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Temperature Sensor Driver v0.7a


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Ranked as 6149 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 3 downloads.

Filename temp82.zip (Download)
Title Temperature Sensor Driver v0.7a
Description This is a complicated to write, yet simple to use program for getting the temperature off of an external I2C temperature sensor. It is still under intense testing and development. This program was build to work with a temperature sensor built for the TI-85, when I could not port the code for to the TI-82. There is some required hardware obviously, so check out the readme file or go to my website for details. For the latest version of this program and more information on its operation go to my website at www.mrspyonline.com. Please email me all of your comments and whether it worked for you or not.
Author Michael Hannick (sirhannick@comcast.net)
Category TI-82 Assembly Misc. Programs (CrASH)
File Size 11,622 bytes
File Date and Time Sun Jan 11 01:49:08 2004
Documentation Included? Yes
Source Code Included? No



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Archive Contents
Name Size
Temperature v0.7a/.DS_Store   6148
Temperature v0.7a/Read Me.rtf   4024
Temperature v0.7a/Sensor Construction.txt   3724
Temperature v0.7a/TEMPA.82P   1338
Temperature v0.7a/TEMPB.82P   1338
Temperature v0.7a/schematic.gif   5314

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