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Last updated Saturday, 27 October 2007
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(Parent Dir)folder Up to TI-83 BASIC Games (Arcade)
bbasher.zip1k07-03-10File is not ratedButton Basher
Button Basher is a very simplistic game. You'll see either "2", "4", "6" or "8" on the screen, and push that button on the calculator. After a certain amount of time, the game ends and your score is equal to the amount of times you pressed the correct button.
button.zip1k98-04-02File is not ratedButton Speed (AShell83 Compatible)
Counts button presses per givin amount of time
cabbit.zip1k00-07-20File is not ratedRyo-oki's Carrot Capture
A game that is basicly like wak-a-mole
climb.zip1k00-09-10File is not ratedClimb v2.0
Highscore, 3 different player, invert mode and speedsettnings is now added.
cosineit.zip1k04-06-05File is not ratedCosine It! v2.0
A game loosely based on "Bop It!"
direct83.zip1k02-06-04File is not ratedDirect 83
This is a quick BASIC game for the TI 83, + , and SE. In the game, you will see words describing a direction; either up, down, left, or right. The trick is that you must press the arrow key corresponding to the word, but the word is in a weird place on the screen (ie. "up" will appear at the bottom of the screen, and you have to press Up). When time runs out your score is the total of correct presses minus the number of mistakes. This runs fast, especially on an SE, so do your best to get a high score!
elevenththuniverse.zip1k07-03-31File is not rated11'th Universe
Face aliens from the 11'th universe in this thrilling and addictive game!
euphcoma.zip1k99-09-20File is not ratedEuphonium Coma v1.02
This is a fun (little) game simulating my band teacher's "Euphonium Coma". You must read music, and play it back perfectly, or you'll enter a trace, and lose the game.
fastap.zip4k03-11-03File is not ratedFast Tap
The point of this game is to press enter as many times as possible before the time runs out! VERY ADDICTING!
fasteyes.zip1k01-12-16File is not ratedFast Eyes
Fast Eyes v0.1
fastfood.zip2k01-09-08File is not ratedFastfood
This is a unique game that tests your finger pushing skill, your memory, and your strategic thinking. In Fastfood a customer gives you an order and you have to place their food in the tray. Easy? Well you have to remember what they ordered and what you have already put in the tray, while working within a time limit. Don't worry, there are 3 training levels so that you can get prepared before the lunch crowd hits. Become the employee of the month and win the game!
fastone.8xp1k02-02-20File is not ratedFastone
Try repeat the keys show on the screen as it becomes more difficult.
geek.zip1k00-01-16File is not ratedGEEK
Game in which you have to push the buttons on your calc.
getgame1.zip1k00-12-10File is not ratedGetGame #1, Get 1000.
Use the keycode to get reach 1000 points.
gh3.zip214k22-07-01File is not ratedGuitar Hero 3 with All Expansions
This is Guitar Hero 3 for the TI-83/83+ calculators. Now you can play many great songs that have transpired in the last decades from bands like The Killers, My Chemical Romance, 30 Seconds to Mars, Weezer, Linkin Park, The Smashing Pumpkins, and more. You can also create as many of your own songs as your calculator's RAM will allow. New features include new awesome graphics, a song creator, amazing expansion sets, new unlockables, a new ranking system, smoother game play, and encoded song files to save precious memory! Finally, a great Guitar Hero for TI calculators.
hitenter.zip1k04-08-12File is not ratedHitenter
Has one bug that i am working on... but for now, make a program that asks for string 0 then it will run fine.... Just hit enter as many times as you can. Im working on a timer.
jlreflex.zip2k00-03-03File is not ratedJosh Lawrence's Reflex
An addictive, simple reflex testing game with 1-Player, 2-Player, and Time Trial modes, as well as high scores.
keymash83.zip1k03-10-30File is not ratedKeyMash v2.0
KeyMash v2.0 is a somewhat more original and TI calculator-oriented version of games such as Dance Dance Revolution. Arrows fall with increasing speed from the top of the screen; you must press the corresponding key before the arrow reaches the bottom. If it falls to the bottom, the game is over. You can make up to five errors (wrong key pressed) before the game ends; however, getting 25 correct in a row gives you a powerup that takes away an error. Check it out!
monkey83.zip1k07-10-27File is not ratedSpank the Monkey
That's right, your favorite flash game, now on the TI calculator. The faster you spank the monkey, the higher your score. Just like the original, hitting certain parts of the monkey results in higher scores. Better graphics and higher speed than the original! (Not really, but they're close. Sorta.)
numstop.zip1k98-04-02File is not ratedNumber Stop (AShell83 Compatible)
A game that makes you press enter at a certain time to win
rapidfire2.zip11k01-05-25File is not ratedRapid Fire 2
The exiting sequel to Rapid Fire with assembly looking speed and graphics.
rapidfire.zip1k98-02-15File is not ratedRapid Fire
Press 2nd as fast as you can to beat the highscore or your opponent
reflex2.zip2k00-03-29File is not ratedReflex! v1.1
A 1 or 2 player battle to 10 points against an opponent to press a user-defined button the fastest.
reflextest.zip1k00-06-27File is not ratedReflex Test v1.0
Test your reflexes.
reflex.zip1k98-04-02File is not ratedReflex Speed (AShell83 Compatible)
A game that measures how long it takes you to press enter after message is displayed
thinkquick.zip1k03-03-08File is not ratedthink quick
fast pace game to challenge your speed of sight its hard at first but you'll get the hang of it very small file
thnkfast.zip3k00-12-24File is not ratedThink Fast
A very fast-running, good-looking game that provides a true test of quick thinking and reflexes.
thumbwar.zip1k98-05-27File is not ratedThumb War
2 player thumb war game
tugofwar.zip1k02-09-30File is not ratedTugOfWar
This game combines great gameplay with good graphics. You must pull a computer AI into oblivion. Has a difficulty from 1 to 9. hit enter as fast as you can!!! Only from OuTeR LiMiT SoFtWaRe! www.freewebs.com/outerlimit
tugwar2.zip1k99-01-19File is not ratedTug -A- War v1.3
tug.zip1k99-01-19File is not ratedTug v1.0
wakrat.zip2k99-07-28File is not ratedWakRat
The arcade game where you have to hit the rat when it pops up. But you have to hit the right button. This game has 6 difficulties.
wam2.zip3k00-09-05File is not ratedWhack A Mole v2.0 (arcade Release)
Whack A Mole 2 (arcade Release) is more true to the original game of Whack A Mole, where the gophers pop-up randomly.
wam.zip1k00-08-20File is not ratedWhack A Mole v1.01
Whack A Mole 1.01 fixes a few small bugs, but otherwise, it remains the same game.
whakamole.zip3k03-03-10File is not ratedWhak-A-Mole
Whak-A-Mole is a game where you have to bash the guts out of moles, using a hammer.This Whak-A-Mole game is possibly the best one out of them all. It has UNTOUCHABLE graphics along with superior speed and low memory requirements. This game shows the power of BASIC game graphics. Your archive is not really an archive without this game. DOWNLOAD NOW!!!!Only from OuTeR LiMiT SoFtWaRe!! Goto www.outerlimit.tk for a complete message board and game downloads!!
whakit.zip3k00-04-13File is not ratedWhak-It! v1.2
Whak-It! is a simple "Whack-a-mole" game with animations, high scores,secrets and more!
whakmole.zip1k98-04-02File is not ratedWhack-a-Mole (AShell83 Compatible)
Whack a moole game with cool graphics
whkmole2.zip1k00-08-20File is not ratedWhak-a-Mole
Simple numpad whackamole game

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