| Name | Size | Date | Rating | Description |
| (Parent Dir) | folder | | Up to TI-83/84 Plus Variables |
 | 2_optical_illusions.zip | 5k | 03-10-13 | | Insane Illusions 2 really cool Illusions it's worth downloading! |
 | assortedpics.zip | 10k | 09-08-22 | | Absolutly Assorted Fractals, illusions, prime number grid, Che, flowers, circuit board, DNA, trigonometry help |
 | awesome83pluspics.zip | 36k | 04-12-17 | | Awesome 83+ Pictures This is a collecting of 8 awesome 83+ pictures. |
 | badnarik.zip | 1k | 04-11-04 | | Michael Badnarik I made an ad for Michael Badnarik, some independent running for president :) I approve this message... |
 | bartsimpson.zip | 1k | 03-06-21 | | BartSimpson A drawing of Bart Simpson |
 | bonnefamilypirates.zip | 2k | 09-12-10 | | Bonne Family Pirates Insignia This is the insignia for the Bonne Family Pirates from the game, "MegaMan Legends." |
 | boxing.zip | 1k | 03-09-19 | | Boxing Pic This is a very cool picture draw by my friend |
 | britney.zip | 10k | 02-04-10 | | Britney Spears Pics! These are SEVEN misc. pics of Britney Spears. Now you can see the pop princess during class! |
 | brokenstairs.zip | 1k | 04-02-09 | | Broken Stairs A level for Walk 2. Tricky jumps involved. Donated by~Master Piece Productions |
 | bruins.zip | 1k | 02-03-30 | | Bruins This is a pic of the Boston Bruins hockey team logo. Looks good. Also check out the Flyers and Devils logos. |
 | bushwack.zip | 1k | 00-11-24 | | Bushwacker This is a pic of a Bushwacker from mechwarrior 3 |
 | butt.zip | 2k | 02-11-23 | | butt2 funny |
 | calc83p.zip | 1k | 03-06-07 | | Calculator in 3D v1.0 That's right, this is similar to those "Magic Eye" graphics, and if you look at it right, there is a calculator in 3D on your screen. Not only is it contoured, but it looks like it's actually coming out of the screen. Check it out! |
 | calc83.zip | 1k | 03-06-07 | | Calculator in 3D v1.0 That's right, this is similar to those "Magic Eye" graphics, and if you look at it right, there is a calculator in 3D on your screen. Not only is it contoured, but it looks like it's actually coming out of the screen. Check it out! |
 | car.zip | 2k | 02-07-15 | | car picture of a car ( take a look at the screenshot ) |
 | chaos.zip | 1k | 04-02-17 | | Chaos Pattern CHOAS Is a program that uses choas theory to create beautiful random pictures. It takes a while, but they come out really cool, and they are never the same. |
 | che.zip | 1k | 04-05-11 | | A picture of Che Guevara! |
 | cocacola.zip | 1k | 03-06-21 | | Coca-Cola A 3D drawing of "Coca-Cola" |
 | coolpatterns.zip | 1k | 04-11-04 | | cool patterns two patterns that are fun to stare at when you're extremely bored |
 | dbzpics1.zip | 4k | 03-05-06 | | DB/Z/GT Pics w/ Viewer (v 1.00) This has to pics for your TI-83+. They occupy Pic0-Pic9. They viewer is very small and efficient, no eye candy, just a menu, less than 250 bytes. The program does all the work for you as far as settings go, so don't worry about bringing out the manual. Enjoy :) No pics, so the surprise won't be ruined, but they're very good quality b/w for a TI. |
 | deathnote.zip | 2k | 08-02-28 | | Death Note images Four images from Death Note. No, I don't have Light. I'm working on it. I have L, his symbol, Near, and Ryuk. |
 | devils.zip | 1k | 02-03-30 | | Devils This is a picture of the New Jersey Devils hockey team logo. Also check out the Flyers and Bruins logos. |
 | doomdoomii.zip | 5k | 09-10-21 | | DOOM / DOOM II: Hell on Earth These are two images portraying the title screen logos from the games "DOOM" and "DOOM II: Hell on Earth." |
 | easports.zip | 1k | 02-03-30 | | EA Sports This is a pic of the EA Sports logo. |
