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Gossamer 1.0: Calculator Web Browser


Ranked as 12965 on our all-time top downloads list with 4008 downloads.
Ranked as 1691 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 12 downloads.
Ranked as 544 on our top rated list with a weighted average of 7.30.

Filename gossamer.zip (Download)
Title Gossamer 1.0: Calculator Web Browser
Description Gossamer 1.0 is a web browser for TI-83+ through TI-84+SE graphing calculators, using Doors CS 7, CALCnet 2.2, and globalCALCnet to download and display web pages from the internet. Scroll by lines or pages, click links, and browse to arbitrary URLs. Gossamer requires Doors CS 7.2 Beta 2 or higher (see http://dcs.cemetech.net) and can be used with an Arduino-based gCn bridge or a mini-USB cable. More info at http://cemete.ch/pr37.
Author Kerm Martian (admin@cemetech.net)
Category TI-83/84 Plus Assembly Misc. Programs (Doors CS)
File Size 3,548 bytes
File Date and Time Wed Jun 15 22:14:20 2011
Documentation Included? Yes
Source Code Included? No



Review by  Michael F
Reviewed on 2020-11-03
Concept: 10/10 - A web browser... on a calculator.

Implementation: 9/10 - It's obviously been optimized a lot, but its still slow. Still, 9/10 because its on a calculator.

Ease of use: 9/10 - As good as you're going to get on a calculator, with a non-qwerty keyboard.

Originality: 10/10 - A testament to the power of the Global Calcnet and DoorsCS shell.

Features: 11/10 - Even an html parser is a huge achievement. Yeah, sure, it's text only, but it's still awesome.

Ease of use: 9/10 - Judging from the other review, people don't read the readme. The only gripe I have is error checking. If the Calcnet bridge isn't present, it will crash, requiring you to pull a battery. This could be avoided by a check. Or people could just read the documentation.

Overall 10/10 - An awesome program that stretches the limits of what is possible with these ubiquitous mathematical devices.

See 1 more reviews


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Archive Contents
Name Size
gossamer.8xp   3038
readme.txt   2326

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