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Last updated Monday, 24 March 2008
Total downloads 154,596
Most popular file  Civilization Simulator I with 17,184 downloads.

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batlskys.zip2k04-05-21File is not ratedBattle for the skies
A basic WWII flight simulator based on aircraft from that era. The game gives you a 1st person veiw from the aircaft. The game consists of you taking off, flying into enemy territory and dropping a bomb on a target with out being shot down by flack cannons. Then you land to complete the mission. The game features 8 aircraft with thier own unique characteristics and payloads.
calcpet.zip3k02-09-05File is not ratedCalcpet
A fun Tamagotchi-style game im which you must work with a dog to make it the first place dog in the dog show. more features coming soon.
capitalism.zip3k01-02-04File is not ratedCapitalism v1.6
A fun stock market simulation game, featuring many stocks such as Nike, TI, and Apple in a random enviroment. Good for math class.
cs83.zip90k04-02-11File rated 4.38Civilization Simulator I
Modeled on popular computer games, Civilization Simulator I lets you control and build an ancient civilization. It uses the ps3d engine, built specifically for this purpose, that provides extremely good graphics in 3D. You start with a blank world and must create people, structures, and trade for your people. The goal is to earn food and wood; when you have enough and have completed sufficient research, you can advance to the next age. After the successful completion of the third age, you win. This release now contains the readme; optimized for Doors CS v4.0 and up.
euro2k.zip5k00-04-13File is not ratedEuro 2000 Manager
Simulation of the European Championships of the year 2000. Features the real draw, real schedule, all the teams, and many more!
f14sim.zip1k04-04-06File is not ratedF-14 Simulator
This is a f-14 simulator that has many advanced flight controls.
farming.zip34k00-04-13File is not ratedFarming!
An amazing strategy game where the player maintains a farm. Possibly the best strategy title on TI-83!
flight83.zip2k03-03-13File is not ratedFlight 3D «Graphical Flight Simulator v2.0»
This incredible program contains a completely graphical interface, a beautifully rendered airplane cockpit with working controls, and different levels of play. Features include: * Takeoff with graphical runway * Flight with altitude, pitch/roll, etc. indicators in working control panel * Easy-to-understand controls * Autopilot or manual flight control * High scores Check it out! Screenshots coming soon.
jcolony.zip4k00-07-02File is not ratedColony Beta 1
Colony is a game that put features from the PC games: Colonization, Civilization and Settlers into one Ti83 game. This is the first Beta of the game, and it's under heavy construction. Remember to read the readme.txt file before you start playing.
jmarket.zip2k00-07-18File is not ratedJMarket v1.5
JMarket is a program that helps you tracking down the stock market with both graphical help and tables! This version fixes loads of bugs from the earlier versions!
ninjasim.zip5k03-10-06File is not ratedNinja Simulator 1.0
A game with lotsa Action, Romance, Death, and Ninjas! Join the path of war in Ancient Japan against enemy ninjas! Complete with intro and ending movies and a TEACHER button! Enjoy!
nyse.zip3k00-05-24File is not ratedNYSE
This is a very simple stock exchange game. It has four stocks to buy/sell.
railsim83.zip1k03-05-27File is not ratedRailsim 3D v1.0
This incredible program lets you create a railroad and then ride on it. Use the built-in track editor to create a large railroad of unlimited size. When you are satisfied, you can ride on your railroad in 3D! Autosave is built in, as is detection of track length and automatic curves. Tracks can even be salvaged if the program gets accidentally deleted or corrupted; simple send the program to your calculator again and run the program. You can share tracks with your friends by sending list RS. Check it out!
redbaron.zip4k04-04-06File is not ratedRed Baron v.1.0
This is a fun flight simulater that, unlike others, gives you the ability to shoot down 5 different enemy planes. The controls are inverted and the enemies fire back. Now you can be the Red Baron!
rwfs.zip4k01-09-08File is not ratedRaptorWare's Flight Sim v1.0 Demo
RWFS is a flight simulator made for the Ti-83. It is as of 8/26/01 the most advanced flight simulator for any TI calculator, at least to my knowledge. The only plane availible in this demo is the Cessna 150. You can't land in the demo, that will be incorporated into the full version when the flaps are added to the plane. More info in readme.
sc2k4_83.zip21k03-12-18File is not ratedSim City 2004
This is an incredible Sim City program, with real 8x8 sprites, a huge board to build on, cool road sprites, autosave of cities and total elimination of memory errors found in other Sim City programs. Also includes the ability to share cities between calculators, and cool real-time movement of people in and out of your city. Create 20 different types of buildings, environments, and transportation for the inhabitants of your city. Get people to move into every house and building and win; lose all your money and start the game over (you can reuse maps). This update of Sim City 2003 eliminates the wait for the city to render, adds a more intelligent simulation mode, and provides a graph of your city's monetary progress. Doors CS v4.0 optimized.
simcity2000demo83.zip24k02-07-29File is not ratedSim City 2000 ReaL3D Demo
This is the board for a TI Sim City 2000 game. The graphics are _awesome_, with real 3D movement. Watch for a more final version coming soon!!! Check out the screenshots in this new version; feel free to give me feedback on it. Now has an updated readme with screenshots from the 2D and 3D versions! This all-new release also contains the calculator file, for even more ease of use.
simcity2000.zip3k00-08-20File is not ratedSim City 2000
Based on the P.C. game by Maxis software!
simcity.zip19k98-02-02File is not ratedSimCity Version 1
SimCIty for the TI82
simfb.zip4k08-03-24File is not ratedSim Football v1.01
Little Football game decided by random numbers. Fun for betting.
simfight.83p3k01-12-22File is not ratedSim Fight
This is a game where you are fighting someone and you must beat them up using moves. It has 3 levels of play- Easy, Medium, and Hard.
simlife.zip5k00-11-24File is not ratedSim Life
So far this is only a demo, it's about 50% done, and it is basically a bad port of the computer game ' The Sims '
smcity.zip6k00-04-22File is not ratedSimcity
build buildings in your city to keep your people happy and let your population grow.
smrtmnky.zip1k00-06-29File is not ratedSmart Monkey
In this game you buy a monkey from the zoo and give it multiple-choice tests. The more tests your monkey passes the smarter it gets. The smarter your monkey is the more money you will get for it when you sell it back to the zoo. But make sure it doesn't die!
stock.zip1k00-11-02File is not ratedStock Market 2000
this game gives you hand on eperience with the real market. You can buy sell invest and enjoy your time. Game has several interesting graphics and will make the boring lectures much more fun.
tipet_22.zip1k02-11-12File is not ratedTi pet beta v.5 beta
Ti pet is a giga-pet like program for Ti
tipet.zip1k00-08-20File is not ratedTi-Pet
Electronic pet to the TI-83
trader.zip1k99-06-27File is not rated83 Trader
A Wall-Street Simulation. In French.
trad_e.zip1k99-07-02File is not rated83 Trader
A Wall Street simulation in English.
wormy83.zip1k02-11-16File is not ratedWormy v1.1
This is a cool little program where you get to tak ecare of an earthworm, nurture it to health (or not, if that's what you prefer). When it reaches a year old, it will split into two wormies that you can send to other calculators. A good way to stay occupied and fun to use. Try it!
xwing.zip5k00-05-27File is not ratedX-Wing 2.0
a 3d space combat simulator. very graphical and very challenging

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