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Last updated Tuesday, 15 March 2005
Total downloads 220,303
Most popular file  Dragonball-Z Mystic Quest v2.0 with 31,155 downloads.

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(Parent Dir)folder Up to TI-83/84 Plus BASIC Games (Role-playing)
dbzgtrpg.zip51k04-03-03File rated 2.96Dragonball-Z-GT RPG
In this wonderful game you get to play as yourself, Goku, Piccolo, Gohan, Tien, Trunks, Yamucha, Chaozu, Goten, Pan, Ubuu, Krillin, Vegeta, Puar, Bardock, Yajirobe, Master Roshi, Oolong, Chi-Chi, Gogeta, Gotenks, Vegetto, Goku Jr., Vegeta Jr., Videl, Hercule, Tapion, Marron, Bra, Ox King, Dende, Nail, Mr. Popo, and Minosha. With those characters you can fight Emperor Pilaf, Metallic, Gasuteru, Red Ribbon Army, Tao Pai Pai, Buyon, Drum, Piccolo Daimou, Raditz, Saiba-Men, Nappa, Dodoria, Zarbon, Guldo, Recoome, Burter, Jaice, Captain Ginyu, Frieza, Cashew, Ginger, Nikki, Sansho, Vinegar, Garlic Jr, King Cold, Doore, Neizu, Sauzaa, Coola, Android 14, Android 15, Android 13, Dr Raichii, Android 19, Android 20, Android 17, Android 18, Cell Jr's, Cell, Bujin, Gokua, Zangya, Bido, Bojack, Brolli, Yam, Supopo Bihchi, Babidee, Pui Pui, Yakon, Dabura, Majin Buu, Hiredugarn, Janemba, Ledgic, Lude, Bebi, Super 17, and the 7 evil Shenrons, Chii, Ryuu, Uu, Suu, San, Ryan, & Li. Against those evil villians you can use moves like Blast, Power Up, Ka Me Ha Me Ha, Solar Flare, Final Flash, Spirit Bomb, Kaio Ken, Special Beam Cannon, Punch, Ryu Ken, Donut Attack, Gallic Gun, Zanzo, Ki Ai, Zari, Missile, Kienze, Saise, Bunshi, 100 Ghosts, Kizou, Tsuru, Akesh, Ai Hou, Instant Transmission, and Taiyo. If you can find them, there are 4 cheats: Instant Win, Senzu Bean, Hyperbolic Time Chamber, and Make a Wish. Good luck, enjoy the cheater programs, and the many save-game-slots :-)
db83.zip2k03-05-15File is not ratedDragonball Fighter
In this game you are goku and you are on a journey to become more powerfull. You go and defeat pilaf, red ribbon army, baba's fighters, You even go to the budokai, then you go defeat piccolo and his children.
dbgtb.zip247k05-03-15File is not ratedDragonball GT Battle
Demo for an upcoming 1 on 1 fighting game
dbgttrnm.zip2k02-05-28File is not ratedDragonballz tournament
A very fun tournament were you fight many different characters on other planets: earth,namek,kioshin,helltournament,advenced fighters. please read the readme file and learn about the updates in version 3.0
dbz2.zip5k04-07-07File is not ratedDragonballz Episode 2
This is an update now of the version it has shown before. It has now a great life counter and a good talking dialog. This game is from Freeza till Cell. This game need a emulator called GCEMU
dbzcheat.zip1k00-11-04File is not ratedDBZCheat
This is a small cheat program enabling the changing of stats in the Dragon Ball Z Saiyan Saga Game
dbzcode.zip1k01-06-14File is not ratedDragon Ball Z: Code of the Saiyans v.1
You play as a young saiyan warrior who has to train to get better. Fly, Attack, and throw fireballs to defeat your opponent! In the future, look for many RPG elements (such as leveling up) to be added to the game!
dbzfe2silv.zip9k04-07-13File is not ratedDragonball Z RPG: Fighting Edition (Freiza Saga, Silver Ed)
TIMING ADJUSTED FOR SILVER ED/84 CALCS. The sequel to the Saiyan Saga, this release adds Piccolo and Vejita as playable characters through 8 new stages.
dbzfe2.zip9k04-07-13File is not ratedDragonball Z RPG: Fighting Edition (Freiza Saga, Black Ed)
The sequel to the Saiyan Saga, this release adds Piccolo and Vejita as playable characters through 8 new stages.
dbzfesilv.zip44k04-03-16File is not ratedDragonball Z RPG: Fighting Edition (Saiyan Saga) {Silver Ed
The new version of FE for the Silver Edition Calculator is finally here! Following Goku and Gohan through the Saiyan Saga, this game's features include an original real-time combat system, super bars with character-distinctive specials, and tech stuns + combos. Note: It is virtually impossible to play the game without reading the instructions, so please take the time to open readme.txt.
dbzfe.zip44k04-03-12File is not ratedDragonball Z RPG: Fighting Edition (Saiyan Saga)
Following Goku and Gohan through the Saiyan Saga, this game's features include an original real-time combat system, super bars with character-distinctive specials, and tech stuns + combos. Note: It is virtually impossible to play the game without reading the instructions, so please take the time to open readme.txt. BLACK CALCS ONLY!!
