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I have downloaded KrYpT's GUI app and stuff but found it pretty confusing. Could anybody make a demo prog using it? If it works, all my asm progs from now on will use it and it should be on everones calc.
27 November 2002, 01:27 GMT
windows for ti
Tim Sprau
i'm currently trying to build a foundation called Natas Incorperation. and as one of the ti 83 plus programs that i am starting to create (now that i have examind a few things on a few programs) is windows for the ti calculater and i am goingto create it with a desktop background (pic 0) and it will have a full funtional mouse, start menue, folders and my calc shortcut on the desktop. for later use i was going to see if possible to let the user create desktop shortcuts and put in a screen saver. before i go into real depth but after i get windows to work i was goinngto make an addon program so that you can use different users and have the other users desktop be different (ex. bob's desktop pic 0, samantha's desktop pic 1 and so on). if anone has or example a draw program or something like that that they would like me to add to windows to be posted on the net (full credit to you for yor programs) or if you would like to help me with the program then email me at speedy1619@hotmail.com or i have msn messanger at natas4200@hotmail.com.
31 July 2003, 01:51 GMT
Re: windows for ti
George Wellman
I really hate to burst your bubble/ rain on your parade, but there are already a million Windows in Basic (I assume this is in Basic, since you are using pics?). We do not need one more Basic "shell" that is not really useful. All it could do would be to have a background, maybe a drawing program, maybe a screensaver, and possibly run ion. MirageOS runs Ion programs, has several painting programs, icons, PW protection, and system utilities. Why would anyone ever need a Basic shell?
12 August 2003, 00:15 GMT
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