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   Home :: Community :: Surveys :: Do you frequently use a calculator emulator?
Choice Votes   Percent
Yes. 205 51.8%   
No. 191 48.2%   

Survey posted 2001-05-24 00:23 by Andy Selle.

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Re: Do you frequently use a calculator emulator?
razor625  Account Info

I would use an emulator but i cant find one that will work on the 83plus

Reply to this comment    24 May 2001, 20:54 GMT

Re: Re: Do you frequently use a calculator emulator?

I have an 83+ rom that works fine on VTI.

Reply to this comment    25 May 2001, 02:14 GMT

Re: Re: Do you frequently use a calculator emulator?
DasBoot  Account Info
(Web Page)

VTI won't work with EOS (TI-os real name) version 1.13
Fournately version 1.12 (originally on my calc) works perfectly. I'd be pleased to send you a ROM for the 83+ if you mail me.

Reply to this comment    25 May 2001, 22:10 GMT

Re: Re: Do you frequently use a calculator emulator?
joelt  Account Info
(Web Page)

Click above -- thats all I have to say about ti83 plus rom v1.12.

Reply to this comment    26 May 2001, 19:31 GMT

Re: Do you frequently use a calculator emulator?
Kerey Roper  Account Info
(Web Page)

I don't know what I would do without VTI. My graphlink is only about .3m long (it broke and I fixed it with 1/2 a calc-calc) so it is a real pain to send stuff to my real calculator. Plus the revert to saved state feature really speeds up developement time.

Reply to this comment    24 May 2001, 21:28 GMT

Re: Re: Do you frequently use a calculator emulator?

Yup. I like the "Reset calculator" menu option too :)

Reply to this comment    25 May 2001, 15:50 GMT

Re: Do you frequently use a calculator emulator?

I use my emulated calcs when I'm too lazy to get the real thing out of my schoolbag.

Reply to this comment    25 May 2001, 00:41 GMT

Re: Re: Do you frequently use a calculator emulator?
Jack Lau Account Info
(Web Page)


I am often the opposite. I often have my TI-86 sat next to my computer, sometimes wired up with TI-Graph Link!

I use it when I need to do complicated calculations for the PC such as marking bad sectors on the hard drive by yourself by using Norton Disk Editor. This is because that running ScanDisk and similar programs will take forever at least 3 minutes to register 1 out of 1000 bad sectors!

Jack Lau

Reply to this comment    2 June 2001, 16:12 GMT

Re: Re: Do you frequently use a calculator emulator?

I even programmed the calculator hotkey on my keyboard to load VTI.

Reply to this comment    3 June 2001, 05:39 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Do you frequently use a calculator emulator?
Jack Lau Account Info
(Web Page)

Well I have the Virtual TI icon on my Windows Desktop and the Windows Calculator icon in Scientific Mode in my Quick Lanuch Bar!

Reply to this comment    3 June 2001, 10:17 GMT

Re: Re: Do you frequently use a calculator emulator?

Now that school's out, I probably won't even touch either the calculator or the emulator for a few months.

Reply to this comment    8 June 2001, 06:05 GMT

Re: Do you frequently use a calculator emulator?
TI83andTI89Owner Account Info
(Web Page)

Twenty-ninth comment!

I voted no for this, even though I'm an assembly programmer. I just don't like it. I trust my calculator more than I do the emulator because I can pick up my calculator and hold it and see how fast something is running or how badly it's crashing, and I think that's better. I do, however, have Virtual TI installed and the ROMs for all of my calculators are on it.

And a word to other people...it's not exactly *legal* to distribute these ROMs, even if you intend to buy the calculator, etc. So this would not be a good place to discuss trading and downloading them. :)

Reply to this comment    25 May 2001, 07:26 GMT

Re: Re: Do you frequently use a calculator emulator?
Olle Hedman  Account Info
(Web Page)

I always test on a real calc _also_
But it is really annoying to have to reload everything to the calc every time it crashes, if your program uses external files and such.
If you use a shell it is even worse, you have to reinstall the shell every time. With VTI you just revert to a saves state, and the calc is ready for testing within seconds.
Then, when I know the prog at least runs, then I load it to the calc too see performance, and appearance.

