Shell/kernel programs
"Nostub" programs
I just wanna play my games, leave me alone!
What is a shell/kernel/stub?
Re: Which do you prefer?
Kenneth Johnson
where's the option for "doesn't apply to my calculator, i.e. a TI-86"? anyway, no-stub all the way
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10 March 2002, 23:09 GMT
Re: Which do you prefer?
Yay! nth comment.
With a calc with an arc., it is best to have a shell, as the prgram will unarchive automatically, or even be copied straight to ram (dameges ROM or prevents saving of high scores I know, but still...). TI-OS needs a lot of serious improvments, or at least for the 83+.
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11 March 2002, 01:20 GMT
Re: Which do you prefer?
(Web Page)
I have an 89 (HW2, AMS 2.05). Nostub is the bomb. I've had one nostub program crash, and every Doors program I've ever run has crashed at least once. They have the patch and all that, but there are still many problems with the shells. And if the program crashes, you have to reinstall everything. From what I've done with Doors, you can't archive Doors programs, because any time a highscore is put in, it crashes, or it crashes right at the start. There also seem to be better Nostub programs than Doors. Doors just can't compete...
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11 March 2002, 03:21 GMT
Re: Which do you prefer?
(Web Page)
i.m.h.o. (the onions related acronym) i think that nostub rules because TIGCC is intended for c programmers, not c lamers... so if your programs dont leak and you dont make blasfemies on your code, then your proggie must run just fine...
i understand that an OS based program takes much less space than a nostub one, but hey!... DOORS has chrashed my calc so many times and im tired of cold reseting my ti89/HW2
anyway, thats just my humble opinion, lemme alone
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11 March 2002, 19:22 GMT
Re: Which do you prefer?
Samuel Stearley
(Web Page)
As a programmer I prefer nostub because there is no functions in any library that i have ever found really useful. Stability is not an issue because of universal OS.
But I can appreciate the old model as a continuation of fargo.
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11 March 2002, 19:59 GMT
Re: Which do you prefer?
Dimitri Matros
I currently have a Ti-89 HW2 calc with AMS 2.05. After trying different OSs, including Doors, I decided to settle for Universal OS and keep the necessary libraries from doors in the archive. I don't have the doors explorer (use Var-link) and all games work fine. Doors explorer will cause a nasty crash now and then and I'm sick and tired of hard resetting my calc. i haven't tried Nostub though, but my combination works fine for me at the moment and doesn't take up much space. :)
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11 March 2002, 22:54 GMT
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