dbzgames.zip4k01-03-03File is not ratedDBZ Games v0.9
This is a pack of Dragonball-Z games that are compatible with MirageOS. One is a fighter and the other one is an RPG.
dbzgtadventures.zip3k03-05-21File is not ratedDragonBall Z/GT Adventures
This is Dragon Ball Z & GT. It includes all the sagas from the show, a bunch of moves and SSJ forms, it has 2 slots to save in and can be played on MirageOS while being archived.
dbzquest_2.zip1k04-01-11File is not ratedDBZ Quest With Save Load and Reset 2.0
Now it has Reset feature so that you can start over with out resetting the game when you mess up.
dbzquest.zip2k01-04-04File is not ratedDragonball-Z Mystic Quest v2.0
The latest and greatest version of Dragonball-Z Mystic Quest. It has no bugs, more worlds to explore! More enemies, more weapons, and elements from Dragonball-GT!
dbzrpgss.zip28k05-03-13File is not ratedDragonball Z RPG Demo
You are Goku, and Raditz comes to get you to help him. Goku refuses to join so Raditz takes Gohan, your son. Now you have to save Gohan and kill Raditz. Then, you go to King Kai's to train. When you return, you fight Nappa and Vegeta. Have fun!
dbzrpg.zip7k02-05-20File is not ratedA Dragon Ball Z RPG Game
Pretty cool game. Made it myself (pat on the back). The game begins with the Battle with Piccolo and ends with Buu. The game itself actually has a storyline built into it. Has RPG elements plus some minigames to add some diversity. Very good for a text based RPG, but at 18kb, its a hefty file, but worth beating once or twice.
dbzsaga1.zip4k04-06-18File is not ratedDragonballz Episode 1
This game is made by Conget. This game include some picture for battle animation. It goes till Freeza Saga. Cell saga will coming soon. This game has save option which wouldn't easily be deleted by reset ram. This game based on the Power level of the real Dragonballz Saga. So, enjoy.
dbzsaga2.zip5k04-06-29File is not ratedDragonballz Episode 2
This is the saga 2. It is from freeza to cell. It is not very good. Its is updating. This is jsut a beta version to show you how far the game is now going on
dbzsaveeditor.zip1k04-12-01File is not ratedDBZ Save Editor
This is a very small file used to edit the saved games of DragonBall Z: Mystic Quest.
dbzsq.zip6k03-05-21File is not ratedDragon Ball Z Sayian's Quest Demo
A demo of my upcoming game DBZSQ.
dbzss.zip14k01-05-10File is not ratedDragon Ball Z - Saiyan Saga v5.0
It has been nearly a year since the last release to the DBZ Sagas, but I'm back. I've created a great new version that, with new additions like close-up combat, enhanced graphics, a combo system in battle, and others, easily outclasses nearly all BASIC RPG's and many of the assembly ones too. Enjoy!
dbz.zip3k00-11-07File is not ratedDragonBall Z
a demo for the rpg project im working on. You are Gokku, a sayan, and you can walk around and battle. there are 3 interactive screens and 3 battle screens, and a shop screen.You can buy new weapons and fight "vageta","piccalo", and "Enemy", they all have different attacks and do different ammounts of damage.This game is a demo and the game may be different. V1.0 .
dragonball83.zip3k04-01-08File is not ratedDragonball Fighter
Will work on any BASIC OS. actually edited it so it can work on WinTI2003 an OS I am working on.
dragonballgtsuper17.zip19k02-03-28File is not ratedDragonball GT: Super 17 (version 1.1)
A great Dragonball GT fighting/rpg with a rich storyline. Guarentees 30+ minutes of entertainment
dragonball_z20.zip3k04-01-08File is not ratedDragonball Z Mystic Quest 2.0
Will work on any BASIC OS. actually edited it so it can work on WinTI2003 an OS I am working on.
dragonballz20.zip6k03-05-14File is not ratedDragonball Z quest 2.0
Now this game has the correct file in it. sorry for the mess up last time.
dragon_ball_z_fight.zip1k04-01-03File is not ratedDragon Ball Z Fighting Game
Text game where you choose action on your turn to attack the enemy. You get 5000 HP and 3 Ki to start with and you must use your turns wisely to defeat the enemy.
gohans_quest12.zip7k03-04-23File is not ratedGohan's Quest 1.2
This game has new places, new enemies, new attacks. There is more documentation include. A must download.
gohansquest12.zip3k04-01-08File is not ratedGohan's Mystical Quest 2.0
Will work on any BASIC OS. actually edited it so it can work on WinTI2003 an OS I am working on.
gohans_quest.zip7k03-04-21File is not ratedGohan's Quest
This is my first game. In this game you fight different enemies till you become the strongest fighter in the universe.
rc.zip8k01-12-22File is not ratedDragoball Z RPG
Fight through DBZ saga up to Perfect Cell
worldsstrongest.zip14k02-02-25File is not ratedDragonball Z: World's Strongest
Description A turn based RPG project that I left hanging for over a year and finished it up. Get ready to power up!

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