| Name | Size | Date | Rating | Description |
| (Parent Dir) | folder | | Up to TI-82 Assembly Programs |
| crash19006 | folder | | TI-82 Assembly Misc. Programs (CrASH 19.006) |
 | 82char.zip | 1k | 00-08-03 |  | 82 Characters v1.0 This is just a program that allows you to view all of the TI-82 characters. |
 | ascii822.zip | 11k | 03-03-09 |  | ASCII82 v1.3 w/Source Code Phil Software It's a program that lets you look at the ASCII chart, if you ever had the need... but to be different, this one also lets you view all of the characters on two screens. It looks cool, and some people might use it as a programming tool. Try it just for fun. :) |
 | asciit82.zip | 4k | 99-07-24 |  | Ascii-Table 82 Show the Ascii-Table of your Ti-82 |
 | attrib.zip | 10k | 99-11-18 |  | Attrib v1.1 A program that allows you to hide files, either only in the TI-OS, or in both the TI-OS and CrASH. This program also allows you to lock/unlock files and to change their names. All this is done using a user-friendly interface. |
 | autolock.zip | 4k | 00-02-27 |  | AutoLock v1.1 Fully automatic password protection. Now lets you change the contrast while entering passwords. |
 | basec.zip | 5k | 00-05-15 |  | BaseConvert v1.01 A little program to convert numbers between 4 bases. |
 | calccont.zip | 5k | 99-07-24 |  | CalcControl Lets you change the contrast or pause programs even when BASIC or asm programs are running. |
 | calclock.zip | 5k | 01-01-04 |  | CalcLock v1.7a A program that locks the calulator up and asks for a password. If the password is entered wrong, it continues until it is entered right. This version includes an interupt that turbos the calculator, and allows you to press 2nd+Zoom together and pull up the crash menu. It also includes a light version of the program. |
 | calcoff.zip | 1k | 98-12-05 |  | CalcOFF v1.0 This program turns off your calculator, and when it s turned back on, it s left on the same screen as it when it was turned off |
 | cal.zip | 4k | 99-11-07 |  | Calender v2.5 Well, I decided to make a Calender Program for the 86. |
 | contact_lite.zip | 9k | 01-02-08 |  | Cont@cts v2.0 Lite Contact database manager. |
 | contact.zip | 44k | 00-05-07 |  | Cont@cts v2.0 Store all your friend's phone numbers and e-mail addresses, and your schedule on your TI-82. |
 | contrast.zip | 2k | 00-09-03 |  | Contrast Let you change the contrast up to the highest levels (for ROM16) |
 | cr2crt02.zip | 1k | 00-07-26 |  | Crash to Crash Turbo v0.2 crash to crash with extra keys for selecting turbo mode |
 | crcrash.zip | 1k | 98-01-17 |  | Crash to CrASH v1.3 Crash to CrASH 1.3 |
 | edit-82.zip | 2k | 98-11-19 |  | Edit-82 v2.0 |
 | fzcp10.zip | 3k | 98-03-10 |  | Fast ZCP Decoder 1.0 |
 | greystest.zip | 2k | 00-06-10 |  | GreyScale Images Here are 2 progams, both displaying the same image, but one using "ROM_CALL(DISP_GRAPH" and one using "call CR_GRBCopy". I included the source and a txt telling how to make greyscale-like images. |
 | handy.zip | 61k | 01-03-27 |  | Handy-dandy Tileset Editor A tile/sprite editor for your calc. This is cool you'll like it. |
 | hexeditc.zip | 3k | 98-08-29 |  | HexEditor v1.2 Hexeditor optimised |
 | hours.zip | 5k | 99-07-14 |  | School Hours v1.2 A small 8-hour electronic scheduler for school. |
 | jass.zip | 53k | 00-05-07 |  | Jass for CrASH Run old OShell, OS-82 and Ash 2.0 programs under CrASH. Includes some classics including MarioMan! |
 | k-base.zip | 2k | 00-06-04 |  | K-Base Number Base Converter Takes decimal, hexadecimal, binary, or octal input and converts to all the mentioned bases while you type. |
 | lock82.zip | 3k | 00-05-07 |  | Lock-82 v4.2 Lock-82 v4.2 upgrade of password protection util |
 | lok82.zip | 2k | 99-07-24 |  | Lok82 v1.01 Protect your Ti-82 with a password |
 | mbus.zip | 71k | 00-02-02 |  | MBus v0.99.2 Networking and I2C support for TI-82 CrASH/OS-82 |
 | mchat.zip | 59k | 00-01-29 |  | MChat 82 v0.99.1 Multiuser IRC-style chat for up to 128 TI-82s. |
 | mrhappy.zip | 2k | 98-06-05 |  | Mr. Happy |
 | noprogs.zip | 7k | 98-01-19 |  | Where Are My Progs? 1.1 Hides programs |
 | notepad82asmv3.zip | 9k | 03-12-07 |  | notepad v3.0 crash19.0 / 19.006 this emulates a notepad with new features. allows lower/uppercase characters, numbers and some usefull symbols for school cheating :). very nice, readme! |
 | notepad.zip | 2k | 99-11-10 |  | Notepad 82 A notepad program in ASM. My first ASM prog. Please make better. Source code included. |
 | receive.zip | 2k | 02-03-12 |  | Receive v0.6 This is a complicated program that allows you to receive bytes from a BASIC Stamp 2, 2p, 2sx, or 2e. It is still under intense testing and development. This program was build to accompany BASIC Stamp Communicator 1.0 which only allowed the TI to send bytes. With these two programs you can now both send and receive bytes with the BASIC Stamp. I do not have any details as to how to connect the TI and Stamp right now, so you will have to figure that out. For the latest version of this program and more information on its operation go to my website at www.mrspyonline.com. There is another program under development called Transceive which will combine both Receive and the BASIC Stamp Communicator together with a freindly interface. Check my website for the latest information on it! |
 | scrrout.zip | 1k | 98-02-16 |  | Scroll Test |
 | sprrout.zip | 3k | 98-02-16 |  | Sprite Test 1.2 |
 | telnet82.zip | 76k | 00-05-26 |  | Telnet 82 VT100 terminal with 9600bps support and an 80x24 virtual screen |
 | temp82.zip | 11k | 04-01-11 |  | Temperature Sensor Driver v0.7a This is a complicated to write, yet simple to use program for getting the temperature off of an external I2C temperature sensor. It is still under intense testing and development. This program was build to work with a temperature sensor built for the TI-85, when I could not port the code for to the TI-82. There is some required hardware obviously, so check out the readme file or go to my website for details. For the latest version of this program and more information on its operation go to my website at www.mrspyonline.com. Please email me all of your comments and whether it worked for you or not. |
 | ti-menu.zip | 10k | 99-11-19 |  | TI-Menu TI-OS menu emulation for CrASH and OS-82 programs |
 | txtview.zip | 29k | 00-08-17 |  | TxtView v1.52 View text files from your computer on your calculator! Features selectable fonts with extended ASCII character support, word wrap, and more. |
 | utility.zip | 17k | 99-11-19 |  | Hardware Utility v1.0 Password protection and battery saving for CrASH and OS-82 |
 | zcal82.zip | 6k | 98-06-14 |  | ZCal 82z v1.1 |