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Last updated Saturday, 6 August 2016
Total downloads 35,434
Most popular file  Tetric A: Color Tetris with 15,053 downloads.

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(Parent Dir)folder Up to TI-84 Plus C Silver Edition Assembly Files
doorscsefolder TI-84 Plus C Silver Edition Assembly Games (Doors CSE)
levelsfolder TI-84 Plus C Silver Edition Assembly Game Levels
calcuzapti8c.zip44k15-06-25File is not ratedCalcuzap 740 for TI-84 Plus C Silver Edition (color)
A high performance shoot-em-up game in color. This version features 33 levels, user-selectable speed, saving the game, 4 types of power-ups including double cannon and triple cannon, and a high score table.
pongws.zip45k16-08-06File is not ratedPong with Sound
A Pong clone but with sound! Plug a pair of headphones into the I/O port to hear the beeps and boops of pong! Also supports multiplayer!
portalreturns.zip42k15-03-29File is not ratedPortal Returns
Portal. Enjoy blasting through space at breakneck speeds and almost being fried, crushed, and insulted all for the hope of cake at the end. With 78 total levels, the fun will probably end at some point. But that is why there is a level editor to make even more mind boggling puzzles. So, good luck, and remember that GLaDOS is always watching...
puzzlefrenzy.zip11k14-11-11File is not ratedPuzzle Frenzy
Puzzle Frenzy is a port of the classic TI-83/84+ version included in the PuzzlePack app. This port is pretty much identical to the original, and is for those who do not own a non-color calculator. This is a challenging puzzle game where you must match up three or more of a kind using the white selector, and has two different modes, Puzzle and Endless. In Endless, the speed gradually gets faster the farther that you go. In Puzzle Mode, there are 60 intense levels that must be beaten in order to fully complete the game. Good Luck! And of course, the colors are completely customizable.
robotfindskitten.zip115k14-01-06File is not ratedrobotfindskitten
A zen simulation.
stacker.zip1k15-07-27File is not ratedStacker
Stacker for the +CSE! Stack the blocks by pressing any key while the blocks are lined up. Try to make it to the end!
tetrica.zip6k13-08-13File is not ratedTetric A: Color Tetris
Written in assembly and a close port of my Tetrizm game for the Casio Prizm, Tetric A is a fast, fun take on the classic arcade game. Enjoy five unique modes: Marathon, High Speed, Cascade, Touchdown, and Sadistic. Runs on color-screen TI-84 Plus C Silver Edition calculators only; does not require a shell. Try this addicting arcade-style game today!

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