 | einstein.zip | 1k | 06-09-08 | | Einstein. A portrait of Albert Einstein. |
 | elementlogos.zip | 2k | 09-09-14 | | element logo's I made element logo's on my pc |
 | element.zip | 1k | 05-09-01 | | Element Logo This is the Element Logo. I Made it during class for a friend. It works with Start-Up and any other Picture Viewing Program. If you want a picture made, then E-mail me or IM me at achsthompson08 (AIM ScreenName)Enjoy! |
 | europe.zip | 1k | 03-06-21 | | Europe A map of Europe |
 | evilinside.zip | 3k | 02-04-05 | | "Intel Inside" Parody This is a Pic that looks like the "intel inside" logo but instead says "evil inside." Great start-up screen, when used with the TI's start-up APP |
 | evil.zip | 1k | 03-06-21 | | Evil Some evil characters... |
 | f117a.zip | 1k | 02-04-02 | | Stealth Fighter Pics These are some awesome pics that I made of the F-117A stealth fighter, there's one regular and one inversed pic. (Inversed is way cooler) Great for splash screens or just to show off! Please Download! |
 | faceball2000.zip | 2k | 09-05-20 | | FACEBALL 2000 This is a "screenshot" I drew on my calculator using PixelPainter. It's a screenshot of the GameBoy game, "Faceball 2000," which is the world's very first FPS game ever made for the handheld. I know it's a little bit small, but who knows? Maybe someday, some brilliant assembly game designer will see it and be inspired to make a port of FACEBALL 2000 on the calculator... Eh, one can only dream... |
 | fiammanera.zip | 1k | 09-12-10 | | Fiamma Nera Insignia This is the insignia adopted by the Italian cult known as the "Fiamma Nera," which translates to the "Black Flame." This symbol is featured in the game, "Tomb Raider: Dagger of Xian" for the Sony Playstation. |
 | flatcorn.zip | 1k | 02-11-23 | | Flat Corn Flat Corn aka 2 platformed telephone pole |
 | flutter.zip | 2k | 09-10-22 | | MegaMan Legends - "The Flutter" This is a picture of a flying ship called The Flutter, featured in the game, "MegaMan Legends." One thing I've always wondered is the possibility of a MegaMan Legends port for the TI-83... |
 | flyers.zip | 1k | 02-03-30 | | Flyers This is an update on the Flyers logo. I just added a documentation and changed it to .ZIP format. |
 | footballsimulation3.zip | 134k | 05-03-13 | | Footsim3 A gif of football simulation 3 |
 | graphpic1.zip | 2k | 09-11-13 | | Graph picture 1 A graphing picture. |
 | greybob.zip | 1k | 04-10-07 | | Grayscale BOB A small program I worked on for a few minutes. All it does is display a bicture of BOB from Bubble Bobble. |
 | gtasa.zip | 1k | 04-03-28 | | GTA San Andreas This is a pic of Grand Theft Auto San Andreas that I made in Math class. It looks really cool, with a sun, helicopter, and a landing pad. |
 | halo2.zip | 1k | 05-05-11 | | Halo A detailed surface view of a halo with the halo logo in the center. |
 | halopictures.zip | 4k | 03-10-06 | | Halo: combat evolved :: pictures 6 pictures of the xbox game Halo: combat evolved |
 | halo.zip | 1k | 03-09-05 | | HALO!! this is a picture of the halo logo |
 | haruhi.zip | 2k | 08-11-30 | | Haruhi anime image pack 2 Haruhi pictures, 1 of Nagato and 1 of Mikuru My first work, Hope it's gone well ;) |
 | him.zip | 1k | 02-10-14 | | H.I.M. Logo This is the logo for the band H.I.M. (Bam Margera's favorite band) |
 | hondapics.zip | 1k | 02-04-02 | | Honda pics These are misc. Honda Pics, for all you hardcore dirtbikers, and ATV'ers out there that love Honda |
