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Number of files 62
Last updated Monday, 21 February 2011
Total downloads 164,999
Most popular file  Advanced Placement Statistics Software with 6,073 downloads.

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(Parent Dir)folder Up to TI-86 BASIC Math Programs
86basstats.zip95k09-09-11File is not ratedStats programs (port of Fox's
Port of Professor Fox's stats programs for the 83/84 (NOT in archives yet) to the TI86. Requires infstats! Very limited documentation, and I have not used all. I am using these instead of a new 83/84, contrary to his recommendations.
allnumg.zip2k04-03-03File is not ratedArithmatic List Generator
This has files for the TI-85 and TI-86. It generates list according to your input. Average, +, -, /, and * are the options. Also, randomness is an option if you don't want to bother inputting every number. Each level is a smaller one from the last, finally ending in a single number, the whole thing a pyramid. Only the 86 has an assembly part.
allreg.zip2k03-06-24File is not ratedAllReg v1.0-Combined Regression Package
Fit a set of points to a linear, logarithmic, sinusoidal, exponential, or power regression model, then visually compare the fit line and the original points on the graph.
anova.zip1k99-11-18File is not ratedAnalysis Of Variance
anv2fd.zip1k99-11-18File is not rated2-Factor ANOVA
2-Factor ANOVA: Factorial Design
anv2rb.zip1k99-11-18File is not ratedANOVA: Randomized Block
2-Factor ANOVA: Randomized Block Design
apstat.zip4k98-01-17File is not ratedAdvanced Placement Statistics Software
bernie86.zip1k02-11-28File is not ratedBernieOMatic 86
It does Bernoulli trials.
bernsamp.zip1k99-11-18File is not ratedBernoulli Distribution
Sample the Bernoulli distribution.
bigraph.zip1k99-11-18File is not ratedBinomial Pdf-Mean
Graph Binomial pdf and locate mean
bimodal.zip1k01-02-09File is not ratedBimodal Distribution
bonfrni.zip1k99-11-18File is not ratedBonferroni's Procedure
buffon.zip1k99-11-18File is not ratedBuffon's Needle
Buffon's needle problem demonstration.
cdf.zip1k98-10-13File is not ratedThe CDF Creator
Creates a cumulative distribution function using the x list and y list you specify.
chaos.zip1k02-04-23File is not ratedChaos in Logistic Equation
This program demonstrates chaos found in the logistic equation as the parameter R is varied.
chigof.zip1k08-04-14File is not ratedChi-square Goodness-of-fit Test
Performs a chi-square goodness-of-fit test. By Daniel Holstein, March 2008.
chisq.zip1k03-03-08File is not ratedChiSq
A simple Chi Squared program, you can do more than just a coin, or dice.
chi.zip1k99-12-25File is not ratedChi Squared Calculator
A calculator to get the Chi Squared statistic.
delta.zip1k01-06-01File is not ratedSeconddegreeStt
Calcul des solutions
dice2.zip1k00-10-09File is not ratedDice
My First Program this is very cool you roll a 12 sided dice
dice.zip1k99-11-18File is not ratedRoll Dice, Get Sum
Roll n-sided dice and find sum.
dist.zip1k97-11-27File is not ratedDistribution Functions
edf.zip1k98-10-14File is not ratedThe EDF Creator
Creates an empirical distribution function from the list that you specify.
farea.zip1k99-11-18File is not ratedArea Under F Distribution
Area under the F distribution.
fmtest.zip1k99-11-18File is not ratedFriedman's Test
gamma.zip1k07-11-08File is not ratedGamma
This program implements the gamma function. It accepts positive and negative numbers, but not complex. Do you need the gamma function computed for your program? Read my readme.txt file to find out to use Gamma.
hardy.zip1k04-05-25File is not ratedHardy-Weinberg Solver
Just input the value of qq and it solves it for you can also type it into your calculator see read me
hypergeo.zip1k00-03-02File is not ratedHyperGeometric Probability
Determined the probability of choosing x from population1 and y from population2
interpolate.zip1k00-05-01File is not ratedInterpolate
A program that does linear interpolation, and only 3 lines of code!
inversefunct.zip1k01-05-01File is not ratedStatistics: Inverse T Distribution
This program calculates t* (t-star) values for a given confidence level and given degrees of freedom. Its faster than using SOLVER and it good when you need to show your work on tests or the AP exam.
kwtest.zip1k99-11-18File is not ratedKruskall-Wallis Test
linp3.6.zip1k03-05-07File is not ratedLinP 3.6-Linear Regression Solver/Grapher
This program performs linear regression on a set of points, and unlike the LinR function, GRAPHS the approximated line with the points! With a lot of optimization, most of it thanks to TI83_Basic_Wizard, I cut down on the size of this by about 157 bytes! Functionally, it's just about equivalent to version 3.4.