Reply to this comment    25 May 2001, 12:38 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Do you frequently use a calculator emulator?
Henk Poley  Account Info

Yep, always test it on a real calc...
The following problem I had with Ti8xcc; the delay routine was perfectly, it ran good on a VTI. But when I ran it on my real Ti83 it shutdown the calc. It seemed that the programmer who made the routine did an output to a port which made the calc switch off...
And that 200 times after each other (for example), because it was in a loop, so it too me *some* time to see that the problem was in the delay routine...

Reply to this comment    1 June 2001, 13:43 GMT

Re: Do you frequently use a calculator emulator?
Gergely Patai  Account Info
(Web Page)

I use VTI quite often... It is simply impossible (well, at least very cumbersome) to make assembler programs without an emulator. As I don't have my own link cable, I have to use the emulator all the time.

Reply to this comment    25 May 2001, 11:04 GMT

Problems with VTI

I have been having some very annoying problems with Virtual TI for the TI-83+ (ROM v1.12). The Mem Mgmt/Del menu doesn't work, and GarbageCollect hangs it. Also, VTI refuses to run ROM v1.13: I get a blank screen! Until someone posts another emulator that works better, I am stuck with TI's rattletrap Flash Simulator (which can't even load files!) Anyhow, if you use Virtual TI for too long, some of its most annoying idiosyncracies will likely surface.

Reply to this comment    25 May 2001, 23:38 GMT

Re: Problems with VTI
joelt  Account Info
(Web Page)

Flash Support is not yet implemented for VTI v2.5b5, as stated in the read-me. There is support for the next version for 1.13 as well as support for mirage OS. All that was discussed on the author's home page, if you would go there.

Reply to this comment    26 May 2001, 19:37 GMT

Re: Problems with VTI
Jack Lau Account Info
(Web Page)

I also have a problem with it because I had upgraded to an AMD Duron 800 from an Intel Pentium 166 MMX. Now when I play Mario on it, the screen frequently freezes for a few seconds!

Reply to this comment    2 June 2001, 16:07 GMT

Re: Do you frequently use a calculator emulator?
Tim Nunes  Account Info

I can't download the ROm image from my TI-86.

I have tried many things and none work.


Reply to this comment    26 May 2001, 00:29 GMT

Re: Do you frequently use a calculator emulator?
BigRedDog Account Info

I tried to load my ROM image from my 83+ with VTI, but it just doesn't work. I tried everything, if it worked, I would have voted "yes".

Reply to this comment    26 May 2001, 03:15 GMT

Calculator forums
Ryan of NONYA Inc. Account Info

******************* ********************************
* Does anyone else out there think there should *
* be forums here to discuss various calc things? *
* IE: Shell-developers forum, TI82 BASIC, TI82 *
* ASM, TI83 BASIC...? And when are the most people *
* on IRC? *
****************** *********************************

Reply to this comment    26 May 2001, 16:36 GMT

Re: Calculator forums
Shaun  Account Info

I am sure there are somewhere. (If not, make your own, go to www.ezboard.com) :)

Reply to this comment    27 May 2001, 03:22 GMT

Re: Re: Calculator forums
Ryan of NONYA Inc. Account Info
(Web Page)

Click on the URL! I've started my own!

Reply to this comment    28 May 2001, 16:11 GMT

Calculator forums
Drantin  Account Info
(Web Page)

now you just need a redirection from maybe fly.to or namezero or cjb.net :-)

Reply to this comment    30 May 2001, 04:22 GMT

Re: Calculator forums
Ryan of NONYA Inc. Account Info


Reply to this comment    30 May 2001, 23:47 GMT

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