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Last updated Monday, 17 January 2005
Total downloads 262,520
Most popular file  Chem86 v1.22 with 21,442 downloads.

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accelera.zip11k02-09-27File is not ratedPhysics Solver v2.4--Acceleration
A physics program which will allow you to solve for any variable from 5 different equations relating to acceleration.
acidbase.zip7k05-01-17File is not ratedWeak Acid/Base Solver v2.4
Using this program you can quickly find the pH of any weak acid or base and is in general a very useful tool for acid/base equilibrium problems.
atomgeom.zip1k04-01-02File is not ratedAtom Geomitries
Displays the atomic geomitries according to the VSEPR theory. Useful for AP Chemistry
atom.zip11k02-10-28File is not ratedPhysics Solver v2.4--The Atom
A physics program which will allow you to solve for any variable from 4 different equations relating to atoms.
bondgeom.zip32k00-03-07File is not ratedChemical Bond Geometry
Displays 3D pictures, bond angles, and more for linear, trigonal planar, bent, trigonal pyramid, and tetrahedral bonds.
chem86.zip16k97-12-02File is not ratedChem86 v1.22
chemions.zip2k00-02-11File is not ratedChemIons
Displays many polyatomic ions and their charges
chem.zip5k01-05-31File is not ratedChemistry Notes
A bunch of notes for General Chemistry classes.
circuits.zip10k02-10-28File is not ratedPhysics Solver v2.4--Circuits
A physics program which will allow you to solve for any variable from 5 different equations relating to circuits.
const.zip2k99-01-23File is not ratedConstants v1.3
Displays built in constants names and values on TI 86
currents.zip9k02-10-28File is not ratedPhysics Solver v2.4--Electrical Currents
A physics program which will allow you to solve for any variable from 5 different equations relating to currents.
diffract.zip10k02-11-08File is not ratedPhysics Solver v2.4--Diffraction
A physics program which will allow you to solve for any variable from 5 different equations relating to diffraction and interferance of light.
ea2.zip5k98-04-24File is not ratedEngineering Analysis 2 (cheat notes)
just a bunch of equations, notes, and diagrams
electric.zip10k02-11-08File is not ratedPhysics Solver v2.4--Electric Fields
A physics program which will allow you to solve for any variable from 6 different equations relating to electric fields.
elements.zip15k98-09-16File is not ratedElements v2.3
emfields.zip10k02-11-08File is not ratedPhysics Solver v2.4--Electric & Magnetic Fields
A physics program which will allow you to solve for any variable from 5 different equations relating to electric and magnetic fields.
energy.zip10k02-10-21File is not ratedPhysics Solver v2.4--Energy
A physics program which will allow you to solve for any variable from 5 different equations relating to electric and magnetic fields.
errorcalc.zip1k04-08-10File is not ratedError Calculator
Displays the error (percentage) between an ideal and an actual value. Very useful when working with significant digits (physics, etc.).
forces.zip9k02-10-21File is not ratedPhysics Solver v2.4--Forces
A physics program which will allow you to solve for any variable from 4 different equations relating to forces.
gaslaws.zip11k03-05-19File is not ratedTI Gas Laws
This was just packaged for the TI-86, TI-89, TI-92+, and V200. It displays the 7 gaslaws and formulas. It doesn't do the work for you.
gencode.zip6k00-01-02File is not ratedThe Genetic Code 86 ASM
An asm version of the BASIC Program. It is a little smaller in size and about 10x faster than the BASIC version. It also includes a comfortable interface
gravity.zip12k02-10-21File is not ratedPhysics Solver v2.4--Universal Gravitation
A physics program which will allow you to solve for any variable from 8 different equations relating to universal gravity.
hfocal.zip4k01-06-17File is not ratedHFocal
HFocal is an Asm program designed to compute depth of field for a 24x36mm camera.
identity.zip3k00-02-11File is not ratedIdentity
Shows over 20 trig identities divided into 6 groups.
inductio.zip11k02-11-08File is not ratedPhysics Solver v2.4--Electromagnetic Induction
A physics program which will allow you to solve for any variable from 8 different equations relating to electromagnetic induction.
ions2.zip4k00-03-06File is not ratedIons v1.0 Alpha
Displays the formulas and charges for many ions in a scrollable, searchable list format.
ions.zip2k00-08-28File is not ratedCommon Polyatomic Ions
Polyatomic ions
magnetic.zip9k02-11-11File is not ratedPhysics Solver v2.4--Magnetic Fields
A physics program which will allow you to solve for any variable from 2 different equations relating to magnetic fields.
matter.zip10k02-11-11File is not ratedPhysics Solver v2.4--States of Matter
A physics program which will allow you to solve for any variable from 6 different equations relating to states of matter.