 | im_consoles.zip | 21k | 04-05-11 | | Images: Video Game Consoles Ever wish you could see your favorite video game consoles on your TI-83+? Now you can! Images include PS2, Gamecube, XBox, Playstation 1, Nintendo 64, Sega Dreamcast, Genesis, NES, SNES, Gameboy Advance SP, Gameboy Advance, Gameboy Color, Gameboy Pocket, and the original Gameboy. This update also adds more systems: N-Gage, e-Reader, and Sega Saturn. For each console, there is an image of the actual console, another of their controller, and another of their logo. Better yet, spotting techniques have been used to make these images appear to be in grayscale! Check out the screenshots! There are 45 images total. |
 | im_fftadv.zip | 18k | 04-05-08 | | Images: FF Tactics Advance This update includes 25 images from the popular Gameboy Advance game, Final Fantasy Tactics Advance. It has updated versions of the original ten pictures, and 15 new ones. Images include character profiles of Marche, Ritz, Mewt, Cid, Judge Cid, Montblanc, Shara, Ezel, Llednar, Doned, Queen Remedi, Mr. Leslaei, Hilary, Remedi the Li-Grim, and a Judge. Also includes 5 pictures of the different species. Five more are of the book, the first battle, reading the book, the schoolyard, and chossing the clan name. If you're a fan of the game, download this collection! |
 | im_oot.zip | 14k | 04-05-19 | | Images: Ocarina of Time 25 Images from the popular Zelda game, Ocarina of Time, including 3-D copies of Link, Ganon, Malon, a Deku Scrub, and Saria. Also included are twenty pieces of artwork, such as Young Link, Ruto, Ganondorf, Mido, Saria, Impa, Malon, Shiek, the title screen, and much more. Chances are, you will recognize a lot of the artwork. |
 | jfg.zip | 1k | 00-12-10 | | Jet Force Gemini Logo This is a pic of the Jet Force Gemini Logo |
 | justsayno.zip | 2k | 09-10-22 | | Pac-Man Says, "Just Say No!" This is an image I created, portraying Pac-Man in a motivational drug resistance poster. Remember, just say no to prescription medication overdose. It might turn you into a blue ghost. |
 | logosandstartup.zip | 15k | 05-05-07 | | A Lot of R/C Logos Includes the program Start-Up by TI which is NOT made by me, but displays one of the images on startup of your calculator. This file contains 10 calculator picstures of various R/c related companies. Some arent totally finished. |
 | mariocards.zip | 3k | 09-10-22 | | "Super Mario Bros." Trading Card Game This is a picture of an idea I had about a "Super Mario Bros." trading card game similar to that of Pokemon or Yi-Gi-Oh. I personally hate both of those, but a Mario-themed card game would catch my attention. |
 | mariofantasy.zip | 3k | 09-10-22 | | Mario's Final Fantasy This is a picture I made as an idea for a Mario-themed Final Fantasy game. Rather than the usual wizards and ogres, you would instead fight Goombas and Koopa Troopas in the Mushroom Kingdom! |
 | maxpayne.zip | 2k | 02-03-19 | | Max Payne 2 pics of Max Payne |
 | miffy.zip | 1k | 03-06-22 | | Miffy 2 pics of miffy |
 | monster.zip | 1k | 01-02-08 | | Picture of a Monster This would be a really cool picture for anyone that was making a game. So, if you want it for a program/game, you have my permission to do so. |
 | msnti.zip | 1k | 03-06-22 | | MSN Ti Messenger A drawing of my game: MSN Ti Messenger |
 | myst.zip | 1k | 09-12-10 | | MYST This is a picture of the title from the popular PC game, "MYST." |
 | n64logo.zip | 1k | 00-12-10 | | N64 Logo This is a pic of the N64 Logo |
 | nike.zip | 1k | 03-06-21 | | Nike The loge of Nike |
 | olympicrings.zip | 1k | 02-04-02 | | Olympic Rings This is a pic of the Olympic Rings, along with some leaves at the bottom and the words "Citius, Altius, Fortius" at the top. |
 | osama.zip | 1k | 03-06-21 | | Osama Bin Laden A drawing of Osama Bin Laden(OK, the beard is a little weird) |
