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Solubilities v1.3


Ranked as 6763 on our all-time top downloads list with 6045 downloads.
Ranked as 6410 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 2 downloads.

Filename soluble.zip (Download)
Title Solubilities v1.3
Description Shows the chemical formulas and solubilities for various ionic compounds in water.
Author Garves (aaron@snakeriver.com)
Category TI-86 Assembly Science Programs
File Size 4,291 bytes
File Date and Time Sun Jan 9 05:09:38 2000
Documentation Included? Yes
Source Code Included? Yes



Review by  Scott Evans
Reviewed on 2004-03-19
Can't remember the solubility rules? Download this program. I'm sure you could memorize them if you tried hard enough and long enough, but who needs to when you can get a nice program to do it for you? To me, memorizing these rules is the hardest part of chemistry, and I'm really glad that someone took the time to write this program. It's the best program any chemistry student could have.

The program itself is VERY easy to use and very efficient- you can find what you're looking for in a matter of seconds using his ingenious cation/anion scroll lists. Just scroll the left list to the cation of your choice, and scroll the right list to the anion of your choice, and it will tell you to the right if that particular ionic compound is soluble or insoluble. It sometimes displays "partially", which should be interpreted for the most part as insoluble. I just love the user-interface, and it couldn't be any better. A bonus is that it also displays the formulas for the cations/anions you select.

The only problem with the program is that it tells you that a couple of hydroxides which are known to be soluble are insoluble (error is for Sr and Ca hydroxide), and it also has a couple more errors like this. This is only a minor problem, and the usefulness of this program by far outweighs the few mistakes. Once again, GREAT JOB, and Thank you for making such a nice program. I only wish I'd known about this program earlier.


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Archive Contents
Name Size
soluble.86p   2734
soluble.asm   17950
soluble.txt   1065

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