| Name | Size | Date | Rating | Description |
| (Parent Dir) | folder | | Up to TI-83/84 Plus Assembly Game Levels |
 | ab4level.zip | 3k | 07-06-25 |  | ZAB4LHAR Look at the readme. Lots of enemies. This is for Alien Breed 4. I HAVE beaten these levels. |
 | ab4levelz.zip | 2k | 02-09-05 |  | Ab4 levelz Here is collection of ab4 levelz I made. If you liked these then you'll love my site: http://apostrophe-s.tripod.com/ |
 | ab4toughlevels.zip | 5k | 07-09-08 |  | AB4 Tough Levels This has two very hard levels at the beginning. After that, the levels are mostly fairly easy, but take a look at the spaceship in level 8 (trust me, is't well worth it.) E-mail me if you beat it or need help. A production of me2labs. |
 | ab5.zip | 14k | 02-07-29 |  | Alien Breed V: Escape from Terminal 6 Read the text file for game description. |
 | ab6.zip | 3k | 04-06-15 |  | AB5: When in Rome... Destroy all the power sources so the aliens can't destroy Earth. |
 | alienbreedlvls.zip | 1k | 00-05-13 |  | Alien Breed II v3.0 Levels Here are some levels that were made using the on calculator level editor. Enjoy. |
 | dm1.zip | 8k | 03-07-09 |  | 8-Level Levelset for AB4 This levelset contains 8 levels for Alien Breed 4 v1.0 from easy to very difficult. 4293 square tiles total! Includes three queens and a very challenging boss. |
 | levpack1.8xg | 16k | 02-03-17 |  | Alien Breed II Level Pack 1 10 levels of varying difficulty and enjoyment. It is suggested that you beat the main game before trying any of these levels (they are really hard). More levels coming soon! |
 | levpack2.8xg | 15k | 02-06-02 |  | Alien Breed II Level Pack 2 Sorry about the long wait time, but conflicts at school prevented me from completing this earlier. Enjoy! Also, download the first one. |
 | silentlisteners.zip | 4k | 07-06-09 |  | AB4: Silent Listeners Part: 1 It is the year 2077, a time where aliens infested the outer space. Arkthorn, an alien planet, was one of the most infested planets. The government wanted that planet destroyed. So on June 24, he sent a command ops team to the planet, they are called the silent listeners... The story isnt so great, but everyone that tried the levelset liked it. |
 | zab2lill.zip | 1k | 00-06-02 |  | Alien Breed II ILL Level A very complex level, which I suggest you check out. |
 | zab4ldje.zip | 1k | 03-03-21 |  | AB4:King and Queen Your mission is to hunt down and destroy the royal aliens and escape with your life |