 | paparoac.zip | 1k | 00-08-18 | | pApA rOACh Logo Logo of the band pApA rOACh |
 | papermario.zip | 3k | 09-10-22 | | "Paper Mario - The Chaotic Calculator" This is a picture I created as an idea for a Paper Mario game for the graphing calculator entitled, "Paper Mario - The Chaotic Calculator." |
 | pic0.zip | 1k | 03-12-28 | | OCC logo The logo from Orange County Choppers! |
 | pic1.8xi | 1k | 02-02-16 | | Flyers Picture of the Philadelphia Flyers hockey team logo. Go Flyers! |
 | pic1.zip | 1k | 04-05-03 | | Autumn Tree w/ leaves This picture took me 2 weeks to draw, so i hope you like it. Let me tell you, its not a picture thats easy to draw. It's very detailed. Hope you like it! |
 | pic2.8xi | 1k | 01-12-16 | | Fishing Lure Pictures This was the first picture I ever made and you can download this if you want. I made this on my TI-83 Silver. It's a pretty neat picture of 4 fishing lures! |
 | pic2.zip | 1k | 04-05-03 | | G-Force Video Card This is a picture for people who like the look of computer circut boards. this one just so happened to have a great look! It may be because of the schweet lookin logo. so give it a try! |
 | pic3.8xi | 1k | 03-04-04 | | Lord of The Rings The exact insciption that is on the ring in elvish. |
 | pic3.zip | 1k | 03-10-23 | | Weezer, Flying =W= This file is graphic of the Weezer flying =W= |
 | pic51.zip | 1k | 00-09-05 | | pApA rOACh Logo the best Logo of the band pApA rOACh-my last logo was crappy-this logo looks awesome!! GET IT!! if you like P.ROACH!!! |
 | pics83plus.zip | 3k | 04-10-07 | | Some Pics Three cool pictures: radioactive, biohazard and high voltage. |
 | pics.zip | 7k | 03-06-09 | | Pics Some pictures for your calc ( Nike , Bart , coca cola , ... ) |
 | pitcher.zip | 1k | 01-02-20 | | Picture of a Pitcher This is a very cool (yet simple) picture of baseball pitcher. |
 | pi.zip | 1k | 02-05-11 | | Pi version 1.0 This is not exactly a program, but rather an image that you can start up that contains 230 digits of pi |
 | pokeball.zip | 2k | 09-12-10 | | Poke Ball This is a picture of a simple Poke Ball. |
 | porsche.zip | 1k | 02-03-30 | | Porsche This is a pic of the word "Porsche" the way it is on their cars. |
 | ps2logo.zip | 1k | 00-11-24 | | Playstation 2 logo black/white playstation 2 logo |
 | punisher.zip | 1k | 04-06-05 | | The Punisher -Skull- An image of the skull known from the comic "The Punisher". |
 | recordpic.zip | 1k | 02-09-27 | | 45 RPM Record This is a picture for your calculator of a 45 RPM Record in grayscale! |
 | redsoxlogo.zip | 1k | 04-12-11 | | Red Sox Logo This is a basic image of the classic "B" logo of the Boston Red Sox. |
 | reflexknightadditionallog.zip | 1k | 10-11-09 | | Reflex knight logos more logos for the game. |
 | rhlogo.zip | 1k | 00-11-07 | | LINUX RedHat logo This is the official logo of RedHat LINUX. |
 | riven.zip | 1k | 09-12-10 | | MYST II: Riven This is the title for the popular PC game, "MYST II: Riven." |
 | sbc.zip | 1k | 03-06-21 | | Sint-Bernarduscollege, Oudenaarde, Belgiƫ This is my school!!! |
 | shadcat.zip | 1k | 00-11-07 | | Shadowcat Well.....if you familiar with battletech you'll know what a shadowcat is. |
 | simpsons.zip | 8k | 02-05-13 | | Pics from "The Simpsons" These are 15 Pics of misc. characters from the television show, "The Simpson's."(Barney Gumble, Bart Simpson, Mr. Burns, Ned Flanders, Dr. Hibbert, Homer Simpson, Mrs. Krabbapel, Lisa Simpson, Maggie Simpson, Marge Simpson, Moe, Santa's Little Helper, Principal Skinner, Mr. Smithers, Police Chief Wiggum) |
 | slideshow.zip | 3k | 07-03-11 | | Slide Show of Lord of the Rings A simple program that unarchives, diplays, archives some pics from lord of the rings. These are VERY cool and are worth a look! |
