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Number of files 12
Last updated Monday, 30 June 2003
Total downloads 33,896
Most popular file  Telnet 83 v1.5 with 5,040 downloads.

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(Parent Dir)folder Up to TI-83 Assembly Misc. Programs
ashellprgming.zip2k03-06-30File is not ratedProgramming in Ashell
It's an example for programming for AShell83 on TI. In the source code you can see, the easy way, to program compitable programs for AShell and ANOVA (incl.). Check it out!
fzcp83.zip3k98-03-13File is not ratedFast ZCP Decoder 1.0
inverse.zip8k03-06-30File is not ratedText Inverser
Thats only a small program for ANOVA and AShell, that Inverse the text in the Main Screen of TI-OS. The source is with description for better understanding ASM!
letter.zip40k00-12-17File is not ratedLetter v2.3
A TI-83 ASM AShell text processing program
lock83.zip1k00-04-29File is not ratedLock 83 v1.1
Security program for AShell/SOS on the TI-83
memadd.zip1k00-02-19File is not ratedMem Adder v1.0
I have ported it to Ashell! It adds about 6x the original amount of memory!
mrhappy.zip2k98-06-02File is not ratedMr. Happy
A game for frustrated people.
slomo.zip2k03-04-02File is not ratedSlomo
Slomotion program for the TI-83. Slows down your calculator. Works great with some fast games out there.
telnet83.zip74k99-02-23File is not ratedTelnet 83 v1.5
VT100 Terminal program. Use with an external modem to get Internet access from your TI 83 by dialing into a Unix shell. Requires an Official TI Graphlink cable. Not all external modems are compatible with the Graphlink.
timetabl.zip2k00-10-07File is not ratedTimetable
Timetable for AShell
tiword.zip13k00-06-02File is not ratedTI-Word v1.41
A typing program where you can select any character on your calc! Improved version runs much faster then older version of TI-Word. ZIP file also includes TI-Word for TI-83 OS, SOS, Ion, and TI-83+ Ion.
zcal83.zip6k98-06-14File is not ratedZCal 83z v1.1

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