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Last updated Thursday, 6 February 2014
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Most popular file  Gossamer 1.0: Calculator Web Browser with 4,008 downloads.

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(Parent Dir)folder Up to TI-83/84 Plus Assembly Misc. Programs
gps.zip21k14-02-06File is not ratedGPS for Graphing Calculators
If you've ever wanted to use just your calculator and a cheap serial GPS module to figure out where you are, this is the program for you. It displays the current time and date as indicated by GPS satellites, the number of satellites in view, the type of GPS fix currently acquired, and if available, your latitude, longitude, and elevation. Requires Doors CS 7.2 or higher, a TI-84+ or TI-84+SE calculator, and the GPS hardware described at http://cemete.ch/pr51.
sandpaper.zip8k13-06-15File is not ratedSandpaper v1.0: FTP Client/Server for CALCnet
Sandpaper v1.0 is an FTP client and server for CALCnet and Doors CS. It can be used to trade programs, lists, appvars, GDBs, groups, pictures, and strings between directly-connected calculators, several calculators over a network, or even between the ticalc.org and Cemetech file archives and a calculator using the upcoming globalCALCnet Sandpaper bridge. This release updates the Sandpaper program with all of its release features, including the ability to send and receive programs, groups, pictures, matrices, lists, GDBs, AppVars, and strings. Requires Doors CS 7.2 beta 3 or later.
emulate.zip1k12-06-29File is not ratedEmulator 8xp+ TI
What you have in front of you is the very first, and probably the only that will ever be, on calc emulator! Now, for the first time, you can emulate your TI 83+, 83+ SE, 84+, and even 84+ SE right on your calculator! This program is a must download for everyone! Get in on this amazing accomplishment in calculator programming! Refer to the readme for more details.
gossamer.zip3k11-06-15File rated 7.30Gossamer 1.0: Calculator Web Browser
Gossamer 1.0 is a web browser for TI-83+ through TI-84+SE graphing calculators, using Doors CS 7, CALCnet 2.2, and globalCALCnet to download and display web pages from the internet. Scroll by lines or pages, click links, and browse to arbitrary URLs. Gossamer requires Doors CS 7.2 Beta 2 or higher (see http://dcs.cemetech.net) and can be used with an Arduino-based gCn bridge or a mini-USB cable. More info at http://cemete.ch/pr37.
dusttoy.zip3k11-02-10File is not ratedDust Toy
This program is a somewhat polished demo of cellular automata and the uses to which it can be put in one's programs. The included executable was compiled for Doors using Axe .48, and the source, with some comments, is included for your viewing pleasure. However, if you're looking to learn about variable length lists this is not the program to look at, as i cheated and used a fixed length list with particles randomly inserted.
calcnetchat.zip3k11-01-28File is not ratedCALCnet Chat! v1.0
CALCnet Chat! is a multi-user chat program written for Doors CS 7.1 and later. It takes advantages of the powerful CALCnet 2.2 networking protocol for TI graphing calculators ( http://www.cemetech.net/projects/item.php?id=33 ) and the Doors CS GUI API to offer a small yet powerful program. This 2KB program lets you chat with one, one dozen, or one thousand other users at once over CALCnet or globalCALCnet. It has already been used for conversations over 300 miles using gCn, demonstrating its versatility and power. Please test this beta release and report any bugs that you may find!
cn2_speedtest.zip5k10-12-07File is not ratedCALCnet2.2 SpeedTest 1.0
You can use SpeedTest 1.0 to benchmark the maximum speed transmission capabilities of CALCnet 2.2 between two linked calculators. SpeedTest supports two types of tests. The first, unidirectional, sets one calculator as the transmitter and one as the receiver. The transmitter then repeatedly sends frames to the receiver, and both count the number of bytes transferred. The second, bidirectional, lets the two calculators take turns being the sender and receiver. The sender will send a frame to the receiver, and when the receiver successfully reads the frame, it will send a frame back to the first calculator. Both calculators count the number of bytes sent and received. You can read more about CALCnet2.2 at http://www.cemetech.net/projects/item.php?id=33 .
flourish.zip2k10-12-05File is not ratedFlourish: CALCnet 2.2 Tech Demo
Flourish is a tech demo for CALCnet 2.2, a calculator networking protocol built into the Doors CS 7.1 shell for TI graphing calculators. This demo juggles a large number of bouncing balls between all of the calculators in a CALCnet 2.2 network, demonstrating the low latency, high throughput, and high reliability of the protocol. Six bouncing, morphing calls are introduced for each calculator in the network, and every time a ball reaches the edge of a screen, it appears instantly on the neighboring calculator. You can see a full video of this program in action at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4Mjn98Bs2Cg .
calclock.zip3k10-11-13File is not ratedCalcLock 2.0
Easily customizable password, excellent protection and great graphics. The ultimate in safeguarding from nosy friends.
calclock1.0.zip12k10-11-11File is not ratedCalcLock 1.0
Simple yet elegant password protection system!
docde6.zip5k10-08-19File rated 7.81Document DE 7
Weighing in at under just under 1KB and demonstrating the power of Doors CS, this full-featured text editor allows you to create, view, save, and open text files within an attractive and intuitive GUI interface. With Doors CS's associated program feature, you can open files from Doors CS without having Document DE open! New in Document DE 7 is cleaner compatibility with Doors CS 7's "HomeRun" feature, which lets you simply run documents from the TI-OS homescreen to edit them. Also new is an Insert Symbols window that gives you access to a wide variety of untypeable characters for your documents and notes. Combined with Tokenizer DE v1.0 or SourceCoder 2.5, you can even write TI-BASIC programs with Document DE 7! A .txt<>DocDE7 converter is available at http://www.cemetech.net/projects/docde6/. Please note that Document DE 7 must be run with Doors CS 6.9 beta or higher. Source now included for reference.
tokenizerde.zip5k10-08-12File is not ratedTokenizer DE v1.0
In answer to all the users that have requested a custom oncalc TI-BASIC editor, Tokenizer DE takes a first step in that direction. Just as SourceCoder (http://sc.cemetech.net) can convert text files into .8xp programs online, Tokenizer can take text documents typed in Document DE 6 or Document DE 7 and convert them into fully-tokenized BASIC programs editable with the TI-OS's TI-BASIC editor. Weighing in at slightly over 1KB, this small but efficient program takes advantage of the power of the DCS GUI system. Requires Doors CS 6.8 beta or higher; now with fixed Nspire compatibility.
dtflags.zip.zip43k10-07-13File is not ratedFlag Saver and Restorer
This program adds a function to restore your system flags (a bunch of information regarding the current state of your calculator starting at address $89F0) to a "restore point". This is useful if you ever accidentally run a buggy program that causes a minor glitch in your calculator (for example, the screen doesn't scroll, normally small text is big, there seems to be a "shadow character" as you type, etc.) or if you're playing with the system flags in Calcsys and want to get them back to normal quickly without clearing your RAM. A general restore point is included, but you can choose to instead save your own. Takes up hardly any space; the program itself is less than 400 bytes, and the restore point is just 77. Screenshots included.

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