mirrors.zip9k02-11-11File is not ratedPhysics Solver v2.4--Mirrors & Lenses
A physics program which will allow you to solve for any variable from 4 different equations relating to mirrors and lenses.
miscelan.zip10k02-11-11File is not ratedPhysics Solver v2.4--Miscellaneous
A physics program which will allow you to solve for any variable from 4 different equations relating to miscellaneous topics.
molmass.zip9k98-11-10File is not ratedMolar Mass
momentum.zip11k02-10-24File is not ratedPhysics Solver v2.4--Momentum
A physics program which will allow you to solve for any variable from 6 different equations relating to momentum.
motion2d.zip11k02-10-24File is not ratedPhysics Solver v2.4--Motion 2D
A physics program which will allow you to solve for any variable from 7 different equations relating to motion in two dimensions.
pcref.zip26k04-03-17File is not ratedPhysics/Chemistry Reference Package v2.1
I designed this as an alternative to Physics Solver, using the TI-86 equation solver instead of a program for equation solving, reducing program size. The program lists force, motion, electricity, energy, and chemistry equations, 65 total, and can go directly to the calculator's built-in equation solver with the current equation loaded! The reference tables are back in this version, showing density, index of refraction, specific heat, and more! Due to compression, the file sizes are smaller than in PCref 2.0. If you use PCref 1.0 or 1.1, I strongly recommend replacing it with this one.
period86.zip4k97-10-04File is not ratedPeriodic Table 86 v1.1
periodic.zip3k00-06-02File is not ratedPeriodic
Periodic Table
phsolver.zip276k03-11-29File rated 7.75Physics Solver v2.4
Imagine being able to not have to pay attention in your Physics class ever again!! This program will let you solve 140 physics equations for **ANY VARIABLE** within each equation. Not only can you solve for whatever you want, but this program is easier to use than than the calculator's own Operating System. It also features the ability to only load certain subject on your calculator when you need them since they are divided up by subjects (24 programs total,) this will save you a lot of space! Finally if you and/or your friends struggle in Physics you need to get these programs, they exist for nearly every programmable TI Graping calculator, so check em out and start getting better grades today!
prdc86p.zip24k98-12-23File is not ratedPeriodic Table+ v3.3
Periodic Table Program ported from the 85
quantum.zip12k02-10-26File is not ratedPhysics Solver v2.4--Quantum Theory
A physics program which will allow you to solve for any variable from 10 different equations relating to quantum theory.
rbp2_periodic.zip10k04-03-07File is not rated3 SMALLEST Periodic Tables
These are nifty, the 1st having most use. Periodic shows the Atomic Number, Symbol, and name of 118 elements with only 1,792 bytes. Perio2 shows the atomic numbers and names with only 1,420 bytes. With 1,392 bytes, Perio3 shows the element names. Soon, Periodic will be integrated into Seklorea's (a shell) coding.
reflecti.zip10k02-10-26File is not ratedPhysics Solver v2.4--Reflection & Refraction
A physics program which will allow you to solve for any variable from 4 different equations relating to reflection and refraction.
resistors.zip8k00-05-01File is not ratedResistors
calculate the value of a resistor from the colorĀ“s code
soluble.zip4k00-01-09File is not ratedSolubilities v1.3
Shows the chemical formulas and solubilities for various ionic compounds in water.
stoich86.zip4k04-03-16File is not ratedStoichiometry-86 v2.4
A decent Stoichiometry program for chemestry students. It does many useful conversions, including moles and particle masses. It is a direct port from the BASIC files and it 524 bytes smaller in size.
thermal.zip10k02-10-26File is not ratedPhysics Solver v2.4--Thermal Energy
A physics program which will allow you to solve for any variable from 6 different equations relating to thermal energy.
tribase.zip6k99-11-27File is not ratedTriBase 1.2
DNA/RNA transcriber and translator. Displays base matches (both RNA and DNA anticodons) and determines which amino acid the entered codon describes.
vectors.zip11k02-10-24File is not ratedPhysics Solver v2.4--Vectors
A physics program which will allow you to solve for any variable from 9 different equations relating to vectors.
velocity.zip9k02-10-26File is not ratedPhysics Solver v2.4--Velocity
A physics program which will allow you to solve for any variable from 3 different equations relating to velocity.
waves.zip11k02-10-26File is not ratedPhysics Solver v2.4--Waves
A physics program which will allow you to solve for any variable from 8 different equations relating to light and sound waves.
work.zip11k02-10-28File is not ratedPhysics Solver v2.4--Power & Work
A physics program which will allow you to solve for any variable from 8 different equations relating to power and work.

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