FAQ - File Archives
Uploading Files
What types of files are not accepted on ticalc.org?
As a general guide, ticalc.org does not accept files that:
- violate our Site Policies
- were not written by the uploader (unless the original author notifies us in writing that said uploader has permission to upload the file)
- contain primarily copies of other files already in the archives
- do not relate to calculators at all
- would be trivial for someone familiar with the basics of calculator programming to write
- do nothing more than duplicate a built-in function or feature of the calculator
- are deliberately designed for malicious purposes such as damaging data on the calculator
- are intended primarily to facilitate cheating on school assignments or tests (e.g., fake RAM-clearing programs)
- are otherwise deemed to have little or no use, as determined by the file archiver(s)
Please note that this list does not necessarily include every condition under which a file may be rejected. We reserve the right to refuse any submitted file for any reason at our sole
2004-09-27 22:50:00 GMT
2011-04-02 12:49:00 GMT