atoms, and a section that will convert between frequency, wavelength, and energy,and one that finds the empirical formula of two elements;plus much more! E-mail suggestions to HScalcnerd@hotmail.com.
mathgp.zip4k03-03-18File is not ratedMath Formulas
This is a simple program that contains formulas to calculate the following: Lines, Circles, Ellipses, Hyperbolas, Parabolas, Calculus, and Statistics
mathguru.zip3k02-03-05File is not ratedMath Guru v1.0
Math Guru is a math toolbox that solves quadratics, systems of two and three equations, slope, midpoint, distance, y intercept, all triangles, and answers unit circle questions in radical form. Great for getting anything done.
mathhelp.zip3k99-02-02File is not ratedMathHelp v5.0
tons of math helping programs, a must have
mathh.zip4k01-05-31File is not ratedMathh v6.2
New update here. Includes a lot of features, e-mail me for some more.
mathmaster.zip4k05-12-21File is not ratedMath Master 4
This is a newer version of Math Master. Features in QUADF include entering coefficients in all forms; discriminant, graph, vertex, table, factoring, conversion between forms, complete the square, and repeat. Features in SYS include intersection of 2 lines in standard form, intersection of 2 lines in slope-y-intercept form, equation of a line based on 2 point, intersection of 3 3D equations in standard form, equation of a line based on a point and a slope, distance between 2 points, and midpoint between two points. Miscellaneous features include Pythagorean Theorem solver, Radical Reducer, Polar grapher, quadratic equation based on a vertex and a point, and quadratic equation based on 3 points. The program also includes options like Graph On/Off, Work On/Off, and Exit On/Off.
mathpack.zip3k97-11-14File is not ratedMathPackage86 v1.1
mathpak.zip3k98-08-30File is not ratedMathPak86 v1.0
Math programs, including factorization and conic graphing
mathprogs.zip2k99-09-24File is not ratedMath Programs
These are a bunch of different math programs that are useful for geometry and algebra II.
mathstuff.zip9k06-07-06File is not ratedMathStuff 4.0 RC1
After 5 years of dormancy, it's back! MathStuff returns in a brand new 4.0 version! Nearly three years in the making, MathStuff 4.0 went through many alpha and beta versions before I felt comfortable releasing it publicly. Like the old 3.4.1 version, MathStuff 4.0 contains many Algebra, Trigonometry, and Calculus formulas. Unlike the old version, 4.0 also include several Number/Group Theory and Statistics formulas as well as a Tools menu with miscellaneous programs that didn't fit in the other categories. In fact, I'm writing a manual which will soon follow. Before using, read the included readme file first! My website, which is a work in progress, contains current screenshots of MathStuff 4.0. Comments and suggestions are welcome! Enjoy!
mathtool.zip1k02-02-16File is not ratedThe Mathematics Tookit v0.5
This is the math program to end all math programs! Contains four gosh-darn useful functions: the distance formula, the Pythagorean Theorem, the quadratic equation, and the slope formula. More to be added later.
mathwiz2.zip5k00-07-06File is not ratedMathwhiz v2.0
Mathwhiz v2.0 is a math program which has several features designed to help you in Geometric tasks. Included are a trigonometric solver, pythagoream theorem solver, square root extractor, and many formulas which prompts you, then finds all dimensions of a geometric object (circle, cone, cylinder, parallelogram, prism,pyramid, sector, trapezoid, triangle and sphere). All this brought to your computer for your ease and comfort by Alejandro D. Wagmister.
mathwiz.zip1k99-12-31File is not ratedMath Wizard
This is a program for peple who want simple calculations in the pathagorean therom. Not complex stuff. also has volumes for 3-d objects
megamath.zip2k98-06-11File is not ratedMega-Math v1.2
A math program that solves many simple and some hard equations.
middleschool.zip1k00-03-15File is not ratedMiddle School Math
A math program focusing on Middle School level math.
msolvers.zip1k99-11-05File is not ratedMathematical Solvers v1.0
Solves quadratic problems, pythagorean problems, slopes, and degree/radian conversions in an simple, easy-to-use format.
mthprogs.zip2k99-09-14File is not ratedMthProgs v1.0
A collection of basic math programs.
mymath.zip1k98-08-30File is not ratedMyMath
Many useful math utilities for Chemisty and Algebra II.
powermath.zip2k98-05-12File is not ratedPowerMath v2.3
rex.zip21k03-08-08File is not ratedREX Math Helper
This program has seperatly installable menus which deal with a variety of math functions. These include radical simplification, quadratic formula in exact form, factoring, conic sections, trig, calclus, stat., Algebra I & II, Chemistry, and much much more. Very large but you only install the parts you want.
school.zip1k01-02-07File is not ratedSchool Toolz
a Program to help you with Chem, Alg. and Geo. Includes Chem86
toolz.zip29k00-02-28File is not ratedToolZBoX
A great program that performs all of your math for you! Download now! Uses Hybrid Programming and Assembly subroutines to make your math life easier for you. You will never have problems on a test again! Get ToolZBoX now!
ultmath.zip22k00-10-09File is not ratedUltimate Math Toolkit v2.0
Includes programs useful from Algebra to Calculas AP-BC including a fast root reducing subroutine, the BEST Conic Sections solver, Cramer's rule for 2 and 3 vars, Trapezoidal and Reimann Sums, Simpon's rule, some great looking cheat programs for Trig and Calculas, and much more.
yoe_math.86g1k02-09-08File is not ratedmath programs
grouped ti-86 BASIC math programs by yoe

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