Civilization Simulator I
Ranked as 971 on our all-time top downloads list with 17184 downloads. Ranked as 1910 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 9 downloads. Ranked as 727 on our top rated list with a weighted average of 4.38.
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Civilization Simulator I
Modeled on popular computer games, Civilization Simulator I lets you control and build an ancient civilization. It uses the ps3d engine, built specifically for this purpose, that provides extremely good graphics in 3D. You start with a blank world and must create people, structures, and trade for your people. The goal is to earn food and wood; when you have enough and have completed sufficient research, you can advance to the next age. After the successful completion of the third age, you win. This release now contains the readme; optimized for Doors CS v4.0 and up.
Kerm Martian (
TI-83 BASIC Games (Simulation)
File Size
92,525 bytes
File Date and Time
Wed Feb 11 19:33:28 2004
Documentation Included?
Review by
Tony Seger
Reviewed on
When I read the earlier review, I laughed at the -666/10 because of the speed, and how he mentioned that he was tempted to fill the box up with a bunch of "slow"s. I thought that it was just a joke, but now after playing it, I'm tempted to do the same thing, and I'm a basic programmer too. The speed, however, is not the only problem. There doesn't seem to be any way to check how much of each resource you have currently, it doesn't show the progression of time except in years (according to the readme, there are 360 days in each year), except in the readme it doesn't give the prices, there seems to be a drain on resources over time or something that the readme doesn't mention, and there seems no way to pause the game. On the other hand, the graphics are awesome for a calculator. My final note is that if you plan to play the game, I'd suggest that you read the readme first, otherwise you'll have no idea what to do. |
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