| Name | Size | Date | Rating | Description |
| (Parent Dir) | folder | | Up to TI-83/84 Plus Assembly Media |
| doorscs | folder | | TI-83/84 Plus Assembly Images (Doors CS) |
| ion | folder | | TI-83/84 Plus Assembly Images (Ion) |
| mirageos | folder | | TI-83/84 Plus Assembly Images (MirageOS) |
| tse | folder | | TI-83/84 Plus Assembly Images (TSE) |
 | asmgreymario.zip | 1k | 04-06-22 | | Asm Greyscale Mario Nearly the same as my Basic Greyscale Mario Image, but now you have something to use for comparison between basic and asm! |
 | ganon.zip | 1k | 02-05-27 | | Ganon Picture A picture of Ganon from Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past. Use the Asm( command to view it, but don't press enter to fast or you will not be able to see it. |
 | hooba.zip | 1k | 02-11-20 | | Hoobastank Cameo 4 shades of Hoobastank Only 1 shot of Doug right now, but more added soon! |
 | iconmanga.zip | 14k | 02-02-21 | | Icon Manga |
 | mangavrac.zip | 23k | 02-02-22 | | Manga vrac Manga vrac: a lots of pictures make with Rigview ( in greyscale ) |
 | q650.zip | 1k | 02-05-27 | | Quadra 650 Picture Picture of a Macintosh Quadra 650, circa 1994. Use the Asm( command to run it. |
 | rigviewmariologo.zip | 31k | 07-03-11 | | RIGView Converted Super Mario Logo The famous Sam Heald's logo for Super Mario v1.2/v2.0 is now in RIGView. Rigview and the image are included. Mirage OS is not. |
 | spritework1.zip | 18k | 10-12-10 | | My Sprites - I A bunch of sprites I made in HEX with source code. Feel free to use |
 | spritework2.zip | 11k | 10-12-10 | | My Sprites - II A bunch of AXE sprites I made (HEX). Well, feel free to use them just credit me. Also, I included .png file :D |
 | variousnes.zip | 11k | 12-07-06 | | Various NES Pictures (RIGview) A collection of NES/SNES-related pictures I made in Paint and converted into RIGview format. Some are grayscale, others black&white. Readme.txt has the file names and a description of each. |
 | yankeescalcpictures.zip | 2k | 04-12-01 | | Yankees Picture Bundle a few pictures for the true yankees fan. these pictures run through rigview which is a program that runs in mirageOs. to get it go to the 83 plus assembly graphics programs page and click on mirageOs. rigview does not show up if you search for it so it is a tricky find. these pictures are awesome. |
 | zeldalogos.zip | 2k | 05-10-10 | | OoT and MM Zelda Logos These are both of the N64 Zelda Logos on Rigview. |