Upcoming TI-83 Plus Science Programs
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Re: Upcoming TI-83 Plus Science Programs
Brian Henk
(Web Page)
Hey, im making a super program that would do many chem conversions including heat problems, light problems, mole conversions, stoichiometry, isotopes, emperical formulas, and solutions. It also contains programs useful in geometry, such as Areas and volumes of many shapes, as well as side lengths of triangles. Some Algebra II segments are included such as slopes and quadratic equations/slopes. All of this is contained in ONE SINGLE PROGRAM! It is nearing 5k at the moment, but i could probably reduce the size significantly. If anyone has any suggestions, comments, or encouragement, please email me. PLEASE email me...
14 March 2004, 01:39 GMT
Re: Upcoming TI-83 Plus Science Programs
I'm working on a program that will have many useful formulas for physics. To cut down on space it will not have much of a GUI and it won't be for beginners who may not understand physics. This is for college students who already know their formulas but want something to solve their formulas for them because some do take quite a while to calculate manually. Even by typing it into the calculator by hand. I will also probably port it to serveral different platforms like the 86 and 89.
3 April 2005, 01:23 GMT
Re: Upcoming TI-83 Plus Science Programs
I am working on a text based(don't laugh) Periodic Table. The status right now is it has elements 1-109 in alphabetical order, with name, symbol, atomic mass, ionization energy(where applicable) and valence electrons. If anyone out there knows of one with all of this or wants source code, just post requests here(my e-mail is malfunctioning).
3 May 2000, 16:04 GMT
Re: balancing of chemical equations program
Andrés Cisneros
If you want to do that, maybe you can use strings. I manage to do an equalizer using them, but it was very large. Basically, what I did was using Input to store the elements and their number, and storing them to strings. Then, I used the string functions in the catalog to allow the calc to process them,and at the end I made the program use this data and use the Algebraic balancing method. As you see, that way you can't have very large ecuations, and it doesn't solve all equations, but I'm working in a way to store all the info on just one or two strings. Tell me if you can do that.
19 April 2001, 06:20 GMT
Re: Upcoming TI-83 Plus Science Programs
(Web Page)
I am going to start making a SUPER CONVERTER! It will convert fahrenheit to celsius to kelvins and back again, inches to cm, cm to km, km to miles, miles to km, miles to cm and mm, pounds to ounces, tons to metric tons . . . well, you get the idea.
Please email me if you think I should continue this project or if you have any conversion suggestions. I'll probably eventually make it anyway for my physics class next [school] year so don't worry, you'll get your SUPER CONVERTER!
24 June 2000, 05:50 GMT
Re: Upcoming TI-83 Plus Science Programs
I am in the process of making a BASIC Periodic Table, right now I have about 5 rows done, it has the # of protons, neutrons, electrons, shells, name, and abr.
The program is very large and at the rate of bites I'm currently going it's going to be well over the limit, but I'm still working on that.
10 February 2001, 00:35 GMT
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