 | smiley.zip | 1k | 03-05-24 | | Smiley A fun picture to cheer you up. |
 | somecoolspics.zip | 1k | 04-03-07 | | Cool Pictures Hey this is a Zip file with 2 cool pics for your start up app so have fun! |
 | sonic3pic.zip | 1k | 05-05-09 | | Sonic 3 Picture A cool logo that I made for Sonic the Hedgehog 3. |
 | spongebob.8xi | 1k | 02-05-30 | | Spongebob Squarepants A picture of spongebob blowing bubbles, very funny!! |
 | starwarspics.zip | 1k | 01-04-28 | | Star Wars Pics This is a set of Star Wars Pics. It comes with a tie fighter and a Death star, there pretty cool :) May the force be with you |
 | stitch.zip | 1k | 02-05-27 | | Stitch from "Lilo and Stitch" This is a shadow of Stitch when he first meets Lilo |
 | supermariobros.zip | 2k | 09-12-10 | | Mario & Luigi This is a picture of the famous Super Mario Bros. The picture is of their heads only, side by side. |
 | supersaiyangoku3.zip | 1k | 04-03-07 | | Super Saiyan Goku Level 3 I made this pic while i was bored in my AP world history class, its my second DBZ pic, and i will continue to make more..hope you like it! |
 | thor.zip | 1k | 00-12-10 | | Thor this is a pic of a Thor from mechwarrior3 |
 | ti83plus.zip | 1k | 03-08-26 | | TI-83 Plus This is a picture made on a calculator of a calculator. |
 | tici_logo.zip | 14k | 03-03-07 | | TICI 1.0 Logo (Oncalc) This is the general TICI 1.0 logo, ported to 83 plus format. Enjoy! |
 | tmbrwolf.zip | 1k | 00-10-26 | | Timberwolf For all of those who are familiar with mechwarrior,this is a pic of a timberwolf |
 | trees.zip | 1k | 99-12-05 | | Tree Christmas |
 | triforce.zip | 2k | 09-12-10 | | The Triforce This is a picture of the Sacred Artifact, the Triforce. The picture depicts the Triforces of Wisdom, Courage, and Power together, complete with a simple border. |
 | twins.zip | 1k | 03-10-13 | | Twins This is a pic i made in math class. It looks awsome. |
 | uac.zip | 2k | 09-10-22 | | UAC - Union Aerospace Corporation You're all aware of shells like MirageOS and CrunchyOS (I assume...) But what if there was a shell based off a computer system from DOOM, created by the UAC!? |
 | universe.zip | 1k | 03-06-21 | | Universe A drawing of the "universe" |
 | vader.zip | 1k | 08-03-24 | | Darth Vader This is an awesome picture of darth vader for the calculator. |
 | voyage.zip | 1k | 06-04-22 | | Voyage picture It is a picture of the Voyage 200 |
 | whalers.zip | 1k | 02-03-30 | | Whalers This is a pic of the old Hartford Whalers hockey team's logo. |
 | winlogo.zip | 1k | 02-03-03 | | Microsoft Windows Logo The Microsoft Windows flag with logo. If you have the TI Start-Up program, you can use this as your starting screen, impress your friends and claim you have Windows83. |
 | winnietp.zip | 1k | 03-06-22 | | Winnie the Pooh 2 pics of Winnie the Pooh! |
 | wwfpics2.zip | 1k | 01-12-15 | | WWF Pics II Here are 4 pics deriving from the WWF. There are 2 Stone Cold pics with him on the turnbuckle, One of the Rock, and one of the WWF logo. As soon as I get more free time I will come up with pics of more WWF Superstars. Enjoy! |
 | wwfpics.zip | 1k | 01-02-07 | | WWF Pics Here are 2 pictures that I created. One is of the WWF's logo and the other is of ring and the Rock in the turnbuckle!! This is definitely worth the download, and more are to come so keep an eye out!!! |
 | xfileslogo.zip | 1k | 02-02-16 | | X-Files Logo This is a perfect duplication of the logo for "The X-Files". It took me almost 3 hours to do it in Paint, and get it to look perfect. I say perfect because I found a real logo and reduced to 64x96 B&W and followed that pattern pixel by pixel. |