liststat.zip2k98-10-14File is not ratedList Statistics v2.7
This is a must have program for Statistics and Statistics AP students. You input one or two lists and an optional frequency list and you can get instant plots and statistics for the list s in an easy to use interface.
lsci.zip1k99-11-18File is not ratedLeast Squares Confidence Intervals
mean.zip1k01-02-07File is not ratedMean, Median, and Stuff
This program is to help people with the mean median and the Q's. It is easy to use and easy to do. It is suprising no one though of it first. It a good program.
medianp.zip1k99-09-04File is not ratedMedian Finder v1.0
Finds the median of any list.
mlreg.zip1k99-11-18File is not ratedMultiple Linear Regression
mmm.zip1k00-09-05File is not ratedMean Median Mode v1.0
Calculated the mean, median, and mode of the numbers you enter.
norm86.zip1k98-09-27File is not ratedNormPlot
Displays a normal quantile probability plot for a list of data. See a stats text for help in how to interpret this plot.
nrmlarea.zip1k99-11-18File is not ratedGeneral Normal Distribution
Area and graph under general normal distribution.
nrmlprpl.zip1k99-11-18File is not ratedNormal Probability Plotter
Normal probability (z score) plotter like the TI-83s.
pf.zip1k00-09-17File is not ratedProbability Finder
This is an easy to use tool that takes you step by step through the process. Use to to roll dice, find heads or tails, or numbers such as 1 out of 10. It finds the probability from a group of any numbers.
pograph.zip1k99-11-18File is not ratedPoisson Probability Mass Function
Graph Poisson probability mass function
poisson.zip1k01-02-09File is not ratedPoisson Distribution
Poisson Distribution Update 1
polyreg.zip3k06-08-20File is not ratedPolynomial Regression
Computes the regression curve of a set of data points for any power of polynomial.
prbtest.zip1k99-11-18File is not ratedRandom Experiment
Random experiment, graphs prob. vs. trial
probdist.zip1k00-05-04File is not ratedProbDist v2.00
Probability distribution for monomial/standard and bi-nomial distributions.
probsim2.zip3k11-02-21File is not ratedPROBSIM V.2
This program is an update to my original probability program, PROBSIM. It requires infstats, though. It has no password protection.
ptoz.zip1k03-04-29File is not ratedZ score-to-percentile conversion
This program allows you to convert between z score and percentile, assuming a normal (gaussian) curve.
r2.zip1k99-11-18File is not ratedCoefficient of Determination
Compute the coefficient of determination.
rolldice.zip1k05-03-07File is not ratedRoll Dice
This program rolls two dice. It is almost identical to my other program, roll a die, except this program rolls two dice. This is essential for statistics students.
rolldie.zip1k05-03-07File is not ratedRoll a Die
This program lets you roll a regular, six sided, die. This program is a must have for any statistiscs class.
rstest.zip1k99-11-18File is not ratedWilcoxon Rank-Sum
Wilcoxon Rank-Sum (Mann-Whitney U) Test
stand.zip1k01-12-22File is not ratedStandard Deviation/Error Finder
Use this program to avoid the LONG equation required in many math and physics classes.
staticsm.zip1k02-08-02File is not ratedstaticism86
staticism program from the CD
statisti.86p2k02-11-20File is not ratedStatistiques
Math program that can help you.
statmp.zip1k06-08-20File is not ratedStatistical Analysis
Includes programs that perform statistical analysies on a set of data points including chi^2, regression, etc.
statreg.zip1k00-12-04File is not ratedStatReg
Calculates regression equations and graphs results
statsa.zip1k03-03-05File is not ratedStatistical Analyser 1.0
Basically you type in your list and it shows you some great info.
stvalue.zip1k01-05-14File is not ratedStandard Value Solver
This program will solve for the Standard Value or Z-Score for a set of data given the mean, standard deviation, and the item for which you want to solve. The program is unlocked and the labels and variables clearly labeled so you can figure out how it works.
tfp.zip1k99-06-12File is not ratedTrue/False Proportions
Figuring Proportion as Boolean
tools.zip1k97-10-01File is not ratedStat Tools 1.1
zscore86.zip1k00-05-15File is not ratedZScore v2.00
This Is An Update To The File Called "ZScore", not "Z Score" (i.e. no space). This has a bug-fix and there is a seperate program to compute bi-nomial ZScores.
zscores.zip1k98-10-14File is not ratedZ Scores
You enter a list or list name, and the z scores for the elements of that list will be displayed and stored to the list Z .
zscore.zip2k03-07-05File is not ratedZ-Score Stuff
This nifty program solves for any variable of the zscore equation.

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